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1.2k · Aug 2013
Bleeding Heart
Jen Rem Aug 2013
Let me say, Oh I am witty!
You doubted me, what a pity!
Making me feel ******, now
I walk alone in this big city.

My handsome man, Oh I was smitten!
My feelings so alive,
smitten like a kitten, now
I hide. Its my confidence nose dive!!

I have a bleeding heart.
I wish it would restart.
So sad, you want to sleep apart.
I don't think that is smart!!

I've never felt the comfort of your manly grip.
Like an external emotional port;
That's where I took my bleeding heart trip.

P.S....Don't ever give up on the one you love =)
751 · Jan 2014
Boy oh boy
Jen Rem Jan 2014
For months you have a funny face,
our love mysteriously has shifted out of place!?!
Have you found another or is it drugs?
You mock my questioning, my grave is dug.

You reappear and claim your love
offering a dollar or shoulder rub.
My instincts quickly understanding
He is selfish and quite demanding.

For everything he asked of me
I did with greatness; to the best degree
Apparently not enough
Because now there is she.

I get the news of proud daddy with another!
just hours before...Kissing me, no talk of others.
Buttering me up, being a good man
just to tell me how you ruined our plan!!!
641 · Aug 2013
Jen Rem Aug 2013
You say ***
I say tat
You say come, and I say go
Will they ever get along, they don't know!!

I try to tell you what I really say
as I react to you acting this and that way!!
All I hear is how you want to stay
but I'm calling you back every other day!!

I want to trust and I want to feel
but its the attention you want to steal!!
I try to talk and I try to be real,
you reply "we should eat more kale"!!

I go right back to feeling deprived
As I give and give to make you feel alive.
It is me who is supposedly the one who should be blamed
because I give to get love but feel ashamed.

They say to give and expect nothing in return.
How are you not supposed to feel the burn?
I was taught to compromise and pick your battles
So why are there so many **** and tattles?
"Don't sweat the small stuff".....its a great book. Easy read but not the easiest to conquer. Be nice to each other and try to get along =)
Jen Rem Aug 2013
The things you say are so funny, if I had more
I'd tell you honey. It's you I love and want to see, yet all
you do is doubt me. It is trust that you lack
another "man" has slacked. It is he not me that you doubt.

Its here you dwell and dream of somewhere swell.
I wish I could run from what you call hell.
I sit in my cell hoping all turns well
I smooth my dress and wait for the cold spell.

Now you rant and you rave, hurting me so
ruining everything we worked so hard to grow.
You march off on down the road
to your hiding place I know you will go..

Each time I watch my man march off
I shut down more and wait for the war.
Why do you say you hear what I say?
But the very next time I watch in dismay

— The End —