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Jerard Phillips Jan 2015
No this will not be an ode to creativity,
Nor will it be an epithet for emotion.
It will not serve as intellectual *******,
Nor an attempt at pointless immortality.

I write simply cause I do,
Much in the vein of walking, eating, breathing.
It is an instinctive process of nature,
Like a lion hunting a buck.

No I do not strive to write.
I do not search for muse or flavour.
On occasion a bolt from the heavens
Will find its way through my pen
Onto a paper
And like the village *****
Land up discarded on my floor

This is not a love letter to myself
I did earlier confess
I write simply cause I do
Its nothing more than a natural process
Jerard Phillips Jan 2015
Poor runaway girl

Packed bags in the corner by her table
Burnt out cigarette butts in the ashtray
Another day, another man, another broken dream
Another town, another time, another try

Always was daddy’s favourite little girl
Doe eyed, round cheeked, silent and touchable
He would never let any harm come to her
The apple of his eye, sweet as cherry pie

But at night there was a monster
In her most private place he would haunt her
Never good enough for others, only he wanted her
Silent words from silent lips, that’s he taught her

***** needles, high heels and red lipstick
Choice of an entire catalogue of monsters
Some rich, some loving, some loud, all looking for the same thing
Used and *****, abused and shake
New monster, same fate

Packed bags in the corner by her table
Burnt out cigarette butts in the ashtray
Another day, another man, another broken dream
Another town, another time, another try
Jerard Phillips Jan 2015
Cold wind, starless night, silent moan,
Lights on, voices heard, somebody must be home.
Sweaty palms, heavy breathing, humbled pride,
Glimmer of courage, act while you still can, time to go inside.

Tap-tap, knock-knock, no reply,
Laugh-laugh, whisper-whisper, weighs heavy on the mind.
Locked door, latched tightly, thoughts of kicking it down,
Unanswered door bell, shuffle of feet, dancing movements going round and round.

Bang-bang, slam-slam, just can’t get in,
Bolts moving into place, lights turned off, stomach fills with grim.
Light of realisation, returning of reason, rising of a veiled sun,
Back to turned to the door, try another house, clearly unwelcome.
Jerard Phillips Jan 2015
Change for a smile?

I was always told to greet everyone with a smile.
It does not cost you a thing they say.
I tend to disagree with this statement.

A smile leads to an introduction,
This leads to a conversation,
Tends to birth a friendship,
And now you are invested in a relationship.

Everything new and exciting,
Fast paced and close to heart,
Rewards and benefits,
Never a dull moment,
An indestructible pair

However, nothing for free in today’s day and age,
A bill for the shoulder to cry on,
Debt orders for the acts of loyalty,
Receipts to prove what has been done for you,
Bank guaranteed cheques accepted here,
Best you pay up on time my friend.

Wake up and your life account shows a very depressing zero,
But this is no reason to despair
You are now the proud owner of real world experience,
Invested into yourself,
The first crop may be lost, but there are still smiles left to come

So I sit across from you,
With a smile on my face,
‘That will be one lessoned learnt please’ I say
‘There you go kind sir’ you reply
‘Thank you’ I reply
Now please take your change.

— The End —