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May 2014 · 1.5k
Scared To Love
Jesse Belcher May 2014
So this is it
I said "goodbye"
To this ever changing
chapter of my life

You never knew all of me
You never took time.
Too busy with your facebook status
Never seeing the signs.

I moved on and
it feels so right.
But fear grips me
and squeezes, "Oh so tight!

Afraid of love
and all it's about.
Wanting to open up,
but so full of doubt.

Free fall down into the unknown
give you my heart and relinquish my soul
it's best for what life shall bestow
so do I take a big step in the unknown?

Never look back, for this is the choice
don't question myself, and keep my mind poised
take a look up, thank God and rejoice
because the truth is, I know I made the right choice

So I follow the path and forget the past
this devotion and emotion, I'll make sure it lasts
with passion so wide and a love so vast
pain and sadness will be things of the past.

I fear to fall, yet I wish for love...
Nay, I desire love.
A love that will have the arms crafted of the strongest stone,
A love that shall have both of us in a deep utter fall.
A love that requires both of us to make it true,
A love for the ages, a love meant for me and you.

So don't give up on me because of my fear,
One day I'll be open and everything will be so clear.
I'll open my heart and let her in,
and give her my love... Again and again.
Nov 2013 · 684
I have to Believe
Jesse Belcher Nov 2013
I have to believe in the fairy tale world,
isn't that what we seek?
to find that one special pearl.

A pear, so majestic 'it glows at your gaze,
It uncovers all the fear and doubt:
It sheds light on broken days.

I have to know there is more to me than this.
I have to believe somewhere that my life
will open with just that kiss..

'Passion and love'
'pounding of my heart'
'knowing with all my soul'
"you are my angel never to depart"

My eye's shining like a comet falling in the night,
Seeing the world how it should be; kind and loving, humble and right.

I have to believe that true happiness is there to be found.
I'm trying to find it
Deep down inside me; not a peep, not even a sound.

so I write my story, and believe it's there,
The perfect story, the perfect set, the perfect pair.

I wonder about it,
if that love I could ever feel.
I have to believe it's there,
I have to know it's real..

I have to have hope,
that I am more than this.
more than someone's fairy tale
more than someone's heart felt kiss..
Jesse Belcher Sep 2013
You know them nights, when so much is on your mind and you don't know where to begin.
You start to type, then back space again and again.
The words don't flow, the thought is gone.
The next sentence is wrote, but it just feels wrong.

You can stare at the screen and look for hours.
Type a hundred words, yet their not ripe, much more sour.
I'm having that night, with this aggravation and pain.
Even though the last week, was smiles and gain.

The last couple days and nights has ripped through my mind and body.
My body feels under a earthquake and my mind is a tsunami.
Quitting the benzo's and antidepressants that started 3 1/2 years ago
Going cold turkey, I wasn't going to wing it and just go slow.

At a point in your life, you will sometimes make rash decisions.
It can lead you into a tranquility, or it can cut you...incision after incision.
The beginning of the week, I found peace and that tranquility.
As I longed for better and wanted rid of the iniquity.

I began to read the bible and put faith in it's print.
and now I feel under attack, a demon the Devil has sent.

But that's not the case, I chose this myself.
I can beat this, write about it, then put it on a shelf.

My mind is too muddled to go on much more,
My body is shaking, and my fingers are sore.

This shall pass, as God will get me through.
Then I will be back, to bore some of you.

I long for a natural sleep not medically induced.
For it's been 13 years, that's when the pills happened. I began to use.
Just for sleep not to get high.
Just for dreams: standing on a mountain side.

So goodnight, and may you dream the most wonderful dream.
May you feel the embrace of the moonlight beam.

Before you drift off and dance with your love beside the sea.
Will you say a prayer? So something beautiful comes to me.

Sep 2013 · 702
My New View..(not a poem)
Jesse Belcher Sep 2013
All I can say today is focus on your priorities,
but take things in stride.
Make decisions, not excuses.
Live one moment at a time.
Count your blessings, not your troubles.
Let the wrong things go.
Look for lessons in unforeseen obstacles.
Ask for help.
Give as much as you take.
Make time for those who matter.
Laugh when you can.
Cry when you need to.
And always stay true to your values.
Aug 2013 · 831
Your Hands
Jesse Belcher Aug 2013
Your hands held me gently from the day I took my first breath.
Your hands helped to guide me as I took my first step.
Your hands held me close when the tears would start to fall.
Your hands were quick to show me that you would take care of it all.

Your hands were there to brush my hair, or rub it real slow
Your hands were often there to comfort the hurts that didn't always show.
Your hands helped hold the stars in place, and encouraged me to reach.
Your hands clapped and cheered when I had a star and held it within length.

Your hands would also push me, though not down or in harms way.
Your hands would punctuate the words, just do what I say.
Your hands sometimes had to discipline, to help bend this young tree.
Your hands would shape and mold me into all she knew I could be.

Your hands are now twisting with age and years of work,
Your hand now needs my gentle touch to rub away the hurt.
Your hands are more beautiful than anything can be.
Your hands are the reason, the reason I am me.
To the best mother anyone could ever ask for. You always lift me up. I love you with all that I am.. Happy Birthday..
Aug 2013 · 822
So Long, This Is Goodbye.
Jesse Belcher Aug 2013
Keep changing your mind,
like clouds in the sky.
Love me when you're high,
leave me when you cry.

