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Jazzy Loveless Feb 2014
You were the abuser,
and I? The perfect victim.
My judgement was blinded by your words.
I could not see
what you were doing to me was wrong.
I blamed myself for what you did
(It wasn't my fault)
and what I felt I always hid.
(I want you to stop...)
You stripped me of my confidence.
You maimed my sense of pride.
Every time you tried to break me down
so that when I saw you frown
I would quiver, tremble in fear.
This went on for over a year.
(Too long...)
You harmed not my body but my mind
Until I wanted to leave my soul behind.
(You're killing me.)
You were the ruthless abuser,
and I? The helpless victim.
Answering to your every beck and call,
(Don't yell...)
Obeying your every whim.
(I'm being good..)
Not speaking a word of protest
Because to you that was a deadly sin.
[This isn't fair!]
So instead I hid the pain within
But when I let it out
You began to shout
Wielding your whip of words and
Hurting me so savagely
Because it seems
I was not allowed to have feelings.
So you tried to **** my soul, my personality.
But I wouldn't let you win.
[I'm not taking this again!]
And now we have reached our end.
My wounds are healed but scars still linger.
You are no longer my abuser,
and I? I am free of your tyranny.
(...)-Soft spoken
Jazzy Loveless Feb 2014
The world shatters in a million brilliant pieces.
His footsteps echo on the floor
but I can see his strong frame no more.
Blackness is the only thing visable
and I ***** blindly for the exit of this broken place.
My fingertips brush against a wall
my feet follow the path.
It's a circular world with no way out
I'm trapped!
My feet fumble awkwardly and I stumble and fall
and lay defeated on the ground.
Images of him
loving me, race through my mind like a waterfall
drowing me.
I begin to choke on bitter tears.
I can't breathe anymore.
The blackness is closing in.
Slowly my body bends and I give in.

Gasping and covered in sweat,
my body trembles, my heart beats frantically.
I'm surrounded in the darkness caused by light
but he didn't truly leave tonight.
It was just a dream...

— The End —