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  Sep 2015 Jenni A
Daniel Ospina
As the crowd engulfed me, I couldn’t help but
Scrutinize each person who brushed my side.
Each face unique which tells a distinct story.
Each story with its own plot, climaxes, and resolutions.
Each soul harboring its own worries and ambitions.
I’m overwhelmed by the vastness of the ocean I’m in,
A single fish among multitudes of all shapes and vibrant colors.
My story is merely a page among billions that comprise
The Story of Humanity.
A collection of individual histories that has propelled,
In one way or another, our species.
Every tear, drop of sweat, and ounce of effort
Has fueled the fire that blazes within us.
The Story of Humanity--
Bound by threads of fate,
Inked with blood of the fallen,
Soaked with ardent passions and desires,
Authored by love.
Jenni A Sep 2015
Every day, I can't help but think about life and existence.
How pain is felt, how our body's are constructed to the point of perfection, how the stars every night put on a little show for us.
There is so much beauty, yet us humans cling to the dark side of the world, the dark thoughts and fears that overwhelm us.
Every single person on this earth experiences pain during some point in their life, and it's so odd to me that we focus on these little bruises, these little bumps in the road, that we soon will cross over and heal, rather than focusing on how beautiful life and existence is.
& to the universe our problems are just a speck of dust.
Jenni A Aug 2015
Even from far away, you could see it.
They were drunk.
But not from any type of beverage.
They were drunk off of each other.
The way they laughed, the way they kept sneaking glances even though both knew the other one was looking too.
The way they curled into each other with a nervousness hidden behind a subtle excitement.
Even from far away, you could see it.
They found each other utterly intoxicating.

— The End —