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1.1k · Feb 2019
The Safe Place
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

I found a place:
Where plagiarism fears its

A place where works attracts
its audience.

It is a place of publicity:
Where reviews encourage its
The assemblage of legends.

It is a place of refuge:
Where works standout.
A place of honour:
Where applause exchange

It is the latest place:
A very safe place
Wherein we say 'hello!'
This poem is all about Hello Poetry and the convergence of these great writers.
828 · Nov 2019
Beautiful Diaspora
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

Back in the days
People see city as the way out
But recent happenings
Had proved diaspora
As the messiah.

Moulding lives beyond the awe.
Crowning efforts made
With beautiful payments.
Giving meaning to lives events.
Dignifying the last jew man.

Beautiful diaspora:
Thou art so colourful
In your own ways;
Exhuming your challenges and rules
Which flaws men that violates your orders.
607 · Feb 2019
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

We are united by lip service
Yet claims we are being serviced
When all we get is agony
in a country that is meant
to be united in love.

If we claim to be one,
We are supposed to be duly
serviced by the share of our

We can't be warmly expectant
when all we get is negligence;
We can't be claiming oneness
when our supposed lovers
throws our love to the retch.

Let this oneness be redefined
for us to know our stand;
Let the best we can be satiate
our amiable positions to
prove our oneness.

We have soared above
this mess and needs a prove
of our oneness:
Let it be recorded that we are
in love by the way we treat
Let our love be seen and not told.

How amiable we ought
to have grown instead of hate
and bigotry;
How prominent we look
yet plays around like kids
without direction.

We are endowed to be emulated;
We have gone too far to miss
our ways:
Let the love we claim be resurrected
And let our oneness be practiced.
Written as a result of the marginalization of the Igbos in their country.
Published on social media on 5th December, 2015 by me and sent to Hello Poetry on 3rd March, 2017 for invite.
468 · Jan 2019
The Peacemaker Called Kofi
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

I heard them call Kofi
When my sugar turned coffee
At the presence of a thing
Called coffin.

I know the living Kofi
Who doesn't come late
But is now late at the
Expense of a call called death.

The peace movement resound Kofi
Who couldn't respond from a coffin
But his legacy resound peace
That could not be bound.

Here is Kofi
Whose presence bespeak peace
But the day announced requiem
As nations sounds plaintive.

Goodbye Kofi,
Africa will always remember
That you united nations
Before your exit.
My tribute to late Kofi Annan. Ex UN Secretary-General. Written and posted on social media on 15th September, 2018
458 · Jun 2019
The Symbols of Gad
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

Searched all over the globe
By his curious brethren
Who craves for a trace
On the minute of a sign or symbol.

Coast to coast has he sojourned
In search of this settlement
That baffles all.
Yet so symbolic to be identified.

What prompted the African search
Brought a bloodline to Nigeria
To view the striking identification
Their brother left behind as an easterner.

This mysterious remembrance has
Launched a helping hand to the present
Generation, intending to wipe the tears
Of a populace who hails from the east.

Having found the tribes of Gad emerges
A reunion of East and these westerners
Who vowed to find a brother whose position
Is the seventh in Jacob's court.
This poem portrays the quest to find a brother who settled in an unknown location and happily established there.
453 · Nov 2021
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

What is not seen might be
bigger than what is seen;
Since families decided to agree,
They are no more separate but one.

The reason for this extension is for the purpose of procreation, companionship and etcetera which must be respected and honoured.

If one is bigger than one,
It shouldn't affect relationship but solidify.

A helping hand from one could fortify the two families from generation to generation.

If one is bigger, it doesn't mean another will not grow later.

It means the other needs the help of the bigger if they can.
406 · Dec 2019
Give it a Chance in Africa
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

Give it a chance in Africa:
For the dawn knows the blossoming grain.

Give it a chance in Africa:
For the moon brightens uninvited.

Give it a chance in Africa:
For the mother earth smiles on you.

Give it a chance in Africa:
And support the effort of every child.

