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If the morning turns to carbon black
And you feel your faith about to crack
I’ll move the wind to be at your back
I live inside your heart

Should the starlight make your memories burn
Or a lover’s pain suddenly return
I would satisfy your every yearn
I live inside your heart

There may never be another chance
For me to serve you, dear
I want to whisper words I never spoke
That only you can hear

Show me a mountain and I’ll climb for you
Ignite the flames and I’ll run right through
I don’t need reason or point of view
I live inside your heart

Life is getting shorter every day
And though a heaven may await
I want to live right now with only you
That’s all I ask of fate

You have been waiting all your life and more
To be the one that only one would adore
So I stand barefoot on the burning shore
I live inside your heart
Her blanket of curls drape lightly around her face
as she carelessly handles a cigarette between
red-stained lips that grip
white and tan paper.

A flick of a flame grazes the tip, smoldering incandescence
highlights her mouth, a shade of sun-burnt orange;
the tiny lit secret sits at the ridge.

Without hesitation, she takes one long drag
and emits a lifetime of fear, worry, joy, and love
that settles into the nightlife. The escaping smoke coils
into the air, leaving a soft haze above her head.

She knows who she is,
and she knows where she is going, something
the man next to her at the bus stop has not quite figured out.

Neon red brake lights play off her face
as she glances towards him. Her wide eyes burn with intent,
jewels of sapphire blue. The huffing bus makes its presence known,
and he holds out a hand to motion for her to go first. She smiles,

and they slide into the light.
Written March 15, 2011

— The End —