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Jan 2023 · 141
Jerry Howarth Jan 2023
Bits and Pieces From Isaiah
Chapt. 1:2-4 "The Lord has spoken"
The ox knows his owner and the *** his crib, but Israel does not know. A sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, having forsaken the Lord and provoked the   Holy One to anger."

The book of Isaiah is principally about Israel, Jerusalem and Judah,
but the message carries over to all the nations of the world today, especially the Jews and Gentles  of America.

Vs. 9 speaks of a very  small remnant of faithful believers among Jerusalem and Judah,
even so, scattered throughout the world and  America, there is a small remnant of faithful servants of the Lord.

But to those who are rebellious against God, just going through the motions of worshipping God,
i.e. the Easter/ Christmas crowd,
God says in vs's 11-15, He is sick of
their vain worship; vs. 15 He won't even respond to their prayers.

In these opening vs's Isaiah is describing Judah and Jerusalem, but they also are descriptive of the majority of America
Oct 2022 · 143
The Gift
Jerry Howarth Oct 2022
One day, Grampa was walking and talking with his Ten year old grand daughter. Shortly they came to a river. The side they were on was full of thistles, *** holes, cow manure and was not a very pleasant place to be walking.

On the other side of the river was a nice pasture of green grass, flowers and a very pleasant place to walk.

As they stood looking over the river at the pleasant pasture, Grampa pointed out to his grand-daughter where they were standing, that every day he was getting closer to that pleasant side of he river.

"What do you mean, Grampa?" she ask

"Honey child. Grampa is talking about death.
The day is coming, that Grampa's body will die,
It will  be buried some where in this earth,
But at the second coming of Jesus, be lifted up on high.

My child, Grampa has lived a good life,
But not good enough to merit a place in Heaven.
The only merit I have is the suffering and dying of Jesus for all my sins and, in Him my sincere believing.

My sweet Grandchild, the Bible says, "The wages of Sin is death.." and so Jesus died for all my sins
...but the Gift of God is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ"
Only by sincere faith in Jesus can anyone receive the Gift of eternal life.

Have you understood all that I have been telling you?"
"Yes Grampa, I have and I sincerely believe in Jesus Christ that He suffered and died for all my sins and now I have received the Gift of Eternal Life

How about you dear reader? Have you believed in Jesus Christ that He died for all your sins, and you have received The Gift of Eternal Life?

The Bible says "If we confess  our that we are a sinner "God is faithful to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us of all our unrighteousness."
From Jerry Howarth's Book of Devotions
Aug 2022 · 693
Feb 2022 · 298
Moses and the Burning Bush
Jerry Howarth Feb 2022
God Ordained Moses to Lead Israel Out of Egypt

Moses was out for a leisure walk and saw a fire
and upon taking a closer look at what was burning,
he was greatly surprised to discover a bush was on
fire, but was not being consumed. As he stood wondering at it, a voice boomed out of it, saying, "TAKE OFF YOUR SHOES! YOU ARE STANDING ON SACRED GROUND!"
As Moses was taking off his shoes, the voice continued speaking:" I am the God of your father,
of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I have been listening to
the prayers of my people in Egypt, and see the affliction upon them from their taskmasters, and am moved by their sorrows. I am going to rescue them
from the slavery of the Egyptians and lead them to a land of milk and honey.
Moses, I have chosen you to go talk to the Pharoah of Egypt and lead my people, the children of Israel out of Egypt"

And Moses said, "I am greatly honored that you think enough of me for such a worthy responsibility,
but I am not your man for such a task. For one thing
I am not a good talker, and besides that I am slow of speech."

God replied to Moses
"Moses" said God "Throw down your rod on the ground." And Moses did as God told him, and his
rod became a snake. "Now pick it up by it's tail" And when Moes did so, the snake returned into Moses rod.
Then God spoke again to Moses saying, " Now put your hand under your shirt."  And when he pulled his hand out, it was white with leprously. "Now return your hand, which Moss did and when Moses drew his hand back out, it was as healthy as his other hand.
"Now Moses, if my people will not follow you by
these signs, dip some water from the river and pour some on the ground and it shall turn into blood."

But Moses still was not convinced he was the man for the task God was calling him to do.

