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Jul 2013 · 3.0k
Let Me Make It Right
Jennifer Jul 2013
All these terms and conditions play in my mind, how many times did I step outta line? If I would've just done what I knew I should've maybe we would still be together.  Looking back on it, I know you're still perfect for me and knowing what I did, I know that I can change it and be perfect for you.  You wanted to make me your wife and now all feelings are lost?  Are you afraid of commitment?  I know you moved around a lot in the past and maybe that’s the issue on the tip of your tongue.  But believe me baby, if I got another chance, I know we could make it.  My jealousy is an ugly trait, but I won't let that control my fate.  It’s you I want; I hope I'm not too late.  I'll give you some space and see if you miss me.  I don't know what to do, because you still wanna kiss me.  You came here for a week to spend time with your family and now that you're gone, I think I might be carrying your baby.  I can’t go through each day knowing that what I did has hurt you so and I just wanna let you know that the characteristic you can’t handle has been tossed out like a broken sandal.  I just need you in my life.  I can't watch my baby struggle and strife.  She wants her daddy back, baby that’s you.  Don't hurt my child like I hurt you.  She doesn't deserve that and neither do you.  Let me make it right, I want you to love me like I love you.
Jul 2013 · 474
Jennifer Jul 2013
I'm in love with everything about you.  

I love the little curls in your hair.  
I love your golden brown eyes when you first wake up in the morning, barely open.  
I love when you speak in the morning or late late at night, when your voice is so smooth.
I love when you hold my chubs in your hands and still love me.  
I love when you smile that mischievous smile of yours that screams that you want me.  
I love when you kiss me when we've been drinking and all I get is that tongue.  
I love that you're allergic to me, I think it's kind of cute.  
I love that I can make you smile so big just by my smile,
and that I can make you laugh by just my laughter.  
I love that when we do laugh together, we can’t stop and we can't control ourselves.  
I love that you want me to try new things, but know that I'm picky.
I love that you respect my thoughts and show me that you care
I honestly wouldn't trade a single moment with you for all of the gold in the world.  
I'm so happy to be your girl, and I can't wait to be your wife.  
Thank you for being exactly right for me.  
You do not yet know what you have saved.
Jul 2013 · 384
Old Flames
Jennifer Jul 2013
We fall back into the arms of an old flame so many times.
Well, because maybe you want the rush of the fight or the sting of the burn.
After a while that flame makes you realize you deserve the same rush with a little less pain.
Then you get it, call it love and it exhilarates you, gives you life and makes you smile.
That flame both killed you and pushed you into a whole new life.

It may make you cry now, but every tear, if rolling down the right river, will take you to the cool mountains to refresh that last bit of wind in your sails and bring back your peace of mind.

For my Sweet <3
Jul 2013 · 430
Jennifer Jul 2013
Drugs won't take away your pain.
Distraction won't take it away either.
You literally just need to sit yourself down and talk to yourself about it.
No matter how many times people ask if you are ok
and try to give you advice, we all know it won't help.

Happiness comes from within.
There doesn't have to be a reason, some are just born with it.
But for those who have accrued it, find happiness within yourself.
It helps.
It doesn't cure, because there will always be "those days" that turn into weeks and months.
But if you find a small joy within yourself, just for a moment,
the smile that comes up on your face is more than worth the effort.
Believe it or not,
there is someone out there that just wants to see you smile.
There is someone that wants to make you happy,
and they can't because your eyes are not open to the joy they bring.
When you smile, you open a door for someone else to hold up that smile and bring out your light.
I've been there and I know it all too well.
And all I want is to be the one holding up that smile that you cracked open.
Your smile is beautiful and it sets my world on fire.
Jul 2013 · 459
My Own Personal Blend Of...
Jennifer Jul 2013
I need that.  
It's my drug.  
If you can't get it for yourself, you can't give it to me.
And I don't want the fake stuff, I need the high quality stuff.  
I'm just that addicted to it.  
A replica will never do.  
Make it yourself
and show me it's strength
because love always loves with an unshakable force.  
And since there is nothing greater than love, it will never stop.
Jul 2013 · 500
Balancing Love
Jennifer Jul 2013
You tell me when to stop because I need that.  
Sometimes I get carried away and worked up
and today when I started, you said something to stop me.  
You stopped me in my tracks and brought me back.  
Don't make it something big, you said.  
Well that's what I was doing.  
I was blowing it up to proportions that didn't need to be reached.  
And I just ceased.

Don't make it into something big.


And then you shocked me again like pulling me out of the fire and then dunking me in water.

I love you.

Well thanks for putting out my fire.
That was extremely ****.  And I can't stop thinking about it.  
I'm a difficult person and I know that, but you just put me in my place with such
authoritative grace.  
It was hott and I want you.
I can't wait to see you.

— The End —