She sits there
At the desk
Her head spinning
As it begins
Day in and day out
All she ever feels
Is the feeling
Of being everything
She's underappreciated,
And under rested.
She's overtired,
And overworked
Her friends are the only ones
Who appreciate her
For who she is
Not what she does
They're the reason why
She’s still hanging on
To that rope she's clinging to
That just keeps fraying.
Sometimes she just feels
Like she's nothing at all
Or even worse-
Like the energizer bunny
She keeps going and going
But not on her own terms
There’s always something that needs to get done
And it's up to her to do it
What she wants to do
Keeps getting put on hold-
Things that she needs to do
Take a number and wait in line
She feels empty
Like she's nothing at all
She’s running on autopilot
And it’s running her life
Even sleeping doesn’t help
For the horrid dreams kick in
But I guess when you're on automatic
Nothing seems right
But yet there's hope
That keeps peeking through
This dark soul
That has engulfed me
For as long as I have a heart
That continues to beat
My soul can remain pure
Even if no one can see