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Jessica Bradshaw Sep 2010
Hello to you again, my dear. Did you dreadfully miss the nights of wild forbidden promises we shared? Or the charms we stole from our hearts?

I know you missed me, for how could you not when I became the best lover you’ve had? You spoke of love. I speak now of hate and fate. Wow! They ****** rhyme!!

As you can see, or read as you will or are:  sarcasm has replaced you in my bed.
I go to sleep dreaming up bitter words in which to throw at you when you come to me.

****, you won’t ever go away: Will you? No I suppose not.  Well and so to you lover. I tip this glass of Absinthe and ***** to the pastoooooooooo. For everything you taught my body. All the ways you corrupted my mind. And to every day your hands touched and teased my skin.

God, did I love you? Yes, perhaps I did.  Or as my friend, my only companion is whispering in my ear: “Lust won again, dear.”

Hopefully I’ll hear from you in another year. ****, did it again. ****** rhyme.
Reminds me of you.  Perfect:  Not again ooooooooooooo.
Silently screams, but not for you:  and defiantly not because of you.
(Sarcasm is so much better than you.)
Jessica Bradshaw Aug 2010
Let us go you and I into a lovely scene.
And watch as we fill it up with laughter and dreams.
Never again shall we, you and I alone, enter into this lie that’s told.
Must we go, you ask?
Ah…but wait!
You must never know you’ve turned me into ash.

— The End —