I know it all
takes time,
like rivers running dry
when the suns too bright.

So long this is good bye,
may we meet again in another life.
Like strangers passing by
may we see clearly in another light.

Keep dodging lies,
like a thief in the night.
The sun will arise,
and expose all the lies.

So why deny,
that you and I
lead different lives.

Rivers from your eyes,
can't change my mind.

So long, this is Goodbye,
may we meet again in another life.
Like strangers passing by,
may we see clearly in a different light.
Lyrics by 10 years.
Aug 2013 · 916
Whispers In The Wind
Jesse Belcher Aug 2013
She stands with her hands together,
and her head down.
She thinks of the past day,
and all the sadness that was around.

First her mother who died when she was so young,
now her father, from the cancer in his lungs.
Just becoming single she feels so alone,
now everyone she loved seems to be gone.

Popular she may be,
they surround her; honey to a bee.
lost and scared,
tired and teared,
nerves on edge,
broken pledge.

They promised her they'd be there through it all,
now anger fills her heart, and she screams a heartbroken call.
She screams so loud the animal all flee,
every single bird flew out from every tree.

Suddenly a breeze hits her in the face,
and it seems like a whisper of beautiful grace.
A whisper in the wind,
that seems to calm everything that lies within.

Another wind gust and definitely a voice.
She strains trying to hear and it sounds like the word choice.
She pleads for more, but no more wind came.
It figures she thought, now I'm insane.

Supposedly going to stay at her aunts,
she takes the long way and thinks about the wind taunts.
Always believing in God she just ponders the wind,
then out of nowhere it comes again.

Patience my child you have been so brave,
you are not alone  and we are not buried in a grave.
This place is more than what you ever could have dreamed,
Know that we will be with you even though we can't be seen.

Go forth my child and don't dwell on us.
Don't be angry with God, don't dwell and fuss.
The wind dying down gave ten more words to Jo,
We will always love you we hope that you know.

She stood out side for hours everyday praying for whispers in the wind,
waiting for anything more her parents could send.
As times went on she sometimes felt the wind and heard a voice,
Love you, patience, faith, so proud, it's your choice.

The girl accomplished her goals, well most it seems
she got into Stanford, got a masters, and that was her biggest dream.
She fell in love and the man was the kindest and best God could send,
but every time she felt the air, she would stop and listen for whispers in the wind.
Aug 2013 · 1.5k
Just a peek into Heaven
Jesse Belcher Aug 2013
I thought it perfect when I heard you was coming..
I felt the sun beaming down and my heart started burning.
Burning for joy, excitement and all you'd be,
burning for the love I know I could bring.

Weeks went by and we searched for your name.
Oh my baby! we saw plenty, and our opinions' wasn't the same.
How excited, so excited I admit I was.
You was gonna give somewhere else to pour all my love.

I had so much to give to you, and you gave me reason for hope.
I wanted to thank God with a letter sealed in a envelope.
I know he knows all about me,
but see my baby I'm  writer and I wanted him to see.

See the words and feel the emotions that filled my soul.
So many words and emotions in the largest bowl.

Thank you, praise, joy, pleasure, so many words I wanted to say.
Then came the news on that dreadful heart breaking day.

I guess God needed another angel in heaven to be with him.
I guess he wanted something so pure, that this world they wasn't meant within.
Oh God how I tried to be strong,
But I was angry, because this was just wrong.

In my arms you was supposed to be,
in my life you held a magic key.
That key to my heart that now resides in your little hand.
When you see me baby girl, put in my chest and see all that I am.

I am a father who dreams of what you look like.
I am a father who hopes down here I can do right.
Just to get to you, and kiss your little cheek,
God I beg of you, for my heart just one little peek.

Please lord show me I'm not angry anymore.
Just a picture of her face, so in my mind and  heart I can store.

I bet you're so beautiful that If you asked Jesus he would show,
this heart broken father who only wants to know.
How you look, the color of your eyes and your hair,
just a glimpse maybe a piece of my heart can be repaired.

Tell your brother I haven't forgotten him.
For this is for you and I'll write him again.

Find your great grandpa and grandma and tell them
YOUR grandma misses them so much.
Her heart's been broken and it just might break with the slightest touch.

Give them all our love my baby girl,
and we long to be with you in your magical world.
Aug 2013 · 792
Moments frozen in time..
Jesse Belcher Aug 2013
It's been years and yet she still crosses his mind.
His pivotal moments with her;' frozen in memories of time.

Everyday was a new day and maybe he could get her to see,
this boy who seemed so shy, always kinda behind a tree.
He watched her up close and from a distance,
they knew each other well, she knew his existence.

What she didn't know was the boy's heart,
even though she held it all from the start.
The moment he saw her his first day of school,
to seeing her in the summer everyday at the pool.

Why couldn't he speak to her the way he wanted,
for truly they were friends and very close,
they could talk all day, but his love he couldn't expose.

So the years kept going on like they do,
and still too shy she never truly knew.

This boy never had met one quite like this;
so beautiful, so smart, and surprisingly funny.
She seemed to be the Angel god was granting,
but when he tried to tell her his feelings', his mind started running.

