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Jerry Dec 2013
If I actually did Win.
Win the lottery.
It will somehow,
turn out to be bad for me.

Maybe it is good that I have
no luck,
no love,
no satisfaction.

If not for bad luck.
I would have no luck at all.

Everything bad.
must be better than nothing at all.
Jerry Dec 2013
It's ******!
Nothing happy

Nothing Merry!
losing a job,
one week before Christmas.
Jerry Dec 2013
I am without
without cheer & laughter
without happiness & satisfaction
without passion & love
without wisdom
I am rich without.
Jerry Apr 2013
It's time, to say goodbye,
It's time to prepare my will.
It's time to buy my plot.
It's time to move on.
Nothing here will care or will notice.
I quietly leave, with no regret.
Jerry Apr 2013
Jewelry & Perfume,
Things that glitter.
Make-up and Tattoos.
Designed to distract my attention
from the real pretty girl.
Inspired by Johnnie Rae "Hiding"
Jerry Feb 2013
I had a not so secret crush on a girl two years my senior.
I made a be-line straight to study hall to sit at her table.
When she graduated, I asked if I could write in her year book.
She sweetly but somewhat reluctantly handed it to me.
I wrote her a special love sonnet (of sort) in the very back of her year book.

When I returned her book the next day,
I looked her in the eyes, smiled and wished her the best.
Trying not to choke on my words and not wanting to show a tear.
I quickly and graciously made my exit.

Two years later, she showed up at my graduation.
She appeared from behind me and called me by name.
I turned to see her always beautiful smile and sparkling eyes.
Taller and more beautiful than I remembered.

Her sudden & unexpected appearance stunned me!
My reaction in turn, appeared to have disturbed her!
Her smile faded, then she wished me well and made a swift but graceful exit.
We never saw or spoke again!

I wish my actions had been much more delightful.
I was a nervous young man and lacked confidence in the presents of such beauty.
Still true to this day! I sometimes wonder how and where my high school crush is doing.
Just fine, I imagine.
Rita, I have always loved you.
Jerry Feb 2013
Love or Jealousy,
Commitment or Freedom,
Happiness or Fun,

All a funny taste?
Bitter Sweet, yet intoxicating.

A brew of witchery.
A blessing of Angles.
Time will always tell.
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