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Mar 2014 · 622
Slow business
JenChi Mar 2014
A match with the slightest, indeliberate provoktion,
wraths a sudden conflagration.

The depth of words, found in hate and bitterness,
disgustingly project with hope of hurt.

Revenge is worst when once kind gestures turned to grudges
are clinged, to be backfired.

Enough has been enough.
I'm not sorry anymore
For you being insecure
Show boating your nickles and dimes
Pursuiting happiness through lines
Hit your head while upside down
When you come crashing from that cloud
What is it you have left?
Nobody left at your side
Certainly not pride
Feb 2014 · 1.6k
Goosebumps on Butterflies
JenChi Feb 2014
The waves of your fingertips tracing around my back. Comforting sighs humming smiles nestled in your neck. Kisses upon kisses layered on your cheeks. Like Shakespeare in hamlet, "Sweets to my sweet."

Crawling into bed, this scent is such a tease. Rolling over in my sleep. Snuggling  blankets and sheets. I want you here. Keep my embrace when you leave. Return with interest. Ten fold if you'd please.  Everything you give me is exactly what I need. Don't change a thing. Don't change anything.  I'll give my love to the one I adore. I'll give my heart to you, mi amor.

And so I say this, in the cheesiest way...I ask you to be my Valentine not on Valentines day?
Jan 2014 · 465
Do Away With Games
JenChi Jan 2014
What's hard about being honest?
Let them know that it's a contest
True love will only win the race
Like the turtle at a slow pace

Tell me how you really feel
What's hard about being real?
It's not about playing games
Feelings have to be the same
Not exactly but be true

If perception is deceived by one
Then step back and send them
Elsewhere on their path

Most want a character unfaked and pure
But how can we be so sure?
Think you found the "one"
That it's not just for fun?
If so, and that's what you want too
By all means, you do you

What's hard about this game we play?
I don't really want to play
What I want is genuine in existence

I want solid ground
I want intrinsic value in the flesh
An undeniable flame
Games put to rest
Jan 2014 · 532
Love Tree Tango
JenChi Jan 2014
This is love
never will it be
but we are it
through the ground
and the trees.

Our roots meet water
that once was the sea
flowing like loves floating
in a comfortable breeze.

The ocean is where my soul needs to be
but just a taste teases me.
Leaves me in wondering captivity.

These branches reach out far and wide
not enough, needs more skies.

Waiting, waiting, anticipating.
Designating, waiting waiting.....
JenChi Dec 2013
10/23/13 1:40am
These butterflies keep me awake
And to think that was just the first date
Sweet souls wanting more
Get out of this town and explore
Nervousness calmed by smiles and laughter
Could be the one I'd chase after.

7:57am 12/6/13
Chased a little bit,
slipped in some *******.
Don't care where, what, who your with
Figured you out by the fifth
Wouldn't talk to me, ya just hid
If we make plans I'd hope you'd keep it
An honest man wouldn't have too many secrets
Dec 2013 · 1.7k
Seeing daylight in the night
JenChi Dec 2013
So what if you think I'm crazy
No phase if you can't handle me
I'm too honest for anybody's games
"Jennaveve, is that..your real name?"
No it's not, it's Jenny from the block
Work two jobs always looking at the clock.
If you want, I'd take a pit stop road trip.
Anywhere but don't make it so quick.
This is where I list off a bunch of places I'd rather be. Nothing different just different faces I'd rather see. Venice, California or Lanikai, Hawaii
I write a lot but once n a while these trapped thoughts convey messages that ought to be taught.
This rap is only half through.
For a white girl it's kind of hard to do.
Nahhh it's not being racist is inside of a box,
it's closed, locked, sealed up tight.
Only open minded people
can see daylight in the night.
"Or rides the night train
all the way to the light"-said Mr. Ahmad
I've learned that there may not be a God
And that everyone has there quirky little flaws
. But flaws are perfect to work with cause that's what's unique. Just speak the words though they come out bleak. Honesty filled with lies are more common than you think. But there is no truth, only what you live and see.
Nov 2013 · 467
Tis the season
JenChi Nov 2013
Really need to get some sleep
My mind is not containing peace
Listening to a lot but hearing nothing
Eyes are heavy but no sleep

Maybe it's the time of year
Stress filled eyes come and leer
Only 3x initial worth, "a steal"
Reappear year after year

Joy is something from the heart
Tis the season from the start
Of everyday we shall be blessed
Not just December so compressed
Jun 2013 · 2.8k
JenChi Jun 2013
These bangs make me look up
Already make eye contact,
like a boss
Friend days "sup?"
I say "wuddup?"
I hear "go hard"
What does that mean?
Do your best
Through what I see,
It is keep on keeping calm
And keep on singing songs.
Whatever makes you happy
Corny as ****, whistle a tune
Not give a ****, or a ****
Or a promise
Viewed from your lips
If that's what it is, ****.

Let's go skate, I'll  meditate
Everyday, against a current
Staying strong and keeping along
In the present day
What do you all say?