Devastated he got when he heard she was soon to marry,
his heart felt so heavy, so heavy just to carry.
He couldn't go and watch her confess her vow,
he just stayed home and cried and thought what now.

For a long time the boy knew she was the one,
and he let it slip and now she was gone.
He tried and tried with other girls,
but none made his heart dance; dance and twirl.

He would've given all just for a kiss,
for he knew she would be the best, the one meant not to miss.
But he lost that chance, cause his love he couldn't expose.
Trapped in silence, his heart felt words never arose.

So beautiful she was, like the leaves in the fall,
she could make time stand still, and if walking you'd come to a stall.
Just to see her beauty seemed like a curse, like a leaf falling from a tree
Cause God shouldn't let a Angel go out of heaven and just leave.

So many chances the boy had to confess his heart,
but when he was ready to; his words fell apart.
Now he lives with the memories and cracks through the seams,
because every now again he see's her in his dreams.

Many years later the boy came to find out,
that the girl liked him and waited throughout.
But he never took the chance being too shy,
and who knows what they lost; in the moments of time.

Both their lives' could be so different from what it is,
husband, wife, son or daughter who knows, but it wouldn't be this.

He often wonders if she thinks of him.
If he's happy, sad, or curious if he has kids.

Every time he thinks of her he ends it with a sigh,
Cause what would've happened if he wouldn't have been so shy.

Maybe soul mates if you believe in that stuff,
He just hopes she's happy, and the man she's with gives her enough.

Enough love and respect the boy knows she deserves,
God if only he hadn't been so reserved.
Aug 2013 · 739
'Sometimes she'
Jesse Belcher Aug 2013
Sometimes she smiles with a broken heart.
Sometimes she is with you, but yet she's far apart.
Sometimes she's angry at the life she chose.
Sometimes she wonders of all the other choices that arose.

What if she chose this road? would life be better,
She will never know, but she misses the words he use to put in a letter.
Confessing his unrelenting love,
God, how it made her feel as pretty as flying dove.

Sometimes she thinks she should just let go.
because this man is not the man she use to know.

Sometimes she gets angry at God, 'cause she expected more.
Because the strain on her life is more than she can afford.

Sometimes the lies are too much to take,
for he doesn't seem to care what's at stake.

She wants to fight for this man,
and goes above and beyond.
But what's the point,
for he hardly responds.

Sometimes she thinks maybe all will get better,
and in each others' eyes:  get lost together.

She sometimes thinks he's too far away,
sometimes she thinks, maybe it's time to pray.

Sometimes she thinks if she's patient til the end,
that sooner or later her Angel will be him again...
Jesse Belcher Jul 2013
His days are filled with books and a beautiful view.
He reads all day, then watches the sunset, every day from his room.
All kinds of books that penetrates him to another world,
for as kind as he is; at school he tries to go unnoticed. Find a corner and curl.

Nobody knows this boy who has so much to offer.
He doesn't get a chance, 'cause the cool kids like to see him suffer.
He slowly peeks around the corner, to see if they're around.
He has to get to English, the bell just rang the final sound.

Almost there he see's the door,
picking up the pace he trips to the floor.
He hears laughing and see's them pointing at his falling body.
It's the same everyday. Is there someone real he thinks. anybody?

Late that evening just finishing his latest book,
he goes to his view just to take his evening look.
Something was different, there was beauty he couldn't see.
Definitely something different, there was odd colors' behind his red oak tree.

Adjusting his view to perhaps get a better peek,
he saw a beauty he couldn't explain. He tried to holler down, but couldn't speak.
She came out from behind the tree,
Who was she he thought, for he could not see.

Cautiously he walked outside,
usually reserved he didn't know why.
He saw her just staring like a woman with so much on her mind.
He wanted to speak to her: what would he say? Just be kind.

"Hello", he said, as he took a step closer.
She turned around, and it was over.
The boy never knew something so beautiful could be so close.
For after a romance novel, from his dreams they arose.

After her initial shock she said "Hi, you must be my new neighbor."
"I just moved here from Florida, I'm not use to the chill."
The boy mesmerized thought he took one too many pills.
He tried to talk, but it just wouldn't flow, and as she stared at him
he saw her face contort, and she started to go.

He said "wait don't leave. I'm just not use to people talking to me."
He was actually a handsome boy if they would take the time to see.
He said, "my name is Cole and I live in the white house just there."
He pointed to it and noticed she didn't look. Instead at him she stared.

Her gaze made him uncomfortable, for he thought it a prank,
but the more he looked the deeper he sank.
She said, "Cole, I like that name,
mine is Lila." Lila Verame."

He saw her shiver and recalled her comment about the chill,
so he took off his jacket, and placed in around her hoping the warmth she would feel.
"Thank you" she said as she looked in his eyes.
Cole said "your welcome, this should keep you dry."

Lila giggled and said, "what do you mean?"
"There is a storm coming. I can smell it. After awhile you sense things that don't have to be seen.
She never heard a boy talk like this,
she said "so after awhile living here, there'll be things I can sense?"

Cole puzzled, said "sorry if I talk a little strange."
Lila smiled and said "no I like it, from where I'm from it's a nice change."
In Florida it's all about how good one looks in bikini's.
It's nice down here to have you talk about the scenery.

