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311 · Oct 2017
Am I The Only One Drinking?
Jeff Teasdale Oct 2017
Inside my own killing jar

No special social influence

Nobody to convince

Just reminisce


Wanna do something with someone

No-one gotta be here

Step inside fear

Another beer


Sold to the highest bidder

Gavel smash! bought author

Emotional introvert pauper

Reality dodger


Music transports I can feel

Gotta let yourself out

Gets weird shout

Mindful workout


Hangout with yer inner self

I’m the clever bartender

Habitual wilful reoffender

Simple agenda


Employ all of your senses

Sober down enjoy positivity

Free temporary captivity

Positive activity


Rejoin the world with suspicion
181 · Oct 2017
Devil has the advantage
Jeff Teasdale Oct 2017
Tears so cold felt like snow
Just happy they aren't mine
Selective advantage
Can I steal your life to stay young?
Want to ruin yer lipstick, not yer mascara
Lips downturn & eyes asking why
Say something, say something
Thoughts run through my mind like an hour glass
Brooding clouds bring premature darkness
No sunset today
On yer knees difficult to face your fears
Follow your fears, you know where they are then
A promise of a playground in the rain

The mammals that became Gods
160 · Oct 2017
Not the Man I Used to Be
Jeff Teasdale Oct 2017
Hailed as a hero to all
That don't know him
A harvestman, of porcelain
Collective picture of me
Identify & catch the fall

Dealing in lies
The joker has no hand
No full house, empty pair
Cards are for tricks
Slight of hand, baffled eyes

Desiccating words
That dry my soul
Spat out, shat out
From my own mouth
A truth? not unheard

Shackled myself down
Bound in false words
Ironically , moronically
Still have the key
Locked solid within a frown

Even a cactus flowers to show
YOU, the beauty inside
An ocean, not shallow pool
Self improving, pretty mind
Dull light, now aglow

Something's are best reflected in your eyes, not your lies
131 · Jun 2017
Terror Of Falling
Jeff Teasdale Jun 2017
It excludes strangers

It excites suspicion

Pass the baton

I think I'm ready



Ignorance of contex

Disregard the past

Tick from a list

No stop look

Right on the edge of what's possible

Bad memories make for good alchemists

A secret code

I'm no Turin

No intention to say solve

No intention to say love?
111 · Oct 2017
Black Heart
Jeff Teasdale Oct 2017
Looking alone into the mirror

Reflects a trail of error

Cut it out with a scissor

Burn it to ash

Destroy the terror

Mirrors just a scam

Decipher an anagram

Reflects not who I am

But what I look like

Ignore the hologram

Mirror picks you apart

Doesn’t give a new start

Breaks your heart

I’m the reflection I want to see

**** the mirror, & its black heart
Jeff Teasdale Oct 2017
Another worlds timeless hell
Superstition, aggression to sell
Swords issue non-compromise
The world you want to ostracise

Under stones you leave the victim
Twisted heinous evil system
Wedlock secures no retribution
For both a stay of execution

Operate in pure self-deception
Live in the past no progression
No parallels with humanity
Your abstract world of insanity

Misogynist homophobic pleasure marriage
Apostasy death to discourage
Hateful collection of rules
Delineate for the weak & fools

I don't want your ideology
Don’t care for your false morality
Take off your veil of oppression
A symbol of your own depression
94 · Nov 2017
Soft Silence
Jeff Teasdale Nov 2017
Heart stops to hear her breath
Starts on soft silence
AED, full Volts, clear!
Empty shadows hold now no fear

Soft silence busies away without a look
So easy in each other's arms
Mind & body duality
Returns as a singularity

Soft silence spreads its distractions
Pours fuel on warm embers
Bursts into something personal
let it burn, chain reaction, irreversible

Don't open up soft silence
Keep in our small locked box
Keep the key, I'll never turn & run
A tangled web that's never spun

Soft silence gathers up my whole
Smothers me gently so I can breath
Suffocation tells me we're not lonely
Drift into something real, closely

I don't climb into an empty bed
The silence is deafening
80 · Apr 2017
What A Waste
Jeff Teasdale Apr 2017
A moment teetering; between pity & loathing

A moment to reflect

A moment watching

A moment  I could control; just out of reach

A moment to assemble words

A moment of slurred speech

A moment to hold a hand; to say I care

A moment to whisper lets go ****

A moment to giggle n stare

A moment I knew was there; a certain clarity

A moment I didn't take

A moment near an event horizon; lasts an eternity

Remembered for what I didn't do...

— The End —