Give it a chance in Africa:
And listen to that child when he is making sense.
366 · Feb 2019
Cardiac Cancellation
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

You kept people on their toes
All through the year
With a ridiculous preparation
That kept them believing
That you are getting ready for
The date appointed;
Only to wake up on this sure date
To announce the cancellation.
This poem asserts how disheartening it is for the nation that is fully ready to cast their votes this day but ends up  witnessing the postponement of the fixed election on the election day
( The almighty 16th of February, 2019 election was postponed).
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

Some are destined to marry kings; some are destined to marry senators; some got married to presidents; some settled with mayors; some are happily married with ambassadors; some ends up happily married with business moguls; some ends up with promising futures and etcetera.

Marriage does not end at the ceremony of one. It's continuous. Life has it on timely dispensing saturation. Get ready for yours and make it happen or get caught up in the hands of fate or sudden love stories that kept saying yes...!
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

We eld daily not knowing
Who will take care of us
Until the time comes.

If we care for one,
Another will care for us
Even when the beneficiaries
fails to reciprocate
Because we are also benefiters.

The things we do counts.
The moves we make presents
there costs.
Our decisions records our fate
in the midst of all.

Echoing the promises of our
Before the counsels of time
Whose duty ensures that we
savour the fate we deserve.

Wherewhital our conscience
Who sends us on certain errands?
Will they be able to exonerate us?
Before the unusual timing
Who stirs at our actions.

The children we bore
may disappoint.
Our expected saviours fails
But the help we render
Stands the test of time
When nothing else counts.

They come as visitors in
different forms.
They come surprisingly
Putting smiles on our faces.
They come as rewards for
Jobs well done.
They are the now!

But we are the things we do.
We are the things we see.
We are the time and season
Yet we ask: "how?"
332 · Apr 2022
The Theme of Trial
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

What if you fail?
What if you succeed?

What if they mock you?
What if they applaud you?

What if they reject you?
What if they accept you?

What if they say no?
What if they say yes?

What if you lose?
What if you gain?

Don't disqualify yourself when you haven't tried.
324 · Feb 2019
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

This is a country we live in: a country that is quick to imitate the foreign soil without considering its environment.

This is a country we live in: a country that imitates without checking if the time is right.

This is a country we live in: a country whose banking sector obliges its customers to adopt a verification system without adequate security.

This is a country we live in: a country that is quick to start an elephant project without completion.

This is a country we live in: a country that has a lot to learn about maintenance.

This is the country we live in: the country that considers the rich before the poor.

This is the country we live in: the country that swims in abundance yet, lives in penury.
This poem avers the outstanding challenges that needs urgent attention.

Published on social media on 28th November, 2015 by me.
292 · Feb 2019
Made in Heaven
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

It drops daily like an oil
full of sweet fragrance and blossoms made in heaven

Lingering on the sofa of the
seraphic heart of mine
with ardent reception on a
daily basis

Screaming peace and love
to mankind;
Expressing the ***** of sagacity

As the wind of mirth writes
on the sand of time.

Your love is evergreen
and unremitting,
assured in the midst of storm
conniving the peace of all ages.

My love for you
is made in heaven
because you invented it
in a garden and commanded
me to do so.
you taught me how to love you as My Father,
Trust you beyond measure
And stand with my hands lifted up.
This poem showcases God's unfailing love for mankind which is being appreciated by those who knows the worth like the narrator.

Published on social media on 2nd April, 2017 by me.
283 · Nov 2021
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

281 · Feb 2021
The Unique Celebrity
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

I heard that purpose brought her to this
Stationed in the vision that navigates her
As diligence summons celebrations to be situate at the corridors of grace who will never cease to amaze Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala.
The poet congratulates Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala as WTO appoints her as the Director-General.
268 · Feb 2019
Disseminating Beauty
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

She is beautiful
When her knees gives you

She is beautiful
When the words of her mouth
Keeps you calm.

She is beautiful
When the look of her
Embroidery keeps you warm.

She is beautiful
When her smiles
Makes you comfortable.

She is beautiful
When her compelling force
Gives you peace.

She is beautiful
When the steps she takes
Honours your name.