Her green eyes sparkled as he talked like never before.
Lila laughed, smiled, and even seemed interesting all the more.
So many thoughts were exchanged before the first rain drop fell,
and as Cole walked Lila home, she knew there was more to him than anyone could tell.

Back in his room he pondered the day and thought; just wait til school.
I'll be a ghost; just made a made up fool.

Cole didn't sleep as he thought what would transpire.
It was a small school and she surely would burn like a candlelit fire.
Being new and so beautiful,
It was going to be interesting for sure. Very eventful.

Anxiously and nervous he looked in the mirror,
no matter what he did, he knew he would be inferior.

The steps leading inside came faster than he ever could remember,
God why couldn't we have had a huge snow storm like it does in December?

He stepped inside and sure enough,
there stood Lila with the boys who thought they were so tough.
He avoided contact hoping not to be seen.
especially from Lila. Lila Varame.

The day went on and not one class did he have with her.
Although sad, at least she wouldn't see all the trouble the cool guys stirred.

Finally at lunch, walking outside,
He found his spot. His spot to hide.
Today seemed different for more guys sat at the cool spot.
Then he saw why. Lila, they swarmed to her like flies do to the rot.

She seemed confused and not liking all the racket,
and then his eyes lit up, as he saw her with his jacket.
No it couldn't be. If only she knew how Cole got treated.
He wouldn't fight, for everyday he went home defeated.

Finding courage he never knew within,
he strolled the cool kids way confident and with a grin.
Lila saw him for the first time that day,
and the smile on her face couldn't be contained.

He stopped as he noticed her smile,
their eyes never leaving each other all the while.
No, no, no, this can't be.
I'm just Cole. Why would she be looking at me.

But she was looking at him and walking all the same,
and then he heard the cool kids laughing saying his name.
It's over he thought, now she will see,
here they come to humiliate me.

A fire started to burn deep inside,
no more he thought not this time.
As they made their way,
he stared in her eyes feeling something. No matter what he was going to stay.

They teased and goofed trying to make him feel alone,
but with Lila looking he stood like a marble stone.

Through all the jokes he stood staring at her.
"I've been looking for you," she said. "Please get me away from them nerds."

For the first time in his life Cole didn't go home and read a book,
he spent it with Lila, and in her hands his she took.

The boy, the nerd, got the most beautiful girl in school,
and deep down she was so kind too.
Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months.
Cole was the new man in school. He was even blunt.

What if I told you that Cole and Lila found what some don't believe.
What if I told you they were soul mates. Is that something you could conceive?
Well in this book Cole found love and not through they eyes of a character in a book.
In the moment of opportunity. The opportunity he took.

He could have kept to his novels and his evening sunsets,
but he saw beauty and he took that chance.
Who would have know their love would have reacted.
who would have known, he'd find love by sharing his jacket.

Some people never get the chance,
to show their is more to them than what you think.
Just take the time open your ears,
or you could miss out on something special....faster than a blink...
I wanted to go so much further with this, but my back is killing me and I need to try and sleep.
Jul 2013 · 1.4k
The realization.
Jesse Belcher Jul 2013
You asked:
What is the scariest part?
I answer;
"The scariest part is not
is the not the feeling of loneliness,
or the darkness that fills you
despite the looming
pain of emptiness."

The scariest part is the realization
is that you may have lost yourself completely.
sinking in as you lay
at 3:00. a.m.
because you've lost the ability to sleep.
and you can't even cry,
because you don't even care..
Jul 2013 · 738
"You are my reason"
Jesse Belcher Jul 2013
From the moment I heard the news,
I waited so anxiously, I waited on you.
Even though afraid,
my love couldn't be contained.

Words can't describe the feeling,
of hearing your first cry.
The love can't be explained,
the first time looking you in the eyes.

I found my reason for why my life was spared.
To be your dad, together a pair.
As lonely as I was, you gave me joy.
It's like you sang to my heart, and filled that void.

The first 4 years,' you was always by my side.
The first 4 years, 'only through you, the pain  could I hide.
You was my reason, you was my life,
You was my sanity, through my strife.

The most difficult thing was leaving you.
Then the judge awarded your mother, after nothing she would do.
Sleeping with me every night.
Then living day by day, fight after fight.

It's been almost 5 years to the day,
and to be honest my son, your the only reason I want to pray.
It's not right, but life's not fair.
The wicked seems to rise, while the good live in despair.

Now my life has come full circle, and I'm living this lie.
I have no more heart, I have no tears to cry.
All I want is to be by you.
All I need is to see them baby blues.

9 years old in only a few days.
and here I am hurting in so many ways.
Why God? Why?
To you I prayed. I would cry and cry.

Oh well. It's not me who decides, what is right and wrong.
I guess I had it coming all along.
Nobody knows this pain I constantly feel.
Nobody knows the sadness I have to endear.

So here I sit and type,
just for you on this lonely night.
I lift my fingers and say with pride.
You are the only thing in my heart that resides.
To you Tyler.
Psalms 8:2 From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.
Jul 2013 · 2.0k
Moonlight Kiss
Jesse Belcher Jul 2013
A perfect moon that settled above the ocean tide,
two unique strangers' walking the beach from opposite sides.

A majestically beautiful woman, who felt so alone,
she prays everyday, but everyday; something always goes wrong.

