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Mar 2014 · 562
If I was asked to paint my life on a canvas, your silhouette would be the first thing I would brush on.
Following would be the deep and courageous shade of brown I voyage through when I look into your eyes.
And it's almost as if I would have to stencil in the word "perfect" where your smile is placed instead of steadying my hand enough.
Although I could never sway my fingers beautifully enough to visualize how I see you, I'd hope you'd still Love it.

If someone were to question what my life story is about, I could only respond by saying "finding her".
You are the space in between all my letters.
The chapters that I can't nearly prolong enough.
Every period, comma, colon, exclamation point and question mark.

Repayment won't ever be sought out enough.
Merely because I don't have enough seconds in a day to give you recognition for the aspiration you gift to me.
You've given me the freshest breath of air and the cleanest drink of water.
For that, I give you my all and hope it's enough.

So I send you thanks, for giving me a plot.
And I thank you for providing me with the most wondrous story line.
I dedicate this piece of art to you, my dear.
Mar 2014 · 494
I Can't Give You The World
Dear Sam.

I aspire for assurance and linger for Love.
I misuse mistakes and inherit insecurities.
I keep trust temperamental and worries wistful.

Sometimes I’m not capable of being best.
And in ratio to my gentleman like conduct I feel as though I come off condescending.

I’m not happy about my heritage.
I sure in the hell am not proud of my pollutants.

But I ask you to view my soul sparingly.
And listen to my voice vicariously.

I have your best interest in mind.
I seek out to heal your beautiful heart.
I want to live all my days deciphering this poem I’ve been reciting daily ever since we met.

Until then, all I can assure you is that my Love runs deeper than any body of water.
All I can say is that I plan on holding you for many lifetimes to come.
All I can say is that I Love you, more than I could ever pronounce.

**I can’t give you the world my dear, but I will show you it.
Mar 2014 · 803
A thought alignment.
A gathering of ideas.
A herd of beings, all with twisted arms.

The condescending conspiracy takes hold like the body of a snake.
How can we expand our minds if they've become beguiled by the thought that everything will "be okay"?
Weight of the truth compares to that of an anvil.
This is why our shoulders become harder to carry around with the years that pass.

So we need to question the most simplistic advocate.


What is it we need?
Why is it we give up?
Who tamed the fire inside your heart?

Give me passion. Give me hope. Give me assurance that no matter how hard it may be to take that next step into abandonment, you'll keep walking.
Because an empty space never gave you so much opportunity.
A revolution is taking place and we need to open our windows and let the sour breeze roll in.

Find strength in the fallout.
Bring Love in your pockets.

*Awareness is loyalty.
I've been reading TOO MUCH about what's going on behind closed doors this day in age. We, the wonderful people, need to be the change.
Feb 2014 · 494
They say they inspire you.
The catalyst to your creation.
They blinded your view and stole your reflection.

A piece of your clarity was taken.
You and your vocal chords held no relationship anymore.
Voided were all of your reputable commitments you once made.

They took those pieces of your heart that were shedding like snake skin.
You were growing, you were changing.
What else did they expect?

They…were no inspiration, nor catalyst.
You were a pigment on the disastrous piece of art they had been creating.
Reduced to nothing, they expected you to be everything.

Forget they. Remember I.
I want you to fill those voids with self discovery.
I want you to rest your thoughts on the fact that you’ve found Love and she is the miracle to all of your disasters.
I want you to lift your head up, and repeat after me..

I, am still here.
I, inspire myself.
And that’s all I need.

Take your baggage and throw it off a cliff.
Start packing a new bag.
And label it “I AM ME”.
Feb 2014 · 568
I’ve become fearful of counting sheep.
And the days don’t come easy.
Prevalence exists alone.
And mankind seems to be altered by a mood swing.

So when the winds stop flowing.
And this white colored precipitation melts away.
I’ll take off my jacket and wish my body the best.
Because there is no plain sight unless you’re blessing me with that smile.

