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These were the crying days
Days of sadness
Days of darkness
Come out, come out now
But it takes strength
To make these lengths
So where do you draw the shallow line
Of love and lust
Ash and dust
We make terrifying myths
Vampires and beasts
Gathering for feasts
Because we constantly
Wish to defeat
What is beneath our feet
We struggle with sacred religion
To be better
Hoping we’re braver
We are constantly heathens
Wrestling with sin
Under our shallow skins.
Don’t wear your rosaries as a chain
And don’t you ever believe those prophecies
Love for love’s sake and don’t be like Cain
Bless them all when they utter cries and sneezes.
Don’t give up on me for I will always fall
And don’t ever believe I’m a perfect human, please.
I believe in monsters and demons, crawling up walls
But do I believe they can’t harm us with love as an army.
Don’t think we are just a piece of flesh and blood
And don’t think your angel’s wings will ever disease.
Life is very old, and your youth, it will lead to floods
And dearest friend, your burdens will finally cease.
What is life all about, anyways?
What a question, what an answer.
It’s about God and the devil
Laying claims to human souls.
It’s about staring into the abyss
And learning to come back from it.
It’s about black and white,
And a million shades of grey.
It’s about love and hate
And knowing when to stop both.
It’s about living your days
And understanding the meaning of death.
It’s about new flowers in spring
And drifting leaves in fall.
It’s about the summer’s oppressive heat
And the inescapable chill of winter.
It’s about placentas and umbilical cords
And wrinkles and brown liver spots.
It’s about fighting your demons
And thanking your dear angels.
It’s about what you pray for
And what you cry for.
do you feel your soul break
feel it aching with pain?
when you go down him in the night
fingernails in spine- scrape!
do you feel your soul breathe
feel it intertwine with his life?
when you kiss and bite
and you cry out his name.
it’s a simple question, really,
and there’s infinite possibilities
when you pray for your soul to live on
is it “Krishna”, “Allah”, or “Jesus Christ our God”?
it’s new year’s eve’s eve
and for once I thought I’d be kissed
but I guess it wasn’t meant to be.
i know i thought this out
but i did love us together, forever
and now our castle’s fallen down.
i don’t rightly know what to do
i’m in a room alone, smoking out my lungs
and all i know is that there isn’t a “me and you”.
this is my least favorite feeling
and there’s no comfort in the long night
without you beside me in soft bedding.
trying to truly forgive trust and bonds
seems to me a true miracle,
because as much as I love you, i despond.
When I was little, I loved how the protagonists could go away from their loved ones for a reason. There was always a quest, a hunt, a regal battle that they would return from, into open, waiting arms.
When I was little, I loved how a single act could undo all wrong. Slay a dragon, defeat a demon, proclaim love, ride into a war, and all would persevere. They’d come back, say “I’m sorry”, and all was forgotten.
When I was little, I loved the “love” in the stories I read. It wasn’t perfect, it could be messy or upsetting or hard at times, but it was always passionate in the end, with flowers and laughter and sweet kissing.
I suppose that’s why I write stories as I do. Because real life, as clichéd as this is, isn’t like the stories I read.
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