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What if your kiss
Would change my life
And my changing life
Would change his dreams
And his different dreams
Would affect her world
While her affected world
Would cause her trouble
And the caused trouble
Would make her cry
And her crying eyes
Would make him feel
And his newborn feelings
Would make his heart beat
And his beating heart
Would make him talk
while his talking mouth
Would make her happy
And her happiness
Would make me angry
And my angriness
Would make you say I LOVE YOU?

It’s just a matter of WHAT IF-s right?

**I see…
He is in love with questions
And the lilting world of words,
With the fabric of philosophy
And the taste of fresh ideas.

He is in love with the smell of green
And the shifting sands of dreams,
With the hunt for profound moments
And the hunger-lust for purpose.

He is in love with his books
And the zodiacs cross the planet,
With patterns of chain reactions
And the way we cog and gear.

He is in love with pools of stardust
And fanciful notions of theory,
With darkness, deep and coveted
And the fabric it is made from.

He is in love with one who left
And the poisoned past he bathes in,
With being perpetually lonesome
And floating twixt life’s sabulous banks.

He is in love with memories, and the universe,
And nobody else.

With my choking heart, I’m grasping at dust,
And I am in love with him.

— The End —