He began making excuses why he was not God's man for the task.
"I am not eloquent"
"I am not a speaker"
"I studder when I talk"
"Th e leaders of Israel will not believe me"

God had an answer for every excuse Moses came up with.
He recruited Aron, Moses's brother, to convey to Moses His
words to tell Israel and Pharaoh.
Jul 2021 · 175
JESUS=What He Means To Me
Jerry Howarth Jul 2021
Let me tell you what I think of Jesus,
How much He means to me.
For to me to live is Christ,
Because He cancelled my sins debt.
When He died on the Cross of Calvary.

In as much as He gave His all for us
Even unto painful shameful death,
Presenting ourselves as a living sacrifice,
Surely we should do nothing less.

Romans twelve, verses one and two,
Is the best appreciation we can express,
To the Lord Jesus for His sacrificial
Substitutional propositional death.

So, who will dedicate yourself in a
Once and forever living sacrifice
Which is truly a reasonable service
In view of God's mercies through Christ.
                            -by  G. E. Parson
Mar 2021 · 473
Jerry Howarth Mar 2021
I have COPD
Or actually it has me.
It has me wheezing
And coughing.

It has me huffing
And puffing
And choking

I detest getting dressed,
Because every move
Bring distress,
So I always need to rest,

Because between
Donning each article
And particle
It is a breath taking struggle.

Yes, I say
I have COPD
But in reality
It has me,

In it's grip,
Controlled like
A military ship

Three times
I had a COPD Attack,
And Passed out
Fell flat on my back.

Sleeping at night
I don't always sleep right
Because my bronchial tubes
Are closed up tight.

One day, some day
It will take me away.
But that's OK
I'll be tranported
To Heaven that day

How about you
My reader friend?
Wherre will go
After your life
Comes to an end?
      = by G. E. Parson
Jun 2020 · 130
Jerry Howarth Jun 2020
Talking about a special occasion
That comes around every year,
That children, young and old
Get mushy, calling Father "Dear"

The third Sunday in June,
That special American date,
That the children America
Set aside to celebrate

An original idea by
A woman named Sonora Dodd
Confirmed by Richard Nixon's
Official Presidential nod.

Now there are good Fathers,
And not so good ones,
Which is equally true of sons.

In the Bible is recorded
Guide lines for being
A successful Father
But if ignored, you
Will be a failure.

Such as Eli, a Priest of Israel,
Who is a very bad Daddy example;
In contrast, on the other hand,
Is described the model of Daddies
Father Abraham.
(Who was...)
A tremendous type of God,
Who offered up his only begotten son,
Who picked up the paycheck
For our sin (The wages of sin is death)

(Listen to me, all you fathers!)

Fatherhood is not only an honor,
But also a serious responsibility.
And should never be entered into lightly,
So rear your children spiritually.

In the admonition of the Lord,
To live and conduct themselves
In obedience to His Word.
Jun 2020 · 170
Five Kings In A Cave
Jerry Howarth Jun 2020
The Setting: Five great Kings ganged up on Joshua and Israel; but
in reality they ganged up on God, who enabled team Joshua to defeat them.

Joshua 10: 16,17 "And these five Kings fled and hid themselves in
a cave at Mak-ke' dah. And it was told Joshua...and he said, "Roll
great stones upon the mouth of the cave and set men by it for to
keep them."                                                                            ­    

Yes, they all ganged up on Joshua and Israel,
But God was against them, and thousands fell.

And when the five Kings realized they were  defeated
They forsook their soldiers and into a cave retreated.

In ignorant they thought they were saved,
But the very place they hid, became there grave.

Today people are hiding in caves of self-righteousnes  
Caves of religeon, of keeping the ten commandments.

Caves of morality, of keeping the golden rule,
But like the Kings, such hiding places are not cool.

They are like the great stones who ,the kings they held,
Are like everlasting judgment, sealing your grave in Hell.

The Bible says Heaven is obtained by faith alone in Christ,
Not by deeds of self-righteosness, of good works of life.

Church attendance, good upright morality and such thngs,
In the sight of men comendable, but us to Heaven will not bring.

The Bible teaches God's love is true,
He shed His precious blood for me and you.

On the cross of Calvary, sins debt He paid,
So you and I can now be saved.
Ephesians 2:8-9 "for by GRACE are you saved, through fairth and that not of yorself                                                                                                                        

Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by GRACE are you saved through FAIH, and that not of yorself, it is the GIFT o God; Not of WORKS  lest any man should boast."                                                                                                                                  
                                         not ofworks lest any man shpold boast."
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