Everyone who lives is given power,
With potential to control each soul we see.
All we do and all we say
To others make their mark some way,
Either filling them with joy or bitter grief.
Let's say one day you called upon your neighbor,
Who came to you to warm with their embrace.
For, perhaps, down through the years,
You had brought comfort to their tears,
And they still were filled with love left to display.
Something like the sun would burn inside you,
Like dawn was breaking deep within in your heart.
Warming everyone you met,
As this love to them would spread.
Even enemies would be as neighbors are.
Then every time your enemy would strike you,
Your instinct to his cheek would be a kiss.
He would stop and stand amazed,
Thinking you were somewhat crazed,
Yet, would want whatever caused you to do this.
Let not your power, then, be taken lightly.
In constant prayer, may this be humbly said,
"Father, fill my heart and mind
Till all I do and say are kind,
So to see me would be seeing You instead."