So I’ll follow this worldly wonder and take my chance.
Carrying my posture better than a wooden plank.
Watching ideas grow off you like a garden full of life.
And when the right time arrives, I’ll ask you to dance.

Say yes.
Feb 2014 · 2.8k
When I was younger my mom had a cape.
I used to believe she was some superhero that came and saved us whenever we needed.
And I can’t tell you how many times she came to my rescue.

Through scraped knees, broken hearts, blistered fingers and life changing conflicts, she was there holding out her hand.

I used to think my mother owned the world.
She had a way to make it seem like it stopped spinning when she tucked us in at night.
Like we were the only things that mattered when the moon fell.

She battled Love, proper balance and belonging for years. But I couldn’t be more appreciative that we were the motive behind her struggles.

She was a wrecking ball labeled with dedication.
Destroying buildings full of poverty and mental *******.
And she even helped clean up the debris.

I’ve never seen anyone stand so tall after being knocked down so many times. It makes me feel weightless in knowing I have such a gravity shifting role model.

So this Christmas I won’t wish for anything for myself.
I won’t ask for anything to help sort out my troubled thoughts or materialistic struggles.
And I certainly won’t entail anything that strays from you being the subject matter of today.

All I do ask is that you Love yourself as much as I Love you.

You are the strongest, most intelligent and most inspiring woman I will ever know and I’m so lucky to be able to call you my mother.
I am forever cherishing you bringing me into this world and raising me the way you have. I take lessons from you daily and I’ve ended up more than fine.

Thank you, for being you.
*I Love you, mom.
Feb 2014 · 391
The View
In a crowd full of sorrowing people, I spotted you.

The soundtrack to the setting.
The calming in the hesitant darkness.
The dimming of the brightly loud tears.

Simplistically, the smile in the midst of hundreds of frowned faces.

I spotted you.

The warmth to my cold and shivered skin.
The drought to the sadness that was festering.
The harmonizing of birds at dawn on a spring morning.

You were life at the funeral.
You looked like the first refreshing sip of coffee when waking.
You stood, so promptly; awaiting mourning and embracing the passing.
You, gave me hope, from fifty feet away.

I couldn’t wait to move closer and feel your aura of beauty.
To partake in the brilliance glowing off your body.
Because when wind caught, and my lungs consumed air that involved your existence, I couldn’t help my steps.

It took me 21 years, but I finally spotted you.

And although I sound foolish, I don’t plan on ever changing my line of sight.
Feb 2014 · 542
I watched a movie once that related Love to oxygen.
It was at that instance I realized something.
I’ve spent too many years inhaling and exhaling such a fragile and pure concept.
And for once I want to suffocate at the thought of a healthy heart.

I wanted to discontinue the second notion of my lungs.
Because breathing out never sounded so strenuous.

When I saw you, I couldn’t help but gather the atmosphere around me and hold it in.
My better half held it’s hand over my mouth.
But for once I didn’t panic.
The thought of your presence crept in and eased my pain.

At times I feel like I have reoccurring moments.
Like certain circumstances have been lined up for me and you’re my humidifier, aiding my existence.

A kiss.
My lips gather upon yours.
And it is at that time, I can resupply my body with life.
It is at that time, I always understand why he referenced oxygen when speaking about Love.

So when I grow older, I don’t want a breathing tube shoved down my throat.
I just want you there, holding my hand.

It’s you.
It’s always been you.
100 years ago.
100 years from now.
It’s you.
It’s always been you.
And it will always be you.
Feb 2014 · 813
I Can't Stop Staring.
It was as though my secrets were embedded like smile lines.
And you were the key carving out my cheek bones.
Because four shots of espresso never tasted so fulfilling.
And mediocre coffee shop soundtracks never sounded so soothing.

I listened to your tall tales that made me feel shorter.
I felt your walls gently falling like a cotton filled earthquake.
I couldn't help but watch a beautiful disaster take place.

I noticed you don’t see well.
A mirrored image doesn't suffice.
But I’m hoping a few kind words a day will help.
Because I refuse to watch an impeccable soul settle for less.