She walks slowly trying to figure out her fate,
she wants love she wants more than what this life seems always to initiate.
A sudden breeze blows her jet black hair,
for there was a different feeling lingering in the air.

She sits down and looks at the moon,
making a wish, and hoping that it happens very soon.
Lethargic she feels not wanting to stand,
so as she sits and she wishes drawing in the sand.

50 yards away a man walks thinking about the past day,
The pain he feels; the pain that never goes away.
He suddenly stops and looks at the moon,
He too makes a wish and has faith it will happen soon.

He starts walking again, by a force unseen,
his eyes adjust and he sees a beauty so serene.
As he gets closer her beauty illuminates his eyes,
but as he reaches her, he feels sad, for as the closer he gets, the more he hears her cry.

Hello the stranger says, as he got by her side,
Startled she got, as she was lost inside her own mind.
A moment of silence as they looked at each other with surprise,
And then he saw it, the beauty of her eyes.

She said "hello." and thought he looked so sad,
as they stared at each other their minds were no longer distracted
for he saw her, she saw him
and in more ways than one their feelings' reacted.

He sit next to her and just looked at her beauty,
she couldn't contain her smile, cause he was such a cutie.
No words were said though was the strange thing,
but deep down inside they both felt a kinda ring.

Finally breaking the silence, the man asked "why do you cry?"
She said to him "well why are you so sad?, I can see it in your eyes"
"Oh just life  breaking me down every way it can."
and she said, "I know what you mean for my life, I've lost all command."

They talked for hours and shared their thoughts,
in her eyes he found beauty, the beauty in this world he always sought.
In his words she found some hope, true love and joy,
cause she felt his heart, when he talked about his little boy.

As the perfect moon started to fall
silence befell them, and time seemed to stall.

He stood looked down and grabbed her hand,
"dance with me, he said," dance with me in the sand".
He pulled her up and as they danced the world seemed to fade.
And in each other, they realized the life that was intended, the life that God made.

They slowly stopped the dance and in their eyes was a shine,
a light anyone could have seen, a light so divine.
slowly he bent forward cause it felt so right,
anxiously she waited, under the perfect moonlight.

Slowly and softly their lips touched with passion,
and it was the best kiss, anyone could have ever imagined.
A kiss so heartfelt a kiss so true,
a kiss that felt right, a kiss that seemed to be the reason the ocean was blue.

As sunlight came the strangers felt love like never before,
but what would it become, for they stood on the ocean shore.

One thing was true, as they saw the sun and it's beaming light,
Who could've known that love could be found under a perfect moonlight.

A night anyone would want, a night not to miss,
a night of passion, that led to the perfect; moonlight kiss..
Jul 2013 · 655
Who am I? Who are you?
Jesse Belcher Jul 2013
I never seem to do anything right,
It's like trying to see without a shred of light.
Breaking down, and mentally drained,
choking on my life...feeling slightly deranged.

Who am I to question fate?
Who am I to criticise the quality of my soul?
Who are you to judge me?
Who are anyone to judge someone they don't know?

Starting over sounds good to me,
maybe it will give me a guiding light.
So suddenly i can see,
bring a blind man a true heartfelt wish.... sight.

So who am I to question this world of hate?
And who are you to judge anymore?
And who are you to question your neighbor or friend?
For you know not their life, behind their built in door.

I have no words left, as I struggle with this pain.
I have no feeling, but anger and sadness pouring down like rain.
I pray you all receive a gift; if your heart is true.
and I pray for your, you, and you..
Jul 2013 · 658
The Power of Music
Jesse Belcher Jul 2013
Music can inspire, and give comfort in a time of solace.
It can calm your soul, or break your heart,
It can mend emotions, or rip them apart.
It can make you sing and want to dance,
It can give you confidence, when normally you stood without a fighting chance.

It can make you remember loved ones that's passed away.
It can make you smile, when you're having one of them days.
All types of music, and all types of songs,
from sad country, to "Hits from a ****."

Music can reach you, where nothing else can,
Music can make you cry over a woman or a man.

Sometimes you hear a song and it penetrates so deep,
all the emotions from it, stored in your soul, your's to keep.

Other times; one song can bring back moments of pain.
From the first chord struck, to the first word sang.

So different all of us are,
yet one thing we have in common; we each carry music in our hearts.

I don't know about you,
but the gift of music is something that I believe in; something true.

Many things can affect us,  and make things feel so right or wrong,
and God gave us so many things, and one of the greatest is the,' gift of song'..
Jul 2013 · 707
"The Angel Of Death"
Jesse Belcher Jul 2013
I watched intently, choking losing my breath,
Why is there a Angel here? Why is it the Angel of death?
A menacing figure, scary at sight,
Clothed in a robe, and wings as dark as night.

I laid there petrified, not knowing his intent.
I laid frozen in time, wondering why he was sent.

Pure beauty he was, a woman's easy trap
Opening his wings he began to move, closing that small little gap.
Gliding my way, I felt his power.
He could crush my life; my soul he could devour.

His eyes showed something, that was not expected.
A sorta sadness, for his souls, he had not selected.
I felt my emotions change, as he stood beside my bed,
I was no longer frightened; even with his eyes, burning the brightest red.