She is beautiful
When the smoke around her
Keeps her refined.

She is beautiful
When her actions keeps her Attracted.

She is beautiful
When the fire in her eyes Quenches your worries.

She is beautiful
When you declare her
This poem declares the true beauty of a woman.
245 · Feb 2019
Learn Not To
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

Learn not to be scared of anything
Because it is a sign of weakness.

Learn not to allow people push you around
Because you are not gullible.

Learn not to allow people draw words out of your mouth
Because you are sensible enough.

Learn to be strong
In other to conquer.

Learn to stand firm
And become you.
This poem asseverates some of the facts about livelihood.
240 · Oct 2019
Suicide Note
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

Frustrated in the midst of affairs
Wherein men punk and junk.

Becoming overbearing
Wherein you couldn't take it anymore.

Adopt a smile
And mean it.

Alarm for help
And pour out.

Become a big mess
With your tears.

Become a big boss
In your mindset:

Create a beautiful future
With a fantasy;

Create a list of survivors
And include yourself.

Forget the pains
Even if it is for a moment.

Reborn yourself
And start afresh...

Do all you can
But don't write that suicide note.

Do all you can
But don't take your own life.
This poem pleads with all men; not to make suicide an option in their challenged states.
230 · Jan 2019
We Know Them
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

We know the criminals
But couldn't point fingers.

We know the rouges
Because they are notorious.

We know their tracks
But couldn't ply through.

We know their pranks
Because it is full of lies.

We know their heights
Because they are high and mighty.

We know them
We know them.
229 · Oct 2021
Celebrate What You Have
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

You have not gotten that:
Celebrate life.

You are yet to get married:
Celebrate singlehood.

They mock you for being poor:
Celebrate health.

For the gift of life:
Celebrate God.
222 · Nov 2021
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

So unpredicting
Filled with character so perturbed.

So unfulfilling
Filled with insatiable needs.

So snoopy
Always snooping around to find out.

So lovable
Depending on whom you met.
209 · Oct 2019
Ever Been
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

If I have ever been broken:
It is because I allowed it.

If I have ever been trampled upon:
It is because I didn't react.

If I have ever been delayed:
It is because I was foolish enough not to know where I belong.

If I have ever been stagnated:
It is because I stayed in the midst of the wrong people for too long.
202 · Nov 2021
If I
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

If I make it before you,
It doesn't mean I'm better than you.
It meant I was programmed to cross a particular line at a particular time.
If you can recognize the root cause of your problem and handle it,
You will equally get there.

Time plays a vital role in our lives:
Relax, think, plan and make another move
Because life has beautiful packages for everyone.

Think, plan and make another move...
#Self-esteem #Time #RootCause #Think #Plan #BeOnTheRightTrack
202 · Nov 2021
Oso Anambra
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

I have been hearing of different types of oso but this time is ndi Anambra turn. It is not funny oh! But Oso Anambra has emerged. God please come to our rescue in this kwon tri oh!
Some people don jakpa.
Na wa oh!
Oso Anambra...
197 · Apr 2022
Marry Who?
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

Marry the woman or man
That supports what you do
Not the one that jealous
Or plots your downfall.

Marry your friend
And playmate
Who knows your flaws
And corrects with love.

Marry your confidant
And spiritual backup
Incase of rainy days
Wherein you get confused.

Marry who will not run away
in your trying days
And suddenly show up
To tell you "I am sorry"
When you finally conquer.

Marry your like mind
In other not to quarrel
In any little argument;
You will listen and enjoy yourselves.

Marry yourself
Wherein you treat
Your partner with so much love
Like yourself.

Marry the spouse
That won't sell you
To your enemies
Even when you are not in good terms.

Marry your fun
And your laughter.
Marry your own
And be settled.

Marry your appetite
And your satisfaction;
Marry your cynosure
And your wink.

Marry your complement
And your admirer
Who loves
And cherishes you.

Marry your compatibility
To avoid third parties separating fight.
Check your genotype
To avoid stories that touches.

Marry your love
Not your regret;
Grow in strength and
Build your home.