Fall asleep on a still ocean
Wake up on a cloud
Still dreaming
Wake up on a star
Almost there
In the darkness

Open my eyes and I finally see planets, galaxy
around me

Whatever makes you happy
In your dreams and overcame fears.
Never stopping 'til the heart is content, transpired peacefulness through energy.

When sleeping, my hair is up above me
If this is when I am free in the end...
Hair cut? Thinking so, why not?
Allow it to go because it'll be too hot to touch the shoulders
Longing to be with the fresh palm trees,
Fresh springs and great eat.
Frizbees, mountains, deserts heat is where I need to be.
Squishy feeling
underneath my feet.
and again more trees
Keeping me on my way
Trucking' along
Singing more songs
in the summer's rain
Tap dancing and I'm gone.

What is truth?
That's an easy question
Actually, that's in a different demention, with words spinning around it, like a universe.
From chest, lips to ear, the hearer is not relating from the original scene.
You "had to be there" moment is what's very keen to truth.
The truth is inside of you.
That means that you and I or me and you, don't know what its like, inside each others life.
But here I am
And there is you
First site may be the end to some
But judge not because I am just one
"I am a Soul and Have a body"
A wise man Gar, once said.
I know we go on
there is no end.
Live life to the fullest
If not Yolo was dead...
Plenty of lives ahead
To the top of a pyramid
Of whatever we are
A cookie crum lost in space
The light of a burnt out star

Anything is possible
Dream among the starts
Is said because we are the sky

Our roots hold us down
Pressing soil away
Growing through the pain
Rocks as anchors
Til they are ripped away
The once hurtful thing
Getting in the way
Grasping on and taking hold
Foundation for home
Up-rooted and move
"It goes on" a poet once said
So I say, look ahead.
Life may be fast but it's not short
Choose a path to walk, grow, learn,love, glow.
Jan 2013 · 395
JenChi Jan 2013
I don't have much to live for
But I've got a life to live
Not much money in my pocket
But enough for a social drink
Let me think Let me think
I've got sneakers on my feet
Good thoughts in my head
Life is more than money
Life is more than popularity
Life is but a dream to live
Let it be Let it be
Let us live without the greed
I've got more to live for
These people that I meet
Soulful, true and real
This is what I live for
The real deal
Long road ahead
Let it be, what it is
Whatever that is.

Jan 24th, 13
Oct 2012 · 1.3k
New Scenery
JenChi Oct 2012
Tear these walls rip them down
Nothing left to be found
Except for skies of brighter days
The brilliance of it persuades
Me to redeem myself
From the burdens exile

Don’t make  a big promise
And prove that you’re weak
Make me a promise
You promise to keep
Something for my worries
Something for my sleep
Something for these dreams
I have of finally being free

Paint these walls bright and new
Something resilient
Paint a vision that requires truth
Paint a wonderful work of art
Paint something brilliant
Comfortably content
Paint this vision that I see
Into something flying free

Paint these hills into skies
Ocean bound widened eyes

Grow from a seed
Extend vertically
From a crack in concrete
Stretching with relief
Oct 2012 · 914
Tag You're It!
JenChi Oct 2012
This distance is transit
Fell through my fingertips
What happened to friendships?

Actually, used to it
Sad but not tragic
Wish I had magic
To change the past
To make the "good times" last

Reflecting in retrospect
I will never forget
But I don't know where they went

Walking, streets at night
Mocking, pillow fights
Having free time all day, every day
Wanting so bad to feel that way

But kids, they grow up
Friends don't show up
Move on and life obstructs

The early years, young and free
I just wish for that oh please!
No more responsibility
Quick now, take these keys
Oct 2012 · 1.3k
JenChi Oct 2012
I'm on the road, the one to your heart
I'm going slow so I don't get off track
I see gold, real gold to be exact
It's the glow of your soul
How to get there? I don't know
It's too bring, I can not see

Keeping onward towards a cliff
No hesitation, I drive off it
                               like  a  feather,
in     mid     f  l  o  a  t
You catch me, my heats in my throat
Your warmth is a marvelous pleasure
I don't need a map because I found my treasure

JenChi Oct 2012
And I will be free
from what's hangin' over my head
as it's raining no more
I walk outside and close the door

Pay my fines
and my fees
not yet then
will I be free

Grasping on
to what's ahead
the space between
'til I'm dead

Moving on
not from the soul
'cause what I need
I won't let go

The peace within
what I find
will burst
into wonders
it'll burst
into wonders
All Mine

JenChi Oct 2012
I wish you were here
Like the rain to ocean, longing to be close
Drop within and continuously distend
Until there is no difference, just solitude

To be ourselves quite comfortably
Perfectly constructed to fit each others mold
Far, far, long ago, my imagination created this
Unbelievable connection between us
There is space, time, nothing
Between us there is passion, amusement, everything
Between us there is a vibe for all to see

This is more than luck or good fortune
I admire, honor and fancy this blessing
I may not know you 'til oblivion
But I'll remember this perpetually


— The End —