He began to speak, and his voice was majestic and had a vast beauty,
I felt his sorrow as  he described his purpose, as he described his duty.
The "Angel of death"a name given, because of his task,
For every soul he had to carry; no answers, cause nothing could he ask.

His presence, His power, His demeanor fierce.
His eyes looking over me, everything in me he could pierce.
Finding the courage I asked "why are you here?"
My heart went out as he said,"even I can shed a tear."

He continued and said, "I will show myself to those who seek me out."
"All your depression, anger, sadness..Jesse I know what your all about."
Are you here to take me? I asked him with no fear.
And before I knew it, I was wiping away his one silver tear.

His smile grew and his beauty got mighty intense,
Thank you he said, for I must go forth hence.
I'll see you again, for I knew it was true,
and he said "when that time comes, do not fear, for I will carry you through."

He pulled up his hood and and then looked down and took a seat.
The Angel Of Death said, "be wise for so many are full of evil, full of deceit."
Up he stood and his wings opened wide,
Then in his majestic voice he said "never fear me, nor fear the other side."
Jul 2013 · 870
'Love In The Rain"
Jesse Belcher Jul 2013
So many people hate the rain,
but as for me I like several things.
Ever danced, kissed, or made love under a crying sky?
If your answer is no, then may I suggest you try.

Feeling those drops, in the heat of a moment,
bodies pressed together in a kind of atonement.
Passion intense,
***** on fire,
anticipation grows,
unrelenting desire.

Stare in her eyes and see her lust,
under a wet sky; now you must.
feel her body, use all your senses
See her beauty, feel how she wences.
hear her moaning
as your desire is growing..

Take a breath,
and spin around,
dance with your love,
before you pin her to the ground.

Take control as the rain becomes a storm
so wet we are, yet strangely warm.
her hair so moist as I rub her down,
the passion growing, Oh my; I'm moaning now.

Dancing, kissing, and making love,
A kind of passion that goes beyond and above.
If you haven't tried the passion in the rain,
grab her, dance with her, and love her all in vain.

To feel that rain in the heat of passion,
It's beyond your expectations; it's everything you can imagine.
Jul 2013 · 740
Jesse Belcher Jul 2013
Where Did You Come From ?
Where did you come from, Baby dear?
Out of the everywhere into here.

Where did you get your eyes so majestic blue?
Out of the sky where the Angels fly so gracefully through?

What makes the light in them sparkle and spin
Did God add a star and sprinkle it in.

Where did you get that small little tear?
Was it brought on by love, sadness, loss maybe fear?

What makes you so beautiful that I have to sigh?
Did God stroke your face, as he floated on by?

What makes your cheek like a warm white rose?
I believe you were touched by magic as your beauty arose.

Where came that smile that nobody can miss?
I believe you were visited by the angel of beauty and she gave you a kiss.

Where did you get that laugh, that can brighten everyones' day?
What made me so lucky, I'm your father I can proudly say.

Where did you get this pearly elvish ear?
I believe God spoke to you, and only you was the one that could hear.

Where did you get that heart full of joy and love?
Again I believe you were touched from something amazing, something high above.

Ordinary, yes I may be,
but special you are; everyone can see.

Where did you come from, for so special you are
Maybe I did get that wish, I wished upon a star..
Jul 2013 · 637
Why Can't I fool Me
Jesse Belcher Jul 2013
Can no one see this smile I'm faking,
See how, inside, I'm constantly breaking?
These people all claim they know me well,
Yet no one can see through my crumbling shell?

"I'm fine", I whisper, my sadness unknown,
They leave me to deal with this anguish by myself; all alone.
I've hidden behind this wall most of my life,
I've managed so far, I've dealt with my strife.

Watching as, slowly, my soul leaks away,
Not knowing what to do and how to keep my true horrors at bay.
I pull down my disguise to cover my hurt,
For it's hard to fool the wise, I have to be more alert.

I guess my pretense is just all too real,
No one has to know of the pain that I feel.
The real me inside, where no one can see,
I can fool everyone else, why can't I fool me?
Jul 2013 · 537
The star I claimed
Jesse Belcher Jul 2013
I once saw a star and claimed it as my own.
As I made a wish the more it glowed.
Brighter and brighter as I saw it shine,
sure I was; That my wish would soon be mine.

In the depth of my soul, I felt a spark.
I waited on my wish, that was made in the dark.
Night after night I waited with hope,
for this was the night I pulled my star down with faith and rope.

Years have passed and my star seems all but willing,
To grant me my wish; why I believed...I was so silly
I guess it could happen, for I've seen strangers things.
for I've seen sparkle in true love, and diamond rings.

I've since lost that star that I once claimed as my own,
for now I pray some troubled child, did the same and their wish has grown.
Made them better, happier,  and more complete,
Made them love, be loved, and sit in a queen's seat.

I still gaze at the stars and wish; I'm still believing,
I still wish when I see the time 11:11..
Maybe I should wish more, for there's a little rust,
and maybe you will get one sprinkled in stardust.

As i write this I tempted to go outside,
and gaze on the stars, and wish that wish that once was mine.
If your night is bleak, sad, and your all alone.
Join me outside and make a wish....A wish of your own..
Jul 2013 · 566
"Scream With Me"
Jesse Belcher Jul 2013
Ever feel like dying?
ever feel alone?
Ever feel like crying?
lost child in a store.

