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4.1k · Nov 2013
Memories of an Old Houses
Jerry Desbrow Nov 2013

They retain precious memories,
intimate feelings of inhabitants
passing through its sagging doors.

Romantic are seekers of forgotten times
memories encased in hard wood floors;
as lath plastered walls ooze remnants of a
history while we; when inclined listen.

We don't go very often, to abandon houses,
perhaps on a dare, or at Halloween.
Are we passed enjoying extremes into this
another world, musty energy a curious child.

That was the yesterday
which now waits behind
musty, dusty, derelict halls.

I stand I stand at paint chipped banister,
a faded worn carpet once carried dancing feet,
children playing before they sleep. The
broken coat tree on the floor.

From the third floor murmuring,
a wind storm jars
loose fears, of time
once lost to dreams.

Echos billow from
each room, curtains hanging
yellowed by a sun where
dancing light through holes in damask lace.

Mice gremlin's artful droppings,
tracks of nature on dirt strewn floor.
Broken shards from window
panes, confetti after New Years day.

Branches scratched
etched paths, tracks like graffiti
on sill its unread words, a glif
eerily cast shadows trigger echos from the past.

Jagged memories protrude from every corner
mixing with new, enriching our fantasies
bringing us closer renewed;
these musty memories long forgotten.

Like waves rushing back;
flooding a mind like broken
dikes they crash into our world,
Rembrandt's paintings on canvas fading.

Silent footsteps outside a door,
we hear laughter from bedroom walls;
a smell a whiff of hot butter ***, silent
conversation coming our way.

Old Doc Masters listened at my chest, as
I read all by candle light, Sherlock detective stories
or the Tell Tale Heart of Poe or
Othello; all masters in the past.

A Grandfather clock
stands silent, keeping time,
lost its tick yet still striking,
it stands tall, upon a clueless floor.

Knowledge lost to a past
in a house so worn,
births, deaths, wars, wrapped
forgotten, encased by neglect,

I visited a house besotted,
neglected waiting to be
remodeled into another century
moving it to present times.

Archival Jan 5, 2011
Edited and rewritten Nov 1 2013 / ajanon/ Jerry
1.8k · Oct 2013
Open form; Silent Places
Jerry Desbrow Oct 2013
The trapeze artist without
encased within a paper weight,
reading through eye
glasses crafted for readers
astigmatic use.
This is the mind set...... this is the end truth.......
Being is embryonic,
to become, to the pupal larva,
a new becoming, Life.

Quantum leaps often end in tragedy
               when the time traveler ceases to travel
                         The sudden stop!
Rapid communication......synaptic calibration......recall all yesterdays.
blind intellect               one tenth of one second         15 seconds
The dimensions split and the bicameral mind appears two lobes
right and left, inverted vision adjusted for
mythic fusion,
creating abstracted convolutions
answering to them self. A planet in a galaxy of confusion.


Imagination finding place in the new electronic
institution, man made synaptical illustrations
from pixilated madness.
We take from
illogical extension of our existence that makes some sense.
We make it such
that it becomes
the most told lie
we believe without questioning.
Till death we do part.


As I inhale looking at my last past, well
in any case the past is where I just wrote past the last time
like now PAST.
Rationalization is overrated, intellectual *******
is for the cools, and catatonic haze is a new wave drug.
It is early in a new society's evolution.....
It is late in the face of time......
ergo quantum quandary quid pro quo

Ajerry / copyright

**I am not sure what the meaning of explicit means to a poet. It does not contain X rated language or sexually explicit acts. Ajanon/ Jerry**
1.0k · Oct 2013
Enhancing Changes
Jerry Desbrow Oct 2013
Awareness becomes acute,
shadows fall into darkness,
eyes transition, dilating to scoop up day's
fading light, a tingling of verboden awareness.

Heart rate increases...

The hearing filters the white silent noise
probes record temperatures change
while a moon's waning prepares our body
defenses for the new evening waiting.

Adjusting to the black and white...

The shift when smells registering locations
as we walk along levies and back streets.
A chill of anticipation prevails in the darkness
uneasiness with a sudden changing wind.

A tactile sensitivity slams our senses...

Withdrawing into our second nature as
night falls upon the day. Animal instinct
replace our norm to guide the human animal
safely on it's way.


Oct 29 2013
Jerry Desbrow Nov 2013
With a broken pencil upon
tear stained pages, scratching out
thoughts detailing lost ages.

Immune to academic scorn
creating words fitting new forms,
sewing new dimensions.

In the world where writers ink can be
shaded by isolations bleak stagnation,
my sorted letters find stained pages.

Ajerry 11-7-13
643 · Oct 2013
Open Dialogue [3259]= 0-1
Jerry Desbrow Oct 2013
Language, being what it is, our vioces what they are
when all are well and healthy their
mind makes musical sounds,
calibrated by breathing
tones across the chest,
we learned to count
and swear an oath to the master of a universe.

Come and count with me.
Open a dialogue to sound and
count, tone, rhythm, wind blowing free,
cows, baboons, birds chattering in a tree,
where these unnamed things are given names
​by the Troglodyte friend and me.

Ajerry 10-29-13 near halloween
585 · Oct 2013
Down Town
Jerry Desbrow Oct 2013
It does not exist any more
boarded up windows
trash littered street
down town does not
exist any more...
Once an artery now a vein
dusty old Rt 66 dying
in pain, no more white line fever.

577 · Nov 2013
Silent Beauty
Jerry Desbrow Nov 2013
Last time I looked it was spring,
I guess I should come here more often.

A skiff of ice just formed over night.
Clear cool air, not September
but November.
Roads are empty,
Now I remember,
a heart attack,
a chair... and ascending.

Ajerry 11-3-13
See Image here
564 · Nov 2013
Fingers on Keys
Jerry Desbrow Nov 2013
Standing at a door
about to open,
......the apartment
abandon years ago,
now open to a breeze
wondering...where you are.

Finger on keys,
some lettered... some black and white.
A corner wraps round Steinway's
mahogany smile as the afternoon
reflected harmony.

Across the room a computer stood
old but humming when turned on
.......smooth sailing into 99.

The chair near the window, keys hung
on the wall one skeleton  one modern
looking what...!
you hear the white noise sing...
fingers on keys.

Nov 1, 2013
397 · Oct 2013
Last Man
Jerry Desbrow Oct 2013
Being suspended in an galaxy empty of
stars ....
a dark moon...a
sun flickering out...

struggling to save the memory ... many years
wandering just to
... end up here.

In a place in a space suspended.
...nothing but horizons line...looking,
I see where there can be no direction.

Solarwinds...move this lifeless soul

mind intact, into slow rolls and pirouettes,

silhouettes for blind men and slaves.

The last man's memory saved for future days....

October 28, 2013

— The End —