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Oct 2015 · 540
jazzy Oct 2015
she had constellations in her eyes when she looked at him
he was the sun that shined in the morning and woke her up
he was the moon, the last thing she saw every night before he put her to sleep
she depended on him to help her live her life
she looked at him like there wasn't a star that could ever shine brighter than him
she knew she was right about that
because when he looked at her
he had constellations in his eyes
Oct 2015 · 446
f the system
jazzy Oct 2015
I have come to hate school, but I for one have nothing against getting an education, I love to learn and create and experience things that help better my education, but I have come to the conclusion that school doesn't really help me do that. The "education" that I am receiving from school is 95% useless. It's useless because these teachers have to follow a system of guidelines that are required for them to teach us so they can keep their jobs and continue making money. The things I am "taught" have no benefit to me what so ever. I sit in a desk all day being talked at about stuff that for one doesn't interest me and two isn't teaching me anything. I am not receiving an education. The system is testing me on pure memorization and listening skills, it's as simple as that, if you listen to what you're told and you memorize what you're told to know, you will do good on your tests, that isn't based off of intelligence at all, to me your intelligence is shown through your experiences, through the mistakes you've made, through the mistakes your going to make and through your will to try and understand. So you failed your history test and the girl right next to you got an A, in no way does that make her smarter than you, because her acing that test had nothing to do with how smart she is, she listened and memorized, that's all these tests are, and it's ******* stupid.
Oct 2015 · 290
jazzy Oct 2015
you just don't understand crying into your pillow
night after night
trying to make sure your sobs are as quiet as can be
so no one will hear you
so you won't have to answer the "what's wrong" question
as if their is only one single thing wrong
as if your world isn't slowly falling apart
as if the question what's wrong
isn't the biggest understatement
as to what's really
May 2015 · 737
jazzy May 2015
i finally understand why they call love a roller coaster ride
because of the way you make me feel
like I'm on top of the world
with butterflies in my stomach one minute
and the next minute I've hit rock bottom
and all i can do is scream
Feb 2015 · 1.2k
daddy's little angel
jazzy Feb 2015
looking at old photos from the past
makes me wish our relationship would've last
tiny images bestowing the happiness you used to bring me
happiness is gone you're just another bad memory
you used to tell me I was your little angel
now the memories of you are unattainable
i see you on printed pieces of paper
now you're gone, disappeared, vapor
you stole my wings and flew away
that day mommy said daddy's going away
i'm not your angel anymore
you took my halo with you when ya walked out the door
Mar 2014 · 1.6k
jazzy Mar 2014
she was broken
used and thrown away
her words were left unspoken
there was nothing left to say

she was broken
her heart beginning to decay
this isn't the life she had chosen
but she had to live it every single day.
Mar 2014 · 5.9k
deadbeat dad
jazzy Mar 2014
you weren't around much
i wasn't worth your time
you left and said we'd stay in touch
but the days we spent together began to decline
you stopped coming around
you didn't even call
but as I got older I found
that my tears weren't worth it at all
you always said you loved me
but we both know that was a lie
you weren't built to raise a family
you didn't really try
your actions spoke louder than your words
which isn't saying much
your actions showed us you were a ****
considering you left in such a rush
you made it seem like you always put your kids first
when in reality you treated us the worst
i don't really consider you my dad
only because almost every memory I have of you is bad
this is the side of you, that you always hid from me
from now on the only thing I can call you is a deadbeat
Mar 2014 · 717
jazzy Mar 2014
she hides behind a layer of skin
covers her like a mask
doesn't want to let any one in
things can't go to fast
she was the girl who often sinned
just another outcast
hiding behind that layer of skin
that covered her like a mask

— The End —