Ever feel life pushing?
shoving you away
every feel like breaking down?
funeral in the rain.

Feel life slipping away...

Stand in the corner and scream with me,
a body full of empty
a head that's full of rage better believe it.

Stand in the closet and scream with me,
a mind that's like a fire
driven by the pain better believe it...

Ever feel like lying down inside a grave?
Listening to eulogy; a pyre on the hay.
Ever danced beside the devil?
Taste the barrel of a gauge?

Ever pull the trigger?
The light begins to fade.

Feel life slipping away...
Jesse Belcher Jul 2013
The shouting,
the screams,
The fear,
you wanted seen.

Things crashing,
things being thrown,
Tears in my eyes,
What about me was so wrong?

I hated you,
I prayed you'd die,
God cave the mines,
crush his body. I don't think I'd cry

Yet here you came,
with your wicked fist,
Beating us down,
I think your mind would insist.

I guess I went through it,
and became what I am,
No perfect parent,
but teaching my son to be a better man.

I swore I would never be like you,
The screaming, cussing , whipping, all you'd do

I thank God that man is gone,
For I forgive you; and all you done.

The thing that sticks out the most,
is the feeling I got with just a toss.
Throwing a baseball with you
Showed me joy; whoever knew

You had your moments,
when i wanted you around,
When you showed love,
and you mouth made no undermining sound.

You made me who I am,
with all your despise.
and from that experience,
I'm better; My better self did arise..
Jesse Belcher Jul 2013
So young we were
as time flew by.
My cousin, my friend
My companion in sin.

Your smile was contagious
and your laugh brought tears.
You stood out, wherever you went
but just for 18 years.

A taken life, not by God,
but a simple man.
More like murderer at what he did,
cop car, four wheeler,  rockwall slammed.

No justice dealt to a sorry *******
No justice dealt to a so called cop
If I was just another person
I'd put it to his

Everyone loved you
because you enjoyed all you'd do
and you helped others' see it
Even after all you went through.

I was there, I saw it all
I saw the bruises the blood
the fear in your eyes
as the wrath came like a flood.

Yet, you loved life
and helped people smile.
Your personal life hell,
your social life style.

I hear that song and remember our talks,
I hear that song and it cuts me like a knife,
I hear Green Day "The time of your Life."
I start to cry as I remember your life.

I miss you cousin, always have, always will.
Do me a favor and find my kids
and take them to the top of a hill.
Just laugh like you did when we played in snow,
I'll open my ears and hope I hear it down here; below
To my cousin and friend Steven. I miss you everyday
Jesse Belcher Jul 2013
Robert Frost (1874 - 1963)
Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village, though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
Jul 2013 · 708
Jesse Belcher Jul 2013
Beside me you slithered
and guarded me against my foes.
On the verge of attack
you wrapped around my hand, and his attack slowed.

Curious he was as you abided my command,
Scared he was as you wrapped around my hand.
One strike then two,
Holy hell, he didn't know what to do.

Petrified as you hissed
He was frozen in time as your head started to twist.
I gave my command, and swore I saw you smile,
Then your eyes turned red: red like God cursed the nile.

As you unwrapped from around my hand,
I saw his fear, as more Serpents' covered the land.
Nowhere to go he stood awaiting his pain,
for each strike landed like a hard stinging rain.

This sense of power I felt I had,
Like 'Voldomort' who killed Harry's dad.
More serpents came and gathered round,
and swore an oath to protect me with a chilly hissing sound.

Complete control and fearless I am,
for I have hundreds of serpents abiding my command.
Am I evil, because serpents swarm at my feet,
I don't know, but I await my enemies at my Serpent's seat..
Jul 2013 · 676
"Beat my baby..Beat"
Jesse Belcher Jul 2013
Not knowing the status of my child

To my child, who resides in heaven..

Beat for me baby beat for me please.
Beat for me baby put our hearts at ease.
Just your heart to flicker is all that we ask.
I know God hears our prayers it's a easy task.

Just to hold you in my arms and feel that love.
To see you with your mom and know the gift from above.
God please touch it's heart and bring it to life.
for me my kids and most of all my wife.

Can't you see the hurt we feel?
Or the joy the Devil will steal?
He mocks you as we go through this.
He fills my mind with anger and so much bliss!

I wanna give in, but know that i wont.
Turn away from you? No i don't.
Touch us lord and help us through.
For no one knows the outcome none but you.

Broken we will be and scattered all about,
Put us back together piece by piece you will i have no doubt.
But please beat for me baby i want to know.
what you'll be how you'll grow.

I'll see you soon, whether here or there.
But beat now, for there so long to bear.
To wait so long to see your face.
Like your sister's in that amazing place.

A long time to see you two is what it would be.
A very long time especially for your mother and me.
So beat for me baby is that such a task?
Please God start it's that too much to ask?


It was written , while I was 'suffering through the second miscarriage of my young marriage.'
Jul 2013 · 837
"Life's Illusion"
Jesse Belcher Jul 2013
Is this really what life is
a hard deceiving little place
full of pain and anguish.
In need of love mixed with Angel lace

Breaking down yet again
seeing illusions of a life deep within
Is happiness even real
or is something people want to steal.

