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Jeremy Ducane Jan 2015
Your latest lover leaves the train.
The pattern on the seat interrogates.
No answers warm now emptiness is all.

The wings of possibility are burnt
Ammonia stenches, clouds.
No taking light of eyes agreed.

The window is still there.
You always were a window-watcher, you.
Now there may be something.
Maybe something new.
Jeremy Ducane Jan 2015
Now is the very time. The most high.
I tell you all to stand.  There is the sun
Of freedom.  There, see.  
Stand up and speak, be heard, be seen
To see it.  Spirits stretch to light
By nature, by all of us in eyes that
Meet in quiet powerful crowds.

We may slowly, sadly walk to home.
But we will ever each be keeping close
The open, breathing words.
Jeremy Ducane Jan 2015
You're still not seeing it
The master began....
I know I said
And shot him dead.
I can I can I can.
Jeremy Ducane Dec 2014
The sly obscuring sheets are undulating seas
And landscapes white and shadows

All taken in a vivid moment's memory,
As langorous limbs are briefly open fields of

And - I know - of course not all you are.
But allow a sunlit second: you naked, with me,
Jeremy Ducane Dec 2014
A lifetime would hardly be enough to listen
Long and talk to you, as here we sit
In newly plastered swirling pink
That might look cold, but so not so -
For we are wombed by warmth of voices
Ours, through us - remembered others -
And a ghostly third.
Jeremy Ducane Dec 2014
Off on one side in my head. Only
Way to say it. Christmas does it to me
Every time.

I'm dangerous now. Squad don't know
But Inside hardly soldier anymore.  
Standing orders, tactics, kit and all

That stuff replaced by unmilitary                                              
Wondering at the sky,
Or the beauty of the brackets of the forward sight
That frame the blade, the 'I': the part of me
That is my target every time I fire.

Still, my private holiday tomorrow: I will
Close eyes on blinding sand
And wake in chilly splendour of
A Northern wood with bracken underfoot,

And  streams and lichened rocks,
And lowering clouds, a scattering of birds across the wind,
And peace.
Jeremy Ducane Dec 2014
Just the way you ruffle up your hair
Would grant your words a tree ring life.
So stopping in a year's walk winter wood,
I will remember -

Count back to seasons of past dreams.
Time is rain and sun and solitude of sap,
That can in quiet, etch rivulets down the years
To where we stand.
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