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117 · Jul 2021
Vacation Autotune
Joshua Buskirk Jul 2021
Some songs
I only know
Through the same
twenty-eight-second pockets
Over carefully curated clips
Of impossibly perfect vacation videos
Knowing their fiction
Their hooks hook me
When thinking about?
Taking a trip to a waterfall
Impossibly immaculate
I’ll never take videos of the trip
my pop music palette
not refined enough
To share them.
117 · Mar 2021
Exchange Rate
Joshua Buskirk Mar 2021
Unknown appraisers of artistic economy
Long ago proclaimed
A picture is worth a thousand words

Have we adjusted for inflation?
Rise and falls of expressionistic currency.
The crashes of markets and style.
The Eskimo language
Has a thousand words for one English noun
That must fluctuate the prices.

I never paid much attention
In class
When they discussed supply and demand curves
I was writing
Phrases and couplets
Of nonsensical angst then.
Pursuing the price indexes for
Sonnets to Still lifes
I feel
Writers are getting
The short end of the exchange rate.
comments and critique welcomed
113 · Mar 2021
The Forgotten Pace
Joshua Buskirk Mar 2021
The days with forgotten pace
Of lackadaisical hours
Only worrying about if
there were enough building blocks
To create starships
To go to all the new
Dreamed up worlds

When my creative mind
Could lift time
above realities

My imagination isn’t gone
Not just yet
It just hasn’t had
Enough time to keep up
The regiment

Or is it…

My day has gained
so much more mass
my ships
Haven’t the ****** to escape.
comments always welcomed
105 · Jul 2021
Safe Ideas
Joshua Buskirk Jul 2021
I’ve read
More than enough,
To write the definitive work
On Kerouac and Ginsberg
But my dissertation
Will always sit
As blank notebooks
An empty New Document file.

I’ve watched
more than enough
to know Scorsese shots
and Spielberg framing
to make my cinematic opus
but I've never taken action
From behind my camera.

The idea man without the action
Never have
to answer
To built up potential

They stay safe
And empty.
love comments and disucussions
98 · Apr 2021
Joshua Buskirk Apr 2021
I can't know
What some convictions
Will mean to a world
I will never understand

I will keep the conviction
That each one in kind
Will bring
An understanding
And worlds
Not homogeneous
But congruous.
Never one
But together.
93 · Mar 2021
Dust & Devils
Joshua Buskirk Mar 2021
Winds swirling
finally got to the day
The high
The lows
Meet at the right barometric spot.

It rakes the blinds
Swirling dust
Into devils
Knocking the one on my shoulder to the ground
So I could take in
Dancing dermis dust clouds
Become ballerinas.

I left the dust there for these days
Instead of it being another chore I ignore
Listening to an entrenched shoulder demon
Blow hot air.
comments always welcome
93 · Mar 2021
Joshua Buskirk Mar 2021
I keep hearing
Of the milestones,
we are reach
We reach them in greater frequency
With quieter outrage

A disproportante response.

How can we have turned so blindly
So deafly
When they come louder and faster
With each passing.

With each mention…
New statistic revealed
I hear the voices
Louder in individual unison
Their needs to be heard
Not to be gone
Drowned by platitudes.

More and more
I’ll think
As I hear the word
Over and over
Droning on and on
the dark points we have reached
I keep struggling
With milestone
The word doesn’t flow
Doesn’t express right.
It feels we are achieving when we reach milestones
And now we are doing anything but...
90 · Mar 2021
Greatest Todays
Joshua Buskirk Mar 2021
So many todays
Thinking about tomorrows
that will be
The greatest days I have ever known
That become the yesterdays
Why they didn’t turn out the way I prophesied
To the church of one.

Always holding on
To the afterlife of this moment

Become an atheist of the promise
Find meaning
In the moments
Happening now.
The faith that
This now
Is it.

Don’t strain my vision
Looking too far in front
over my shoulder
81 · Mar 2021
Joshua Buskirk Mar 2021
In the days wrapping around
When my personal calendar flips its new page
Memories meld into year-end slideshows
That become marathons
Of past ones I’d forgotten I curated before.

My first car,
I haven’t recalled it in years,
Has been circling the last day
An old Tempo
Too slow to keep a beat
An interior a shade darker
then it shows on the outside.

It would frighten and stall
From thunder crashes & train tracks crossings
We’d take longer trips,
Circumnavigating any obstructions
Even if it means,
We’d miss the opening bands
Or the best joke told over pints at the bar that night
We’d stay home if dark clouds were on the horizon

When playing its slideshow retrospective,
From Twenty calendars past
In split-screen with my most recent
I lose track
Of which side
Is showing
which show
And just how much
I still drive that long-gone car.

— The End —