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Dec 2016 · 230
Who are you?
Jeromie adams Dec 2016
When I look into your eyes,
Your soul commands my attention.
There is calm reverence that comes over me.
Every word you utter is etched on the walls of my mind, as if my mind was a pyramid and your words the hieroglyphs

When you walk,
there is an overwhelming abundance of beauty.
Every movement you make displaces the air, like the wake left behind by a boat in water.
Each step you take, creates a new dance, a new song, a new chord never heard before.

When I hear you laugh,
it reaches in and it hugs my heart like standing in the midst of open flames, except,
they have not the authority to burn or harm.
They have only been given the privilege to disperse warmth.
The echo of your sound is permanently recorded and played back on a continous loop.

Your smile,
unlocks doors in my soul never opened before.
****** locks that other keys have tried to open but to their dismay, were never successful.

When I smell the breath of your scent,
it enters my veins, pumps through my heart, leaving me in a state of euphoric pandemonium.

Your unadulterated elegance,
Eons ahead of any mortal being.
In your humbleness, you fail to see it.
You are void of any hint or clue as to the extraordinary being that you are.
My mind lacks the ability to comprehend all of the wealth that is in you.
If all that is precious in the universe was forged into one body, it would stare at you in the mirror.
Jeromie adams Dec 2016
Silhouettes of broken dreams,
Nothing is ever as it seems,
Happiness is a dried up stream,
Deaf ears fell on violent screams,

Crowded streets on a night lit sky,
Warmth of another and new lullabies,
No longer will you see my selfless tries,
Reoccuring deaths of one man's mind,

Hell hath no fury like my anguished heart,
Thought after thought of those secret nights,
Lake water stills, as there are NEW thrills,
As i lay dying.......til death do us part..

Is there redemption for a man who was slain?
Can he ressurect from so much pain?
Can he right his wrongs?......or is he too late?

Perhaps we'd better start from the beginning
Before all the years of selfish hurts and sinning,
To each other there be truth and recourse,
I can not go on with so much remorse,

Eternal damnations and lasting temptations,
Lowering our caskets into the grave,
To start from the beginning is only for the brave,
Is there a chance.. slight hope...for old new romance?

Deaf ears fell on violent screams,
Happiness became a dried up stream,
I do not dare to ever not see it as it seems,
Please turn on the light, of silhouetted dreams...
Dec 2016 · 180
The One
Jeromie adams Dec 2016
The beauty of a tree
Who has lost its leaves
Remains internally
Until the spring

When spring times come
 the internal beauty from
The weathered tree
Bursts into external presence
For all to see

But for one
He sees the tree
In any season
As Beautifully

To him, no matter
The season
The beauty never fades
Leaves or no leaves
He longs for her shade
Dec 2016 · 237
Broken Man
Jeromie adams Dec 2016
Broken Man
 with broken hands,
 broken feet,
 how can he stand?

Broken Man
Broken Heart,
No light can be seen,
Where is the spark?

Broken Man
Broken mind,
Memories of yesterday,
Stop the time,

Broken man
With broken plans,
Abandoned soul
Where did it go?

Broken man
starting to heal
Pain has subsided
Can this be real?

From lamentation
One sweet soul
Gave rejuvenation

Ressurected man
With ressurected hands
ressurected feet
Now he can stand!

Ressurected man
With Ressurected heart
Death to the darkness
Because of her spark

Ressurected man
Ressurected mind
Injuries of yesterday
Are far behind

Ressurected man
With liberated plans
The prodigal soul
With her,
he is  whole
Dec 2016 · 351
Madness shines
Jeromie adams Dec 2016
Winter walks are like pedals of yesterdays flowers
Presence is scurried but memories remain
Whispering winds rattle bones like ghostly powers
Abstinence of love left a mortal stain

Shouting the quiet to dots of light
Grows deaf quickly to those who cant hear
Trying to forget with all the worlds might
An invisible hand displaces the tear

The ground has hardened from years of pacing
Never again to feel the warmth of little feet
My soul rests silently dead no life force tracing
I sufferingly yearn to join you in my sleep..
Dec 2016 · 153
Fan the flames
Jeromie adams Dec 2016
Explosive vision
Disintegrates alarm
Merging division
Discourages harm

Fanning the flame
The hearts contract
A soul with a name
Melds the pact

Colors of sound
And sounds of touch
Taste the words bound
By the lovers clutch
Jeromie adams Dec 2016
(Justice of love and hate)

You do not judge, by sight
By neither darkness, nor light

Your scales of wants, and need
To determine which, to feed

Your sword pierces, the hardest of hearts
Compassion awarded, to birth new starts

You condemn what you, do not see
You point your ignorant fingers, carelessly

You overbear the scales from, love to greed
Upon your slain and ruined, is what you feed

You seek to devour, the weakest first
The blood of innocents can't quinch, your thirst
Dec 2016 · 187
The Build
Jeromie adams Dec 2016
Concrete trucks come,
Foundations are laid,
But with what substance,
Has the foundation been paved?

Is it cement and rebar,
And the right mix of water?
So it'll stay strong,
and not crumble nor falter?

Is it knotty old wood
Or  papier mache?
That will crinkle and moan,
At the hand of any weight?

Were the walls built too quick?
Where wet concrete sits?
To shuffle and sway,
And jostle and slip?

Did you plan with precision,
The effects of mother natures course?
Or did you build so quick...
No thoughts of remorse?

No matter how you build,
The storms forever come....
They show no mercy for,
rich, poor, weak, strong
Or Anyone.....

— The End —