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Mar 2016 · 284
Jess Mar 2016
Even though I'm the one who's going soon,
it feels like you're the one leaving
I can feel you pulling away and I think
it's too soon to miss me but you already do

Four months are not that long and I know
it doesn't mean that much to you
Four years ago I thought I would never
feel like this again but I already do.

I guess it's nice to have someone to miss
but I don't want nice. I don't want to
leave you again, I don't ever want to leave
you please come with me I love you.
Oct 2015 · 321
Jess Oct 2015
I see you in my dreams every full moon,
Your eyes black, hair dark, skin golden,
Lifting out a hand for me to take.

I see your smile but know it's illusion,
Dismissing your needs for affection,
Waving you away with a flourish.

You refuse to leave, remain to haunt
This house like a ghost, but never silent--
Every night in my ear, a whisper of your regrets.

And within my dream, I dream
And fantasize about taking a guitar string
From my guitar that you said you'd fix.

I walk up behind you as you stare
At our beautiful reflection in the mirror,
And pull that silver string around your neck.

But ghosts can walk free,
Those invisible people who inflict scores of pain,
Memories too much for one to bear

Yet I feel nothing.
Mar 2014 · 284
Run and Hide
Jess Mar 2014
I want to live in your veins beneath your skin
I want to tangle myself up in your life
I want to feel all your pain, sweet pain
I want to share in your light (when it burns)
I know you’re weak right now
I don’t want to take up your time
But I have to find you tonight
and make you mine, all mine
Let the rush flow through you
Write your memories down on my skin,
on my skin
Tell me that you love me too
Pull me deeper, pull me in (to you)
Mar 2014 · 264
Winter Lyrics
Jess Mar 2014
I turned around
and let it go
I was following the cold
With a bright red scarf
tied around my throat
Looking for safety in the white snow
I left the salty sun behind
along with the new flowers of spring
And I raced towards the shade,
and the icy winds that blow,
with arms open wide.
A shiver is a happy thing,
it means I'm going home
The cold never bothers me
I dance because I can
and I sing as I go.
Remix of White Winter Hymnal and Let It Go
Mar 2014 · 300
Jess Mar 2014
I've been wandering this world for awhile
Getting lost at every turn but always
finding my way home
I've been in love with him for awhile
Messing up every chance but always
finding my way back to him
But I've been on this journey for too long
I haven't seen his face,
I haven't been home in months
and I don't know if I'll be coming back.
I think being lost
is where I'm supposed to be.
Dec 2013 · 263
I Want To.
Jess Dec 2013
I want to.
Today, I want to.
But tomorrow the sun will rise and change my mind
And I don't like regrets.

Maybe by summertime, I'll still want to.
Today, I want to.
But in the summer the days will be longer and you'll change your mind
And it will be too late by then.

If I knew that it wouldn't change things
If I knew that I would still be the same
I would want to.
But I can't.
Oct 2013 · 596
Jess Oct 2013
I am no longer a mermaid.
Once upon a time I swam in the sea
And watched relationships sail past.
I saw lovers on land and I wished
to be part of that world.

I am no longer a mermaid.
I cast off my scales and my tail
And I gave up my voice
For no man, but for me
And I grew legs, long and lean and strong.

I am no longer a mermaid.
I grew a mane and a tail
And I set off into the wild
And I ran for so long that
My feet grew hooves.

I am a stallion.
I run free and solitary
I do not see the ocean any more
I see no people, no ships, no lovers.
I am free.
Oct 2013 · 425
Jess Oct 2013
I can't remember the shape of your face,
the curl of your hair,
the warmth of your smile
but I remember your eyes
and the way they look
when you look at me

I can't remember if I still love you
or if you have good taste in music
or if you can dance
I don't remember the sound of your voice
but I remember the way
it feels when you hold me
Oct 2013 · 457
Jess Oct 2013
I don't need you.
I don't want you.
I don't need anyone except me,
I don't want anything except what I have.
I'm enough for this thing we call life.
They all let me down,
even the ones I trusted most,
for years and years on end.
I'm so incredibly happy,
Now that I know it's just me,
my thoughts, and the world
on this journey.
No one will ever be
enough for me
Nothing else could
ever be enough.
I expect perfection
and I'm always disappointed
the only thing that's perfect,
that's real
is me, is nature,
is the universe.

Sometimes I let others in,
but just to the guest room
and they never stay
more than a night.
They leave through the window
without a word
And it is good.
I am an island.
My song, my voice,
my thoughts, my secrets
are only ever for me
and the winds when I whisper them
or the oceans when I shout into the darkness
and no one will ever hear.
Oct 2013 · 415
Jess Oct 2013
My questions are never answered
This city isn’t even real
This late at night
You can’t trust how you feel.

