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1.3k · Apr 2011
Jennifer Tripp Apr 2011
thinned blood of the sickly
infused with my own sweet
rattlesnake venom given to
a dreamer with shaman visions
of a redhead and a drunk genius
painted upon the stone walls of my
reincarnated soul, an aged difference

who will write the stories
after all the tales have been told
and time ages into the grave
can a voice remain an echo
through times unfolding wing
or shall our fashionably late
arrival but announced in silence
and longing stares from skull eyes

the myth of the snake god
climbing up that mountain
surrounded in south american gold
composed in the hands of the star trusting
emerald isle pagan with sleeves of green
who loves to play every game
except this one.

when they bury us
i don't want to feel
anything, just the
rattlesnake inside
of me singing
1.2k · Jun 2010
Jennifer Tripp Jun 2010
Slowly as if on a dying breeze
She walks through hollow leaves,
just a beacon of who she
use to be and all of creation
hears her simple melody of
life and love and things in between.
She throws danger off with a shrug,
and dances to only the summer sun.
Only life knows her story but
it is untold. Just a memory -
a slow rising defeat. On the eve
of a dying reason, she walks
out to the ocean and falls asleep.
To be reborn in rabbit's skin
and dragonfly eyes.
904 · Aug 2010
Joven Para Siempre
Jennifer Tripp Aug 2010
young and on the brink
of all our dreams with scabbed knees
and big city dreams. children
in almost adult bodies with neverland
homes. staying up late in each other's
hearts and tied together wrist to wrist
by hoodie strings.
young and so in love
to make this midwest dreamer
into a big city queen. don't let go of
the simple things, but turn down
the lights and hold on tight. let's be
everything and anything but
always a - we.
young and living fast
but not enough to escape fate
and every self doubt. so i'll hold your
hand and we'll close our eyes. if they
can't see you, they can't see me. together
safe and sound and we'll hold onto
886 · Jun 2010
Jennifer Tripp Jun 2010

in the dark my hands search for you
but only grab bars of steel.
Our feet are shackled
through blood and ink.
How quickly eyes go blind
when the moon loses the sun's light
darkness is the best time.
when vampires roam to rip open
the pale throats and stab the
tan backs of snakes.  
The steady clip of boots
on stone concrete stays with my
heartbeat as it continues to sway.
I turn to you, hands stained crimson
as you surrounded your self in blond light.
I ask you my one question,

Do you believe in Jesus?

Guards with faces of your kin,
their veins pump young.
Place you on your rightful throne
and watch my oh holy one
as you grab your mary magdalene queen.
Will you flinch when your singing stars
rip open the palms that only longed
to press to your face?
Let me see something in between them and me.
Hoist me up on the cross I made for myself,
I even dug my grave, an extra foot deep,
so the bed I created would be soft.

Whisper I love you when they crucify me
for all the sins I created. And will you
cry as they pierce my side, and the
messenger angels and diamond girls sigh.

Where is your messiah now?

My crown of woven sunlight and ivy
falls from my head to the crowd. The
roar is unmatched as they watch you,
watch me. You are the unchanged one.
Crimson from the words branded into
my chest. Another notch to your
causality bedpost, swollen digits
attack the flesh. Leave me for the
ravens to carry me away to the
fallen white candle, my name engraved.
I am alive when I die, barely able to
whisper the one word you speak.

775 · Jun 2010
Jennifer Tripp Jun 2010
What turns half corpses
away from prepared tombs?
Mermaids lay on shores
and let the sun fry
the fins - watching the
shoreline in bitter contempt
as blue fades to blue.
Like a television to static
only the knobs are broken
off. The grass grows around
a few marble name markers.
1000 miles apart and six
feet under the ground.
we did not survive it.
722 · Jun 2010
Sinful Nature
Jennifer Tripp Jun 2010
is it such a sin
to forsake everything
for a small amount
of happiness? To reduce
yourself to ashes
and be washed up
anew on sand. If
death is certain
and life is the beginning
then why can't love
be the middle chapters?
665 · Jul 2010
Jennifer Tripp Jul 2010
little girl, crying in the corner of your room
wondering why life feels like such a tomb.
when your thighs are bigger than your palms
but your plate is always empty
and your bones are always achy
because you've walked a hundred miles
but still can't fake the academy winning smiles.
don't you know who you are?

little girl, kneeling on tile
watching dreams swirl with bile
so that you can feel accepted in the world.
wondering why no one wants you
and why no one can stay true
though you read about razorsharp hips
and all those hollywood flirting tips.
don't you know what you are?

little girl, left alone behind the flow
not getting what you reap and what you sow,
so you feel a little more worthless.
with a heart made of genuine gold
but looks are more then love, you're told.
so you continue to hide behind a screen
hoping he'll love what he's never seen
don't you know how you are?

little girl, who is bleeding bright
i wish that i could show you the light.
not the darkness that you feel you deserve.
your dream bikini body isn't worth your soul
if it turns your diamonds straight to coal.
it's okay you're not starly perfect
or a man's personal object.
don't you know when you are?

little girl, your body is a temple
it's okay if your corners are gentle
or your tags are higher then others.
your pain is clearly showing
but you can't keep it from growing.
unless you know that true loves lies in the heart
long nights, sweet words, hating days apart.

don't you know you are beautiful?
Jennifer Tripp Jul 2010
you are the sand, the shore,
stretched thin across my coast.
the crowds gather to your voice,
and favorite desert creatues
bow down to worship their king.

i swim in the never ending sea
fins crystalized - green seaweed.
i look up through deep azul,
and watch my waves brushing you.
are you aware of how much i long to be
part of your world?

pretty queens and flowers gather to you
and step out onto your golden sand.
they flaunt jewels and candy covered lies.
when all they see is rich land,  
my island eyes stare from miles away,
i know the difference in the man.

if i washed up on your city limits,
my ocean foam would call me home.
but i would stay on the sand,
if it meant that you weren't alone.
it'll take a lifetime, but i have to say
you are the one.
633 · Jul 2010
the one i wrote to you
Jennifer Tripp Jul 2010
I don't usually put pen to paper
and write out silly love poems
just to pass the time but I can
not deny the way my smokey lungs
seem to stop working when you happen
to grace me with a few moments of
your time. And my face gets oddly
warm as that very special smile
comes out to shine. And yes, it's
completely cliche and so cheesy
but my heart, it has a mind of it's
own when I start to realize how much
my body years for a single poisoned
glance just so I can say: Yeah, I've got it bad.
604 · Jun 2010
Who Am I?
Jennifer Tripp Jun 2010
Who Am I?
A nature device with city eyes
and ***** fingers with too short nails.
A product of the technology era
prone to disconnect on the worst occasions.
Peeling hands that tremble and shake
with conversations just a little too thin.
Resurrect a god and ask him why left.
the moon will not answer your dying breath.
who am i?
487 · Jun 2010
Dream Into Me
Jennifer Tripp Jun 2010
can i be dreaming once again,
i just want to completely descend
and wake up along your shores.
letting the moon control the tide,
we'd walk for miles out to the
deepest blue spaces. i know
your mind is the labyrinth
that i could easily get use to.
would you allow me to get
completely lost in you? you
are something i can't find
until i close my eyes. take
my hand and breathe against
my face the words you swore
would not end. speak to me
only of the dawn, but not
of waking from our home.
let me remain, even if it's a lie,
completely caught up in
everything that is so you. I
won't ever beg for rescue, as
long as your hand stays with mine.

— The End —