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118 · Apr 2019
Im Still Here
She had a gypsy soul,
tattered and torn.
Only because she chose life's,
long hard road.
Just when she started to believe,
she was sadly deceived.
Only to be freed by the sea,
her eyes were blue filled with envy.
Her heart once whole,
but her dreams they all stole.
They kept bringing her down,
and the she began to drown.
No breath to breathe,
sinking in once what she believed.
That she could actually be somebody.
Her gypsy soul still can't be found,
maybe if you look down.
At the bottom she reached,
you can still find the hope she still keeps.
Drifting down deep,
I hope you can feel the love she still keeps.
At least then maybe some still,
believes in the gypsy soul
you all stole.

Jessica Marie O'Connell
please give your opinions
65 · Feb 2019
Home? What is that?
Taking a child from everything they've ever known,
ripping them out and taking them away.
Now left to face this new place all alone,
but did you ever even understand the true foul play?

Abuse, neglect, and nowhere to run,
I thought there was freedom in sight.
But little did I know, there was none,
So in this dark cruel world I will take that chance and make my flight.

From one home to the next,
never having stability or a steady home.
Do you understand the long term effects?,
for the rest of my life I will wander and roam.

As to what I did that was so wrong,
to make my parents not love me or not want to fight.
Not knowing where I come from or where I belong,
not knowing that I will relive this when I close my eyes every night.

Each new home smells like strangers,
when we walk in they are cooking something on the stove.
To cover the smell of the dangers,
but I was left to stay and off she drove.

She would visit once a month and ask how is it here?,
I would try to tell of what I was going through.
And each time I would say it with a tear,
but each time there was nothing you would do.

As a child we have no voice,
no rights to speak or have a say.
And we have no choice,
as to where we stay.

I hate the system and what it has done to me,
I hate my past and what I come from.
But it makes me want to live each and every day for them to see,
of what all I can and have overcome.

- Jessica Marie O'Connell

— The End —