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I hate the way you won’t leave my mind

All this time, and the nothing that you meant to me.

Maybe I loved you, maybe I never had the chance.

God, I hate the way you make me hate things

Anything I was once content with

How you made me see everything differently

How I'm more careful with living

How I guard my heart more

And how I watch what I say.

How I think everyone is a liar

How I can’t trust anyone

I hate the way you make me feel hate

And doubt.

And how you made me fear the future

And love.

I hate how I dream about you

And remember your name

And remember your smile

And your lips.

I remember every promise you made

And how you you broke all of them.

I hate how I always want to cry for you

And I never can.

I hate that I want to cry for you

And feel your skin

And hear voice.

I hate how broken I feel sometimes

And how I can never blame you.

I hate that you took my innocence

How it made me grow up

And see the world for what it truly is.
When I first saw you girl,
You were all alone but you
made me stare, and held me captivated
You were wondering across the street then stopping

Cause loving you could be so easy
Loving you can be so great
now how can I let it go away, when
all those stores they seem to know my name

Don't pretend that I don't see
When you're there staring at me
All those times our eyes met,
Too busy for a formal ciao

The times have changed but I still love you
The tides have fallen but our love increases
All those little things you do to make me smile
Makes my knees go weak and wobble down

We grow old, we get weak
Our love remains strong
Stronger than the strongest
Our bonds will grow stronger and stronger.
This is for you ;) ♥

— The End —