I see happy people, but who knows their true thoughts
I see people with babies: like the two I lost
Like a snow storm late in spring
Life's a illusion, yet some people sing

Give me joy and i climb the highest peak
and though the climb will tire me: my voice will be anything, but weak
If your life is grand and happiness is what you know
Then share some advice: otherwise this life's got to go.

So today I'll do my same routine
and I'll consider that maybe I'm living a dream
Wait: nightmare may be best
Because everyday seems like a test

A test to breathe and a test to fail
A rocking ship, with no wind or sail
If you knew my life you would know
I feel nothing in this belligerent soul.
Jul 2013 · 1.1k
'Wait for me my Angels'
Jesse Belcher Jul 2013
TO: Alyssa and Colson.

Wait for me babies wait for me there.
I'll see you before you know it, this Daddy swears.
Run and play and sing a song;
Take your great grandpa by the hand and lead him along.
Tell him i said "hi" and how grandma misses him so!!
for at times she wants to give in and just let go.
Go away from this place like your mom and me,
to see you turn, point at your wings and hear you say "look what i got daddy see?
Our hearts hurt my babies, but we will get through.
for nothing can stop us from heaven and seeing the two of you.

I know you will be waiting on us with arms open wide,
for Jesus will tell you when we are there and it's time to be let inside.
Until that glorious time comes believe me when i say
that i will count each day, each day, each day.

Words can't describe how i feel when i think of you there.
for jealousy may be best word for it for i wish i could share.
Find a tree, hide and let's play a game!
ask Jesus to find you and if he does whisper me your names.

You got took before we even saw your face
I'd love to hear what your called in that Amazing Grace.
Visit me in a dream if God allows it to be,
for i'd love to see your smiles', your eyes', you two in front of me.

One minute in a dream would bring so much joy to my heart,
but i would want to sleep forever so never would we part.
The day will come when forever is gonna go on by;
and together my babies we will lift our wings and fly.

So be patient and wait for me there
When you both left I felt my heart tear
Only you two have the pieces I lost
And to see you: I'd give anything, no matter the cost.


' Bad month and day, Thinking of holding my Alyssa and my Colson. How beautiful I bet they are.
Jul 2013 · 733
Evil Presence
Jesse Belcher Jul 2013
Fear was around me.

Staring through the cracks in the wall...
no one knows that I'm here...
lost track of days being alone...
caught in the grips of fear....
left my home to find my way...
captured and tortured,ransom to pay...
all my dreams are drifting away....
maybe I can see the sun again ; shining through me someday...
The vision slot which is my own...
opens briefly just at dawn...
angry eyes look inside...
making sure that I do abide...
all day long and night too...
I pray to God I'll see you...
I pray today although it seems in vain....
How long can I bear this mental strain?
Sleepless nights plague me..
My mind is restless and frightful ...
These wicked thoughts haunt my existence..
Will there be an end? Can I be forgiven?
Twisted and torn. I don't understand what I've become
Loved not by many, but by some..
Too long have I sat in the dark
All of  my fear playing my mind like a children's' park
Surrender now? Is that what  you believe?
No thanks it's not something I even conceive..
Jul 2013 · 434
Jesse Belcher Jul 2013
To (Elaine Massie).

There are times only when a Mother's love
Can understand our tears,
Can soothe our disappointments
And calm all our fears.
There are times when only a Mother's Love
Can share the joy we feel
When something we've dreamed about
Quite suddenly is real.
There are times when only a Mother's faith,
Can help us on life's way,
And inspire in us the confidence
we need from day to day.
For a Mother's heart and a Mother's faith.
And a Mother's steadfast love.
Were fashioned by the Angels.
And sent from God above.
Since the moment I entered this world,
You have cared for me like no other.
There is only one word to describe you,
That is in every way a perfect Mother.
When there's a cloud covering my path,
Or a problem I am about to face.
You'll be the one wipe away my tears,
And put everything back in its place.
Your warm touch is one of a kind,
So gentle to send me to sleep.
Your voice is one of an angels,
A beauty only heaven deserves to keep.
I love you mom you are my light' . When things are so dark, you shine so bright..


A poem written to my mother, who has always been the one to raise me up.
Jul 2013 · 513
You and only You
Jesse Belcher Jul 2013
When you're not here my heart aches like someone is inside me twisting it.
You are the reason I want to wake everyday, the only reason I want to thank God for everyday.
Twisting and aching
on the verge of breaking.
It seems like it's almost apart
Then I see you..WOW still a beating heart.
From the first cry, to your first smile
The memories I'll keep, so much more than awhile.
If you only knew the joy you give this dad,
You make me want to love, cry, hold, and not even be mad.
That's all I have when you're not around
Coming out on whoever I see wherever there is a sound.
I say your name and instantly I feel some  joy,
and you make it possible my wonderful little boy.
There is not many things I am proud of  with this life of mine,
but I know God loves me, because he gave me you.. you're my sign.
If ever a Father loved his son
but time went like I had seen you none.
That would be 'me' waiting to hold you again
So my heart can beat and love I can feel deep within.
Always will I be here for you and always will I long for you
And always will my heart beat true for everything you do.
You and only you seems to brighten my day,
and you and only you makes this life worth the stay.
Find your dream and take control,
Find true happiness: when you do, you feel it in your soul..


My son who is my world.

— The End —