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2.3k · Jun 2015
Jeremy Jun 2015
The pain that I never show,
Is the pain that you'll never know.
845 · Jun 2015
Jeremy Jun 2015
The stars won't appear,
When they know you're about,
Because it's you who they fear,
Knowing they can't glow as loud.
I like Netflix
And poems
And i bet ppl judge from my dp
773 · Jul 2015
For Him
Jeremy Jul 2015
For Him I'll be a messenger,
Ready to spread the word.
I'll be His speaker, His voicer,
To save the ones lost and not founded.

I'll be a missionary,
Bringing his messages to even the moon.
I'll travel across the whole galaxy,
So others know that we aren't alone.

For Him I'm ready to be persecuted,
Judged along the way.
To be pushed off, ignored or executed,
Just brings me closer to Him everyday.

For God I'm ready to,
Drop my old life for the new,
To renew my spirit and to conclude,
Overflow into other lives too.

For God I'm ready,  
To be the salt of the world.  
To take burderns, so heavy,
In order to safe the lost and In peril.

For God I'll humble myself,
Let Him take the strings of my life.
Use me with all His power , compel,
To relieve the ones down and deprived.
Back from Christian fellowship camp
Overflow into other lives guys
743 · May 2015
Jeremy May 2015
Fear is what kills, fear is not the thing to keep you moving
Fear is like pills, it's gets to u and stops ur heart from pumping
It's addictive, a drug, it sends the fearless fearful, thinking
How did they feel this feeling of fear which just sends them sinking.

Fear is the pain which drags the people down into the ground.
Fear is the mood which sends the innocent to do no good.
Fear is the knife which is sent through everyone's hearts around
Fear is darkness, unseen, and overcomes thousands like a sandstorm, darude.
627 · Jun 2015
If I was a god
Jeremy Jun 2015
If I was a god,
I'll have all time in my hands.
But I'll still take hours from my watch,
To try to understand.

If I was a god,
I would be immortal, undying.
But I'll still shed my blood clots,
To stop you from crying.

A god if I was,
It would be fine to not care.
But I would, for your cause,
And other matters to repair.

If I were to be a god,
I can just not bother.
But when I see you hurt,  
Being a god wouldn't be an honour.

If I am a god,
I would live without fears.
But in case you forgot,
Your screams still haunt my ears.

If I was the god,
I would have control on your life.
But I'll let you control mine cuz
Without you, I won't survive.
I still liek poem
Forced to post by kelli
527 · Apr 2015
Jeremy Apr 2015
As I scream and I shout
I don't know how it's so loud
This words covering me
With a shroud, I'm on a cloud

I'm lightheaded, your face in my head faded
Memories long gone shorter than this verse
How I made it, I don't know how but I hate it
Satan take the wheel, imma curse, my body gona freaking burst

How you forget it's amazing, you just don't care,
Leaving broken pieces to pick up here and there
It's everywhere, it's in the air, it's in my hair
But you don't give a crap, you stand there and just stare

Out of this desperation, this act, this imitation
Get me out, pull me away, no more of this alliteration
Get me out of here, speed up the acceleration
I can't stay patient no more, this is a hell compilation.
453 · Jul 2015
Jeremy Jul 2015
When you leave, I'll be more than just sad,
Because you're someone that I've never had.
448 · Apr 2015
From my eyes
Jeremy Apr 2015
Innocence standing right in front of my eyes
Taunting me to get out of the cries
In my head, telling me to back away before it's too late
Before the hate comes rushing through, this feels so great
The pain I'm feeling is irritate, you're imitate
So stop before this breaks down, you're in a shade, I'm blazing red
I'm hot from this madness you're causing but wait look, there's a parade
Cheering me on to do what I don't want to, consultant please freaking consultate!
Look at my plate, it's emptier than a blank wooden crate
This date, this year, this month imprinted into my head.
So every time when I look at the calendar on this exact day
I remember it's the day u ******* up, not me, cya in hell mate.
439 · Jun 2015
I can
Jeremy Jun 2015
I can do it all, I can be the one
I can be the son to a father, a father to a son.
I can be the bullets to the gun, the clouds to the sun,
The solos just begun, so while you still can, run.

I can lead the way, I can be the say,
I can do the pay, the only leader to your play,
I can be okay, mask it with my bouquet day by day
I'm the one who slays, you stay and pray I'll be safe within the prey

I'm astray, I'm lost, you're blocking my way,
I'm left outcast here, a needle in the hay,
Now stop, replay and look back at the days,
Where you did the same, hey look it's starting again, touché.
Just free flowed for fun
424 · Apr 2015
Jeremy Apr 2015
Now this isn't me, why can't you see
That's the last time I swear to thee.
You know me well enough to know I ain't this,
But now you wana break free and make me release
This hold of you, after all I've been through,
You don't know what I've done, you've no clue
Now I'm stuck back I'm square one but in a second or two
Karma will get you back out of the blue
301 · Apr 2015
If you can
Jeremy Apr 2015
If you can dream and not make dreams your master ,
If you can think and not make thoughts your aim.
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster,
And treat those two imposters just the same.
If you can bear the truth that you've spoken,
Twister by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you have your life to, broken
And stoop and build them up with worm out tools.

— The End —