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Jerry Joseph Apr 2013
Here I am again
I wonder.
If I really am,
It's so easy to
be wasted.
So many voices.
So many places.
So much, so little.
It's so easy.
It's so hard.
To know what I mean
when everyone
else is saying what
they mean.
I never really
wanted to be
anybody special.
I am what I am.
That I am.
Jerry Joseph Apr 2013
A nuance is a welcome sight
          for short-lived creatures,
Set the clock and close the door,
A hundred times this insomnia
Burns before the mantle of a heavy head,
Grip the handle,
Once more swing the hinge...
Blithely move the door:
Jerry Joseph Apr 2013
Drawing lines and dying somewhere with our
      legs between them,
I can hardly remember you
With your anxious subtle reasoning.

It was the other day I caught a glimpse of
      someone I knew,
And she reminded me of you.

Speculatively, I thought she was what you
      would be...a little of the past, a little new
And even now that I'm closest to the truth.
Jerry Joseph Mar 2013
What is age
But time past
If not a continuation
Of things before,
And too the place
Of all beginnings.

Time brought us here
To meet with this age
Together from the beginnings
Of yesterdays.
On these special days
We celebrate
Not so much our birth
As our life.

Birth is the first beginning
Life is the future
And what we've shared
Will always be a part of that.
So on your birthday
I give you back
Thoughts of our special time.
My gift is the treasure we found
And shared together.
There's nothing to do about growing older.
The memories with this gift will last forever.
Jerry Joseph Mar 2013
When the moon chooses
To take her face behind
Her silver gray garment,
And goes less bold
Before the eyes of earth,
She turns her face and hides,
And from hight to low
She shakes the tides.
There is nothing she might say
Could quell our seas
When she feels like touching,
But cannot be touched,
When she feels like looking,
But not like being watched.
For millions will feel her force,
And all must surely know,
Only one can make them ebb,
For only one can make her fade.
When he goes beyond her reach
She turns her head and sighs,
Caring less for all earth's eyes.
Jerry Joseph Mar 2013
It's quiet here, I'm so alone.
In the corner of a life at the end of a road.
I'm old as a creaking board on a rotting porch.
There's no one near to notice, just me alone.

I look around, there's nothing to see,
There's no where to go, no up anymore.
Can't go back, can't see ahead, spin.
Spin like wheels on a wet slab.

Wish I'd been brave in my younger years.
Wish I'd shouted more at five o'clock.
I could have reached higher, piled up more.
It's too late now, who can change the past?

The earth is round, it matters not,
It begins as it ends and it spins on.
Now when moments count
I can't care about the long lost past,
Now when moments count I ask,
"At this one throw has the die been cast?"
Jerry Joseph Jan 2013
Soon my trek will be over,
My reach for the stars ending
The flailing that started so long ago.
It seems like I crawled for ever
Over the carpet, hardwood and tile
Looking up into warm eyes and arms
Getting up and walking finally.
Learning to embrace life
The good, the bad and the hard stuff
All mixed up in life's box o' chocolates.
I grew up, I drank my cocktails.
I sang my song, I whistled in the wind.
I said my prayers and grew older.
When I fall back down to my knees
I can't have any regrets about the past.
I've drawn a long deep breath
And felt the strength of good fortune.
I've had the best of friends
I've had good work and times of peace.
When I take my last glance around
I'll know where I'm at even if I don't know
What comes next.
Seen an average looking older gentleman sitting on a park bench. This is what he must have been thinking.
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