So I’ll write it down.
I’ll figure it in words.
Then I’ll crumble it up and bury it beneath the soil in your skin.
Aiming to be the water *** that helps you bloom into self-realization.

You, my dear.
Possess qualities families could make homes from.
Open your gaze, for me.
See yourself, for you are wonderful midst your darkness.
Feb 2014 · 1.8k
Welcome Home
Wrap me up.
Cover me in your tendencies.
Keep my body warm when the cold prevails.

Give me your hand.
I’ll guide you.

Create footsteps next to me.
Let me learn your breaths.
Take from me a mirror image.

Give me your hand.
I’ll follow you.

I’ll always miss you when you’re five feet away.
Or your smile when your face is turned.
And I’ll always miss the soothing energy from your fingertips when you’re gone.

I don’t wish to seek a shelter.
I do not hope to find a settlement.
And I will not search for riches.

Give me your hand.
I’ll hold it to mine.

Because you are the home, I’ve been aching to find.
And I’m tired of making up for lost time.

Show me your welcome mat, and I’ll come right in.
I promise I’ll wipe my feet.
I’ll leave my demons behind.

**I promise.
I want to take you on a place voided of all quandary.
I want to piece together this puzzle of words I’ve been trying to formulate so you can read just how I feel about you darling.

But it seems as though I can’t quite come up with the words nor actions to provide you with a vision. So for now I’ll just stay unorthodox and give you these pieces and hope you can figure it out.
Feb 2014 · 666
The tyrant oppressor.
The guided wanderer.
The reluctant adviser.

The seed, the water, the bloom.

Treat your internal life like the tallest sunflower you could grow.
Ease your worries.
Transmit them into a fruition that’s constantly being treated with the most potent fertilizer.

The petals fall, the soil becomes dry, and that plant deceases.

Stray from the singular project and widen your perspective.
You possess a garden so full of life that oxygen feels the need to feed off you.
Utilize your lesson; that being you are wonderful as a whole.

Every fault, every cracked pore on your skin, every doubt.

The underlying truth.
The effective selfishness.
The beauty, of you.
Feb 2014 · 495
I believe we have met before.
Somewhere in a past life.

I believe we have been searching for each other for decades now.
Somehow we found our way again.

I believe we were meant to begin another story in this life time.
One written better than the last.

I believe you were the ink to my pen.
A novel I never got to complete.

I believe in souls.
And you being my mate.

So take my hand.
I’ll carry you home.
I wrote this about the Love of my life and how I believe our souls to match perfectly.
Jul 2013 · 784
Established in 1992
All of the dirt I  rubbed off.
The wounds I stitched up.
Holes, that have been sewn and sewn again.
A heart that has been broken, over and over.

I am still here, breathing.

The marriage I watched crumble over the course of my childhood.
Scars that have left me unable to feel whole again.
Brothers torn apart from drugs, miscommunication, and a lack of loyalty.
Abuse inflicted from a glossy eyed father, never to be forgotten.

I am still here, breathing.

An interdependency I sought out since the age of 15.
Life lessons taught by oneself.
Morals imbedded while witnessing society's fallout.
Worthless was a word branded on my brain.

But I am STILL here, breathing.

A mother who gave all that she could to see her children joyous.
A father who still tries to clean up the battleground at which he demolished an entire family.
Forgiveness comes with the years that pass, but forgetting ceases to exist.
I've learned through losing anything and everything I loved, you need to keep loving.

But I assure you, my lungs still hold air.

To the friends I have left behind.
To the problematic past we breached as a family.
To the brothers I still have.
To the air I still breathe every day.

I am still alive.
And so are you.  

**I love you.
This piece is about my childhood. My present. My past and my future. I want to assure all of you that no matter the struggles we go through, light is at that end of every tunnel.
Jul 2013 · 1.1k
An Answer
A simple mind calls for a simple life.
An intellectual heart calls for heartbreak.
A shallow soul calls for an easy lifestyle.
An over-thinking brain calls for unresolved problems.

