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Feb 2019 · 135
Day by Day
jenncamp124 Feb 2019
Why do you gotta be such an *******
Always pushing and jamming me into things
Whenever I’m upset you never seem to care
Every time you get home you start to yell
Bickering about how the house is never looking well
Sometimes I feel like you forget I’m your daughter
Cause what the things you say to me are really ****** up
Making me feel like **** about irrelevant stuff
Insulting me on how I’ll never be independent on my own
You always turn your back on me
Are you really that embarrassed of me
I don't give a crap about your doubts
I'm finally beginning to shut you out
Starting to cope without you reminding me
About what a ***** up I will turn out to be
You push my buttons everyday
Wondering how much ******* I can take
Until I leave this wretched house and find a new place
One where I don’t have to put up with your nonsense
Hour by hour passes by
Making me want to end my own life
This torture that I so badly want to get rid of
How can one be so irrational
How can one be so cruel
If you were in my shoes I bet you would wonder too
My misery isn’t the only thing you ignore
Greeting you by the door
Mother’s eye bags and weak smile
With her dreadful voice and sore hands
You never shoot a glance and take note  
To what a real person looks like
When they haven’t slept for hours
Especially since you like to brag
About how you’re the businessman
Maybe one day you will get off your high horse
Then take a good look at what we go through
Whenever you start you're little rants
See how you're the one who tears this family down
Ripping and Tearing it up into shreds
Feb 2019 · 167
The Feeling of ....
jenncamp124 Feb 2019
When I first met you, you weren't what I expected
You turned out to be a different and gave me affection
It's weird how I fell for you super fast
I can't believe I met someone like you at last
I don't know if this is fate or destiny
But all I know is that you are the one for me
One glance at you and my heart starts racing
Every part of my body feels numb and it's intoxicating
Being with you makes me feel like the happiest girl alive
But you don't know that since I hide it from you all the time
I don't know if what I feel for you is just a phase
It's scary for me to go back to such a vulnerable place
Because after all you aren't even mine
If I see you with another girl, I know I'll die inside
Die of jealousy because I only want you for myself
I don't want you running off with anybody else
It might sound selfish and even a tad ******
But that's how I feel and I'm sorry but I can't help it
I tried to be in denial of you for quite some time
Being in love is something I'm afraid to do
My palms start sweating and my knees feel like jelly
It's nerve racking and I don't know if I'm ready
You don't even know the half of it
I stress almost everyday about this
Wondering what to say and whether it's good enough
I try to make you laugh cause its what all guys lust
Whenever you laugh at my jokes it makes me blush
I bet any girl can relate cause it's such a rush
Feb 2019 · 153
jenncamp124 Feb 2019
S for studying through the nights with no one to help
C for classes that make me stress more than I should
H for having all nighters with nothing but textbooks
O for all the overtime I spend doing work I just can’t understand
O for overthinking every grade percentage in my grade book
L for losing sleep and listening to everyone hate each other
The place where we spend most of our lives and where we decide what path we will be going on is the same place that has caused so much trauma and stress for our future selves.

— The End —