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Apr 2012 · 994
Wake up! Her life is over
jeje Apr 2012
sigh* tired..  Wake up wake up. !! Sleepy eyes ... Crust between the eyes..   Yarning tired! Stretching legs turn left hips turn right.. Wake up wake up!  Body shaking trembling cant feel toes. Cant feel legs. Cant feel soft lips Wake up wake up. She wakes breathing heavily..  Sweating on face red cheeks.. Are you ok  she said are you ok!? Trembling trembling! Come to me come to me look into my eyes n tell me what u see.. Plz sleep don't say a word. Close your eyes! No wake up wake up.. Feet are cold and sweaty lips  blue n pink. Can't feel legs . Shoulders... Stomach... Trembling and trembling. Sleepy eyes. Brown crust. Mouth foaming with clear saliva. She sleeps she sleeps. Wake up wake up... Trembling trembling.. She is dead mother. Grandma is dead.. Wake up wake up.. Trembling trembling crust between the eyes. She looks away n see grandma is gone.. Grandma shakes.. Trembles.. And trembles.. She is dead.. Grandma is dead..  Kiss on check while grandma lays there not breathing. ! Foaming of the mouth.. Trembling trembling. sigh tired. Confused... Wake up wake up!
jeje Mar 2012
Heart break heart break what is that ? Heart break heart break how does it feel?  feel likes  been shot in the heart . a thousand times . Heart beat Pounding faster n faster heart racing as if it's runnin fast tears gushing down the face  wet tears runnin through the cheeks . Angry upset heart break what is that what is it? Feelin sick to my stomach  ugh just wanna b put in a box n never come out feelings r hurt heart break heart break.  Heart broken into pieces heart clashing into Pieces  heart break heart break 123  love at one moment 567  broken heart . In split seconds in moments . Hours. Days months years heart break heart break!
Mar 2012 · 808
Days that are gone!
jeje Mar 2012
The days the days the days ... Of what of what we say days r.. Monday Tuesday we'd... What does that mean.. Days that  are gone days that  don't mean Notjing to us...   We breath we breath... We take a step everyday in life. Everyday we takes steps in life.   Days. Some people go without eating days we go without thinking... Stupidity . Foolishness. Fear.. Thursday Friday happy.. Lonlyness... What does those days mean...  Days of what we say are days days we are clueless days we are lost... Days we smile. Days we laugh.. Sunday .. Saturday...   Hmm  confusing days... Days to relax.. Days to breath... Take steps everyday in life.. Fear.. Loneliness. Happyiness... Thinking stupidity foolishness...  Life.. Days. Seconds moments... Monday ... Tuesday... Wed.. Thursday... Breath... Breath.... Friday.... Pace yourself courage.... Saturday...... Sunday...... Days... Days... Of life..
Mar 2012 · 515
Hurt! *sigh*
jeje Mar 2012
Tired of getting  my heart broken feeling like **** feeling dumb  feel stupid it's me I let my heart open y i don't kno y do I keep doin that y do I keep letting him in who is him ? Who is him? Tired of gettin my heart broken I am tired of feeling like ****/. Who am I to u who am I to u . Who knows u don't kno how I don't we all don't kno i am me me yes that's who I am can't change it for no one . Bt hey its life Bt so tired of everything sometimes just wanna b in a box n cry n cry till I cant no more I keep caring keep puttin my feelings out who is me who is she  so tired of the ******* so tired .
Mar 2012 · 930
jeje Mar 2012
By jeanna.      I Look up the sky i imagine my life... And my past .... What I see and notice Struggles. Struggling every second. Minute every breath u take. Struggles of life.   9 to 5 jobs. Welfare. Food stamps.. Struggles struggles.  Homeless shelter  foster care back n forth what is struggles...  What is s-t-r-u-g-g-l-e-s. Can't say havent been through it...     One point no heat. For days ...  No hot water. But we mangage. We make it through life.... My struggles your struggles all the same . Stand strong . N  deal with it day by day.   Struggles of my life,, struggles of our lives.  I stand strong  because I know  I can make it. Won't let no struggles stand by my dream...  Struggles may have break me but can't make me.....  I stand I look at the clouds n see I will make it. I have I am living my dream living how I want to. Struggles r in my past n will always will b there in the future but I stand! Cuz I believe I am strong..young n beautiful ... I believe... I believe.....   Struggles everyday struggles every second...  But I stand..!
jeje Mar 2012
“N-E-G-R-O is that my name”??

Black white!
What do you see?
The color of my skin?!
The name *****!  ***** am I... ***** am I?
A Strong young black woman. I stand up tall n raise my head up high and say yes I will make it!
Black ... And white kids we all are people.
We all are people who have dreams and stand as one! One I am. Black and white we join our hands together.  And look upon those who have hatred against
black and white. To hate each other,
To disrespect each other
... we all are brothers and sisters.  Who am I?! I am a young educated black woman.
I stand and raise my hand up high and look down upon those who want me to fail... Like they say sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me!   What do you see when you look at me..? Do you see my eyes...? The shape of my lips... If I am intelligent or not? Am I educated? Or not. ...  The color of my skin?
The color of my skin. I may be judged of how I look or how dark I am.   Maybe called dumb and stupid! Just because I am black...  But oh yes I stand! I stand as a strong educated young black woman. Oh yes I stand! Is it the color of my skin that I am judged for the way I walk, the way I talk.  I adore the people, who stand before me and fight for colored people,
I respect them. I look up to them. I may be called a *****! A dark skin girl.
I stand, I stand and let the sun shine on me. I am not a minority, I am a priority ...  A black dark skin girl with brains that will succeed.  ***** I may be called ... The name I may be called. But I am proud to be an African American young woman.  I will rise.  Every day, every second, every breath I take. ***** I may be called but I definitely know I stand on top of mountains and seas. I stand to be superior! Black! The color of my skin! *****, the name that will always exist!  But I will never let that name N-E-G-R-O break me down.

“Nothing in all the  world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity”
-Martin Luther King Jr.

by Jeanna

— The End —