Marry your comfort
And your peace
Whom you remember
And go home to.
187 · Nov 2021
Tales of Love
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

I want to beloved
Just the way I give it
From whom I expect to beloved
To tell the tales of love
Written on encrypted laughter.
186 · Jan 2019
The Poetic License
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

I have given you the authorization
To operate at - will
In other to use any word
of your choice;
Scoop any form you wish
And portray your desired effective topics.

Standing by you
Is my aura which gives you
The power to manifest.

I am poetic
But very disseminating.
I harbour to purvey at
The door steps of the needy.

Stand firm in your creation
Because I am your excuse.
I have given you all the permission you need.
Don't waver.

I am poetic and licensing:
I have risen to back you up.
184 · Dec 2019
On The Grounds Of Sides
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

They told you that
Which you are not sure of.

You took sides with them
To exhibit a hate
Which you are not part of.

On the grounds of sides
Which might be highly deceptive.
180 · Dec 2019
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

I call you a country of dignity
You called me a people of nothingness.

Wherewithal thy glory
Which makes you a story?

Could it be that the vows made
To our heroes past were vain?

Singing feign
On an empty fame.

Oh nation
So great:

Let thy glory come
To shunt the story scoffs.
179 · Feb 2019
My Great Land
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

I have known you as a land
Filled with natural sweetness,
Fertile to the point of Willingness,
And productive to all.

You have been under the management of great leaders
Whose echoes resounds out of your reach as either bad or good managers.

You are a land to reckon with
But the torment of the old brigades
wouldn't let you go.

They call you Nigeria the great
But I call you the great land of nobility
Whose resources satisfies generations

You are the land I hail from,
The land of my fathers
Whose greatness abound.

Sooner or later you will stand
To defend your name again,
You will ***** your glory in victory,
You will stand without lurch
and display your greatness.

You will wipe the tears of your inhabitants
who have learnt their lessons.

You are indeed a land of peace,
Designed to redoubt your citizens
In other to awaken your redound
But your redoubtable sculpts and scuff.

Your violators will crumble on their knees in astonishment
Seeking peace.
The unimaginable will surprise them soonest
Because peace refits itself.

This land must soar in glory,
Her people will rejoice again.
The land of my fathers is Nigeria,
Rich in culture and overly blessed.
This is that great land I hail from.
The voice of hope reassures its citizens: "there is hope for the nation."

Published on social media on 5th October, 2016 by me.
175 · Oct 2019
If You Must Call My Name
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

If you must call my name:
Call me what I am
And not what I'm not:
I will understand.

If you must call my name:
Call it not in your mean state
But with a soft tone:
That will be better for us.
168 · Oct 2021
Make Believe
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

Some people enjoy being told lies
More than the truth.
They love the packaged lies
More than the naked truth.

They are being fed with it
From the specialists of make believe.
Whichever thing they get
Is what they bargained for: no worries.
The specialists refers to chronic liers.
167 · Jan 2020
Social Media
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

Social Media:
Where angels and devils conglomerate.

Social Media:
Where works are being showcased.

Social Media:
Where people are being monitored.

Social Media:
Where so many mingles.

Social Media:
Where arguments haywires.

Social Media:
Where people finds love.

Social Media:
Where people falls victim for being gullible.

Social Media:
Where people are being discovered.

Social Media:
Where interactions gets paid.

Social Media:
Where awareness embraces its views.

Social Media:
Where men are being transformed.

Social Media:
Where men gets ruined.
160 · Feb 2019
by Jennifersoter Ezewi

The valiant are being tamed
By the sword of intimidation
Who lunges towards every states
With a face wreathed in vengeance.

Who is good for slaughter?
The one with the sword or
The non violence?

But they claim unaware
on life threatening issues which is the basic
Thereby replacing the number
one priority with the secondary
grease that spins money on their tables.

Who instigates and launches attacks on every route that leads to the cross?
The custodian or the cursed?

Who is good for slaughter?
The guilty or non guilty?
Why then is the blood of the
innocents serving the interests of the selected mighty?

The peaceful will prevail
But only time shall tell how
glorious it shall be.