I want to be closer,
but you like to keep your distance
I have no control
in this stupid little dance.

Hello, what’s your name?
Your eyes don’t speak to me
I miss the sparkle.
Just let me be free.
Jul 2013 · 1.7k
Jess Jul 2013
You're good, too good, it couldn't be true
You know I'm the kind of girl that would fall for you.
You're skilled in deception, highly trained in lies
So quick with hellos, and sly with goodbyes
A master of hypnosis, a thief in disguise
The warmth in your smile shows not in your eyes.
Your world is small but you've conquered it all
You stare me down, owning me, when we pass in the hall
You're obviously charming, cunning, and coy
You're a regular Slytherin - is your name Malfoy?
Jess Jul 2013
Everything turns darker in the light
And even though it's day it feels like night
When you're here I see the truth beneath your eyes
When you're away I'm found believing all those lies.
When I'm asleep I can't hear a thing.
The best escape is the kind dreams bring
Finding flowers in the gutter of your heart,
Now you're both lightyears apart,
But it doesn't make a difference now
It's all the same to you somehow.
Jul 2013 · 344
It's Better
Jess Jul 2013
It's better that you've never given love a thought at all,
Putting yourself out there, he won't catch you when you fall
Left alone to your own thoughts, your will starts to fade
The shards of broken heart are things you'll never trade.
You're stuck with what's inside of you, the scars don't disappear
Souvenirs of a past, and old friend, long forgotten but dear
Chasing memories every night, begging for it to let up
When left with a choice, you'll take the poisoned cup
Silently, so silently, a wind blows 'cross your face
And for a moment you're lost inside the hope of better days.
Jun 2013 · 392
Jess Jun 2013
What do words have
that my heart cannot say?
What does the night show
without the light of day?

Stars burning through the sky
sing a mournful tune
While the darkness threatens
to suffocate the newborn moon.

They found me waiting here
so sure that you would come
But in the morning light
That hope is just a distant hum.
May 2013 · 276
Jess May 2013
Say it again
louder this time
I dare you.

Run away
and never look back
I won't be here waiting for you.

Hide your eyes
behind those lies you tell.
I can't hold you.
Apr 2013 · 380
The Calling
Jess Apr 2013
Maybe if we just keep our voices down
The morning will stay far away from here
And we'll get lost in the night of this town.

Words break things apart into delicate pieces
That can't be put back together again
Until the soft lullaby music ceases.

They're calling you far away, can you run?
I know you won't return; there's no other hope
Except for us to stay together till night is done.

So don't say a word, just stay here with me
Because I can't bear to hear your last goodbye
Please don't let go. I never want to be free.
Apr 2013 · 1.8k
Hush and Cuddle
Jess Apr 2013
He tells me to hush,
be quiet, and hide
in his arms tonight.

There's no rush
as we lay side by side
in each others' arms tonight.

With only a shush
I watched as he cried
in my arms tonight.
Apr 2013 · 575
Jess Apr 2013
When I walk through the forested halls,
and listen closely to the silence,
I can sometimes hear the calls
or songs of those who live in the dense
vines and plants that line the castle walls
built for the ancient city's defense.

And the voices are like that of those
Who sing underneath the sea
In songs of lyric sweet and prose
That tell stories of their country
Below the waves, where children doze
And men watch over their city's key.

