every writer
wishes for profundity in their writing
every writer
wishes that their work
would be the next expression of the ages
the next coalition of words that compiles the dictionary of broken hearts and suffering souls.
maybe that's just me
maybe every time I sit down, inspired, i never have the intellect
wide enough to know the words and expressions to express
the depth that's been suppressed until now
i never know how
i wish i knew how
to script this rupture of repression into words
but it's never as eloquent as i wish
never as accurate as the thickness of emotion that
calmly, yet strongly exudes itself by silently whispering to me
all the mistakes ive made and the scars its edge has
scathed just slightly under my skin.
not enough for you to see it
but always enough for me to feel it
words and poems
are always just a fraction
a tiny little snippet
that hole, that crack in the fence
that gives you a glimpse
of what's really going on
but you'll never truly know
you'll never truly understand
because the words may show you a piece
but they're also the fence