Try too hard, and we fail.
Don't try enough, and we fail again.

Love too much and you will be hurt.
If you don't Love enough you hurt yourself.

How is it life gives us so many complexes and still expects us not to dream about death?
Or with that, yearn for a day where we can start all over again?
One day a resolution will be found. Burrowed in the dirt somewhere deep inside our growing wills.
Plant your seeds, water your garden, and grow your vessels.

Self-Actualization takes time.
This, as you can read, has a lot to deal with complexes and how the world is filled with millions of them. Find your answers, and defeat your struggles. That's all I ask of you.
Is it these petty imperfections that make us whole?

See forth the future, at which the past is unrecognized.

Steer clear of troubles and regrets and know you can only be humanistic.

A withered heart deals great with a deserving smile.

Take pride in yourself my friends for we have come too far not to.

Do not fill voids with downfalls and accusations, we were made whole for some reason worth searching for.

Now go find it.
I've dealt a lot with myself lately and the fact that I've been pointing out my imperfections far too much. I have trouble getting past my demons but at the same time and great with helping everyone else rid their own. I've come very far in life so far, according to where I came from. So to that I say don't ever stop pushing friends.
May 2013 · 433
Words measure out of your mouth so instrumentally
A speech pattern solely recognized with rhythm being the reason
I question harmonizing to your melody
An epitaph after the ones you Love
The world decays and your voice is all I hear anymore
At least when I die I will know my ears have been saved from this catastrophe
Music, of course being my focus behind this piece. I tied the concept into the Love two people may share between one another. I hope you enjoy (:
May 2013 · 872
Negativity be set free
Thoughtless encounters with Mr. Pessimism have lead us all astray
Go forth in knowing the brightness of these days is no longer going to fluctuate
An analogy symbolizing doves at a wedding
You're officially married to yourself
**Now go live happily ever after
My life had crumbled and I dropped out of college to pursue my music career. I didn't think I had much hope living in the city I'm in and constantly I was at war with my brain. I yearned for a belonging in the music industry and I wasn't going to let myself be my own worst enemy. Optimism, I found, in the midst of the dark. Keep your heads up and keep pushing! This piece is a reflection.
May 2013 · 414
Late nights..
It's four o'clock in the morning
The only reason I am awake is because my brain thinks that in these few hours..when the rest of the world seems will find my heart
When no one is around, when the whispers of our generation decease, and when I can peacefully sort out lost thoughts, I think it secretly hopes my heart will come back home and never leave again
An analogy of the sort, when referring to a missing child or animal
Of course in a more sentimental manner, but the point is not hidden
This was a piece I decided to write after my heart had been taken by savages I still believe are human somewhere deep inside. I have been smashed, broken, pulverized, and completely torn apart by many of my relationships involving Love. Yet I am still standing and breathing, and that's what matters. Remember that people.
May 2013 · 1.0k
A Plague
A social climate infected by arrogance
We reek of greed and distortion beyond belief
Bitterness lurks through these seasonal nights to find nothing but subliminal dreams and horrendous frights
The poisons availing population control are becoming relentless
How can we desire ingenuity, if free will is unattainable
The towers have fallen and the hurricanes bring disasters
So is a new world order inevitable, or does that become indulged by the man himself
We've become a species fueled by materials and fallout is knocking at the door
Revolution: an ancient gathering of death and second chances
Because if we were all once "the body", how did we become so hideous
To the higher power, this is all systematical
To us morals, it is life
Searching for this impeccable conduct, we have become sightless of simplistic baggage
Spending too much time throwing a symbolic grenade into our trenches and hoping it blows up; but most often it is a dud
A lesson learned in time, a broad statement, and a suicidal commitment to our hearts
*For if we proceed with this concept, the world will brighten and the dark doors will vanquish
This is a poem I wrote when I was having trouble learning how to deal with society and all of the stresses that come along with the air we breathe.
My conclusion was Love. For it is the most beautiful thing life has to offer.

— The End —