At the bottom of the sea there is no light
Unlike the towers in the clouds that float.
Ethereal and glittering, they make their flight
In the sky, just like a mighty sailboat.
Crystal and silver and shades of white,
They shine as the bells sing the final note.
Apr 2013 · 396
Lessons Learned
Jess Apr 2013
I make mistakes sometimes
Sometimes I make the same ones over and over again
And sometimes bad things happen to me
Sometimes the same bad things happen over and over again
And sometimes people are mean to me
Sometimes the same people hurt me over and over again.
I wonder when it ends.
But I realized something today.
Part of growing up - as much as it ***** -
is when you realize that no one owes you anything
and all you can do is
smile and make the best of it.
And beyond that, when you ***** up,
when something bad happens,
when someone breaks your heart,
think about what they did and think about yourself,
if you've ever done something similar
Try to understand how even though you're different,
everyone's really the same, just souls trying to get along in this world.
Try to fix what you're doing wrong
before you accuse others of their sins.
And beyond all, love one another.
Apr 2013 · 750
Dream a Little Dream
Jess Apr 2013
I knock three times and wait,
close my eyes and cross my fingers,
and I hear the click of the door opening,
and you're there, waiting for me
like you've been all along, maybe.
Without a word, I walk in and sit on your bed
You shut the door slowly and then
come to stand in front of me looking serious
"What is it?" I ask.
"Katie and I broke up."
He sighs and sits down next to me, close
enough to touch but not quite.
He looks at me and I look back into his silent eyes
He frowns momentarily and I think he's
starting to figure it out, so I look away
casting my eyes down at my hands, my fingers
twisting themselves into odd shapes
that betray how nervous I am, just being here
with him, knowing that... he doesn't belong to her
he doesn't belong to anyone, and
all I want is to be his.
I stand up and walk over to the corner
to try to escape the intensity of his presence
but he gets up and follows me until he's standing
just a foot in front of me
And I notice that he's not wearing shoes so
he's only a few inches taller than me
short enough so that it would be easy, so easy
for me to just reach up and -
But my thoughts are interrupted when he puts his hands on my shoulders
and asks me what I'm thinking about.
"Nothing," I lie.
His beautiful lips smile that annoying smirk of his
as he says "We both know that's not true."
And he's standing so close that I get distracted
by the amazing cupid's bow shape of his lips
and how his eyes light up when he's looking at me
And I feel a spark, a frisson, that's suddenly there
The room feels so much smaller, and it's just him and me
Inches apart, gazing into each other's eyes.
And then he leans in, still holding on to my shoulders
and he's getting closer and just before he closes his eyes
he whispers, "You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do this."
Apr 2013 · 1.0k
Speak Now
Jess Apr 2013
I object.
I object to accepting things the way they are.
I object to believing that I can only go so far.
I object to the one I love marrying another lady
I object to giving up even if you think I'm crazy.
I've loved him since the day we met, not so long ago
When we talked it felt like the stars had all aligned just so
I don't think he realized it for at least a month or two
He told me he had a girlfriend, but I already knew.
And now he’s getting married on this beautiful April day
Unless I can convince him not to with what I have to say
You should know that I'm a girl who believes in true love,
Faerie tales, magic, signs from God above
“Hope springs eternal in the human breast
Man never is, but always to be blest.”
I’ve read of love in books and poems, but it was nothing like this
It’s more like a fiery volcano than simple contented bliss.
And I know that all that's happened isn't just for fun.
But I'm the one you should be with when the day is done.
I wouldn’t say this if I didn’t think you felt the same
Even though you’ve tried to hide your feelings as if you’re ashamed.
But it’s clear to me that there’s something here
Maybe you’re just blind to what is crystal clear.
But when I told you how I felt, I made it clear to you
That I would never stop fighting until you say "I do"
And if I heard those words, I would know I'd tried my best
That she had won the battle, and your marriage would be blessed.
Your happiness is all I've ever wanted for you
And if you think you'll be happy, I guess it must be true
But I won't let this go without one last cry
Before I say my saddest, sweetest goodbye.
And now I speak to all of you; I want to give you hope
Before you find yourself falling down that dangerous slippery *****.
You don’t have to accept life as it is, or things the way they are
When you’re only given one chance, wouldn’t you like to go to the stars?
Your life is as amazing as you choose it to be.
With unlimited imagination, you can be completely free.
Maybe you yourself have passed up on a chance
To tell someone you love them, or just ask for a dance.
Maybe you were too shy, too timid and afraid
Maybe you'd left it up to God and prayed and prayed and prayed
But this is now, this is us, this is our own time
What better moment to fight for love than when the fates align?
Never be afraid to speak your mind aloud
Whether it’s just to one person or in front of a big crowd.
Make mistakes as often as you can, and most of all
When you're chasing your wildest dreams, don't be afraid to fall.
True love is something too perfect to pass up on
Too beautiful to miss, like the starry night before the dawn.
Never give up on the love that you seek
Never believe that you're not brave enough, or that you're too weak
Fight for what you want and make known your desires
That have burned inside your hearts like a thousand white-hot fires.
Maybe all this talk has been given in vain
And maybe one day I'll forget this refrain
But I can't move on unless I know I've tried my best
And told what was in my heart to him and all the rest.
With that in mind, I'll say these last words to my one and only love
I'll meet you outside the church where fly the morning doves.
Don't wait or say a single vow, because I cannot hold my peace
Until this fantasy of you and her finally will cease.
Mar 2013 · 907
Poem #1
Jess Mar 2013
A slave to the snowfall of my ever-freezing heart
The wide-awake demons of my past are never far
Questions are raised, but here there's no truth
Searching for more than silence but it's no use
Late in the hours of the early morning we'll find
Stories just the same, fast-forward then rewind
Slow motion, slowly falling, quivering in the breeze
Sliding into the daily grind with shaking, shivering knees
Standing up for something, when you feel nothing at all
Smiling for your future, you've never felt so small.
Darkness fades, nothing's better, wishing life was over
Waking up at midnight and hiding under the covers
Fear comes from the unknown, but things we know can be
Just as scary as our black-and-white version of reality.
Feb 2013 · 1.7k
Jess Feb 2013
When I met you for the very first time,
I started falling in love with you, little by little...
And this feeling grew inside me like a gem
Like a bright red ruby, maybe
And every day I would polish it and admire its shine, its sparkle.
I kept it close to me wherever I went
Only setting it down when I needed to sleep.
The feeling grew on me, and
each morning when I picked it up,
I noticed that the ruby
was just a little bit heavier.
After awhile it got so heavy that
I had to leave it in my room
safely resting under my pillow
when I would go out.
But I hated to be away from it.
After a long day I would just curl up with it, shining my lamp on it and gazing at its intricacies, its beauty
But slowly, over time, I grew bored with it
and sometimes I would leave it in a drawer
so I wouldn't have to worry about it
and one time, when I opened the drawer,
it had started collecting dust.
And I thought, maybe it's better this way.
I was wasting away my life obsessing over it, over you,
and maybe it could just stay dusty for
awhile longer.
And then, one night, you stole into my room
and blew the dust off
so that when I saw it in the morning,
it was bright and glimmering again
and I remembered why I had spent so many hours
caring for it, shining it, just gazing,
simply gazing.
Feb 2013 · 1.7k
For Sherlock
Jess Feb 2013
I know you love her and she loves you
and she’s all you can think about
even when you’re with me.
But I can’t stay away from you.
You’re all I’ve ever wanted,
you’re sarcastic and arrogant and adorable and intelligent
and you’re skinny and your hair is curly and your eyes…
they’re like the ******* ocean after a storm
all green and blue and swirly
they glow and I can’t help myself from gazing into them
whenever I’m with you.
And it hurts so much
to be in love, infatuated, whatever you want to call it
I feel so happy when I’m with you,
and melancholy when you’re gone
when you’re with her
when you’re thinking about her
when you’re planning your future with her.
and I think you and I would be perfect together
so perfect.
People tell me you like me,
people say you try to push me away because your feelings scare you
because you’ve put three years of love into this relationship
with her
but you only see her four weeks a year
and you see me every day
and I get you
I put up with you, and I love it,
even when you’re being wonderfully difficult and annoying
because I think I love every single thing about you
and all I know is that I want to be with you
I want to call you mine and I want to be yours
I want to be in your arms and play with your hair
I want to listen to your secrets and tell you about my dreams
I want to laugh with you and cry with you
I want to sing and dance and make music with you
and I want you,
all of you,
every day.
Feb 2013 · 411
Like the Sun
Jess Feb 2013
Sometimes I gaze straight into the sun.
I can’t help it.
When it’s setting over the mountains or the sea
and the rays are dancing off the air
I have to turn and look
and sometimes I look longer than I should
but it holds me, it holds my eyes and I can’t turn away.