The peaceful will prevail
But only time shall tell how glorious it shall be.
The political height of injustice towards the killing of the innocent poor masses who goes to worship.

Published on social media on the 5th of June, 2016
158 · Jan 2019
Achebe: My Literary Friend
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

The fluid of a writing pen has been exhausted;
Yet, the paper maketh an outcry.
Who can quench the infused passion for oil?
Whose echo resounds for ages without fear.

Strength! What is expedient?
At the point of departure of thy master,
Who screamed for hope?
When the journey beamed
At the invisible exit,
The seeds scooped out
The voice of continuity.

Integrity has left a legacy;
Weep not, Memo!
For the social prestige lieth awake.
158 · Jan 2019
The Ways of The Drunk
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

Staggering onward to an
assumed route in other to
arrive home makes the drunk
feel special.

He asks the wind and land
the way forward.
Urinates at every given point
of liquor's command.

"Someone show me the way
As he whistles and sings

This must be home.
Where is this foolish woman
who calls me a drunkard?"
"I am home to make you happy."

"Foolish woman.
Do you know that I brought
you from your father's house
to bear my name?

"Although I pay my rent at the
bar doesn't make me a drunk...
I will send you packing and
marry a pulchritude that will
take care of me."

"Go! Go and bring my food.
That is the only thing you...
Oh I remember."

Teeters towards the door.
"Where is the crayfish
that tastes so good in my soup?
The bitter leaf that tastes so
sweet at the end of the day.
My Akpino.
The ugly beauty.
I am so pressed."
157 · Jan 2019
Across The Eastern Borders
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

When the elders decides
to bury their young,
Who will bury them?

When the beautiful lives
they could not create sleeps
at the expense of their orders
Who will applaud them?

Is there a position far-fetched
from listening?
Why is the irate crowd not pacified?

Why are there loss of lives
in the midst of non-violence?

Who gave a ****** order
when peace should be still?
Are there no more rooms for dialogues?

Kings oh kings!
Don't cast your young to the
Because they are your future:
They wish to learn from you;
They wish to be proud of you.
155 · May 2022
Challenges Hits at All
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

Challenges falls to spread
Exempting non in all.

Hospital is not a taboo
But the diagnosis
That refers and cures.

Humans should be kind
With words

Just like
Coma demands sanity that heals
With words,
Not the insanity that mars
With words.

Mocking the challenged is like laughing
At someone whose car broke down
On the way when you haven't reached
Your destination.

Beautiful life cares;
Challenges come and go.
150 · Jul 2019
Hopeful Rescue
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

There is hope set upon a hill
Wherein the people looks towards
Without knowing their fate.

There is fate messing up
The affairs of the people
Wherein they were opinionated.

There is opinionatedness mounting up
Without fear across the borders of men
Of substance whose worth speaks loud.

These men are rescued from afar
Without their opinions yet stretches
For the nut that sours their tastes.
This poem avers the rescue of certain populace who struggles without knowing they have been rescued.
148 · Dec 2019
Crossover Game
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

They sat at the gate
Waiting for me to crossover.

I flew over their heads
Laughing at their foolishness.
The poet affirms that God works in mysterious ways.
148 · Jan 2019
Crazy Topic
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

The Gospel knocks
On the doors of willingness
Seeking to ameliorate fear
Of all kinds.

He rings the bell of freedom
Exonerating the willing signs
From the trial of guilt - ridden
Near or far.

The voice of melody
Infused with the message of
Acquaintance and bitter truth
Crying out loud!

Celebrate the reason for this topic
In the midst of madness
Spreading the virus of

Upon his miracles
Lies the doom of affliction
And enchantments of the
Unknown craves.

Celebrate his agents on the honour of his carriage
Winning wars with neither bullets ricochetting off points
Nor guns filled with
Natural sabotage.

Crazy has he gone with his presentations
Showcasing mysteries with the
Soundness of fruitful agility
Making waves.

Crazy is evergreen on topics
Hitting the drums of the percussionists
With joyful glance
Never to cease from crazy topics.
145 · Dec 2019
Excess Trouble
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

Excess trouble:
Looking for who will look for you

To discover your naughty deeds
Even when no one is trying to notice

Your horrible nature filled with trauma
And disdain.