Sometimes I fall in love.
I can’t help it.
When he comes to meet me at the rock at sunset
and he looks right at me with that look
I have to look back at him
and sometimes I look longer than I should
but he holds me, he holds my heart and I can’t run away.
Feb 2013 · 1.4k
The Fall
Jess Feb 2013
Walking by the sea at midnight,
the waves are crashing up a storm.
I take your hand and we step out.
The surface of the water is cool
and it swells as we walk atop the breaks,
following the waves back to the distant
horizon filled with bone-white stars.
Sharp melodies of wintry winds blow,
make our faces bright with cold as we go
above the seas, below the spangled skies,
together, side by side, just you and me.

We never turn or look back to see
the distant sandy shores where it began
with the seasons of summer and autumn,
the friendship on fire that sparked within
but we walk on, dancing along the top
of the gently stirring ocean’s brim.
The storm is long gone, the water settles
into a murky grey-blue but mostly green
brilliant, sparkling deep color that just
perfectly matches the shade of your eyes
why can’t I stop thinking about your eyes?
I walk with you for hours until we’re lost
in the sea together and the clouds begin
to light up and the cold of the night fades.
The sun shatters the stillness with its loud
triumphant rays for us, just you and me.

In the misty new light of day we see
a small wooden boat floating up ahead.
We climb in, find paddles, and begin to row
and row and row and never tire
until we hear a sound, faint at first
then rushing and rushing, faster and louder
and as the fog clears we see a waterfall
sky-blue and streaming, tall enough to ****.
You turn around and set down your paddles
and take my face in your hands and then
you kiss me and nothing else matters and
no one can see us and it’s strange and new
and thoughts are storming through my mind
but I push them away and give you
my heart, my word, my everything, and
you pull back and give me that smile
the smile I love, more than anything.
When we’re at the edge, for one eternal moment,
it’s just your eyes and mine; just you and me.

— The End —