Feeling the heart of men
With fear and sadness.

Claiming right
In your foolish state.
This poet exhales the harmful effects of bullies and oppressors in the lives of their victims and persons around them.
144 · Feb 2019
You Are The One I Love
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

You are my eyes and my sight;
You are my thought and expression;
You are the lifting up of my hands:
You are the one I love.

You are my fear and my freedom;
You are my sense and my calculation;
You are my opinion and my statement:
You are the one I love.

You are my beginning and end;
You are the source of my joy;
You are the future I see because
You are the one I love.
The narrator's professions to her maker.

Published on social media on 14th February, 2017 by me.
144 · Jul 2019
The Empty Noise (article)
Jennifersoter Ezewi

When my parents paid my school fees, they didn't publish it on Facebook nor it's related; when they gave me certain allowances, nothing of such happened.

Why should I make noise of buying them a car or footing their bills when my substance is enabled?

Most parents broods offline with little or nothing to show from their children's wealth while their children goes about making empty noise.
140 · Feb 2019
They Are
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

They are like skin
Which shines at the presence
Of nourishment
And becomes malnourished
At the presence of lack.

They are like the brain
Which portrays brilliance
At the place of knowledge
And becomes dull
At the place of ignorance.

They wish to be polished
But don't have the means;
They wish to know
But don't know how to go
About it.

They hunger and thirst
For intake
But couldn't afford the bills;
They parade on rags
But couldn't apportion blames.

They can only beg at - will
As ones that needs your help:
Don't laugh at them;
Don't despise them
Because they were not

They are here:
They live around you;
Speak around you,
Frown around you
And yet, smiles around you.

Don't laugh at them
Because they were not
They can only get better by
your help
And can only sound better by
your support.
This poem advocates for the poor masses who craves to be educated but couldn't afford the fees.
It was published on social media on 17th of October, 2015 by me and sent to Hello Poetry on 19th of February, 2017 for invite.
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

Soldier go soldier come is the reason some people miss angels.

What will people say?
Is why some people ends up in hell on earth.

He will change; she will change is the reason some people landed themselves in bad marriages.

Although some carefully selected still cries because they brought in the pretending story that later unfolded into their true nature.

Marriage decision is a very delicate one.
We all need God's help because He sees what we don't see and knows what we don't know.

While we are still warming up: He knows the end from the beginning.
140 · Feb 2019
Our Sacred Choices
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

If you choose to bow to your believe
And I choose to stand
To my believe
Why should we fight?

When I chose to stand
Before my Maker in humble
It was my choice.

When you chose to bow
To your believe
It was equally your

My orientation thought me to Stand or genuflect
While your orientation
Thought you to bow.

Why should we fight
Over our choices
When it was not imposed
On us by anyone?

If I don't force you to stand
To my believe
Why should you force
Me to bow to your believe?

Is this believe not meant to be Amicable?
Why should we fight over it
As if we own it?

We all came to
Embrace it,
We will all leave it

If I call you brother
Why can't you call me one?
If I crave for peace
Why can't we live in peace?

Is it not what we preach?
Is it not what we strive to
Peace be still.
This poem questions the disagreement in people's religious beliefs.
Published on social media on 4th August, 2015 by me.
140 · Dec 2019
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

Several years had been your forerunner
Speaking things unforeseen;
Creating things yet to be accomplished.

And here you are:

Delivering things given to you
From time immemorial.
This poet exclaims 2020.
139 · Apr 2022
Don't Know How It Happened
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

by grace.

From destruction.

On guard.

By His Words

In His Blood.

Makes me
a real mystery.
139 · Jul 2019
Speaking Hope
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

I was there when the nobles
Announced our fate.

In the midst of they wherein
I marveled:

As the world started banking
At my presence

And searches for a proxy
Whose reliability disseminates entrustment

Until hope started speaking
My local dialects.
The narrator shares the experience of having been in a meeting that decided the fate of her people via foreign aid.
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