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A world of people
Who thinks she's weird.

When she meets someone she likes
She opens one of the gates up.

They still have a while to go to
See who she really is.

She's hapless at romance,
Not getting a chance with anyone
Because she merely watches
Romance from the side lines,
Only able to analyze it,
Never truly experiencing it,
Not knowing the full reality of it,
Basing her decision to be closed off
From only observation.

Maybe someday a guy will
Sweep her off her feet,
But who will he be?

Because of miscommunication she cannot
Get her feelings across.

Apparently she keeps her
Feelings hidden far too long
Because she wants others to
Be happy.

She is shunned for her
Want to make everyone else
Happy before herself,
Making her the lone wolf,
Who merely observes,
Watching from the woods,
Howling at the moon,
Sad to be alone,
But not sure if it'd make a
Difference or not in happiness
If she were to be placed together with another wolf.

She likes her freedom, but
Is pulled like a rope between
Freedom and commitment, trying
To find a balance.

She's not sure, but not patient
With the matter, she likes to
Push it deeper into herself, to ignore
The loneliness, and look into the future,
Hoping it'll be better than the miserable
Balcony that she stands on, watching
Couples kiss and hold hands,
Frowning and then smiling,
Having conflicting emotions.
Why are girls so confusing?

One second they are the happiest people on earth, the next they slam doors and start screaming.

I mean we were just chilling in my room.

Playing our video games.

Next thing you know... bang!

She starts growling under her breath and runs out of my room and slams her door like a madman!

What did I do?

Maybe it wasn't me.

Maybe it was you.
Forever is no ball game,
no stroll in the park
and certainly isn't jealousy.

Forever is no hatred,
no mowing of lawns,
and definitely is not uncomfortable.

Forever is a child's dream,
written by her parents,
who behind closed doors
whisper questions, faults, hopes and schedules
to their monotonous lives
once lived under the
of forever.
How can I make something out of nothing?

Like honestly, I was born with all I could ever ask for.

Then when I was six my dad died.

Car crash... I was in the car with him that day.

A few years later my mom died of cancer.

I held her hand as she died.

Child services tried to send me to my crazy uncle in Vermont.

I couldn't let that happen.

I ran away.

I was labled "A.W.O.L. #4."

For almost a year I survived on change I found in the streets.

I also wrote my own songs and sang thrm on the corner of a street for just dollars a day.

Until this one day...

She came to me like a dream.

I was washing my hair in a public fountain when she found me.

She was wearing white shorts and a red shirt tucked in.

Her hair was pulled back in a neat, curly ponytail.

She walked up to me and offered me her towel.

(She had just come from a day at the beach.)

I took it from her and thanked her.

She stared at me for what seemed like an hour.

I held out my hand and told her my name.

She shook it and told me hers.

She saw my tattered clothes and my ***** scars.

"Want to come over my house? I can get you some new clothes and you can stay a night if you'd like."

I couldn't decline.

I had no other better offer.

I only had 3.21$ on me and my notebook and pen.

She picked up my book and took my hand.

She took me to her house and instructed me to take a shower.

She handed me soap and a towel and shut the door on her way out.

When I got out she had layed out clothing for me and told me to meet her in the kitchen.

She cooked me an omelet with cheese and a salad on the side.

She handed me a glass of orange juice and without another word she left upstairs.

I was almost done by the time she came back down.

She had a bag in her hands.

She took out a razor and mens shaving cream.

Then she grabbed scissors and smiled at me.

She wet my hair and slicked it back.

She began to snip away at my hair.

I watched lock after lock fall down.

When she was done she dried my hair with a towel.

It was beautiful.

I thanked her.

She even shaved my face.

I felt so new and clean.

I told her I had to leave.

She asked me to stay one night because it had already began to get dark.

She took me to her room and told me to get on her bed.

I went on and she put a blanket on me.

She then layed down on the floor.

I told her to switch spots with me.

She refused so I picked her up and put her on her bed.

She told me if she had to sleep on her bed I had to sleep with her.

We woke up the next morning and her mother was standing over the bed.

It took a while for her to explain what was going on.

Her mom then called Child Protection Services and told them where I was.

A week later we went to an office that looked like it belonged in an insane asylum.

I was told to go in a waiting room.

After two hours of waiting she came back out and said, "Let's go home big brother."

She was holding yellow papers in her hand.

Adoption papers.

I had been taken in by her.

How can I thank her now?

She had saved my life.

And since then she has saved my life three other times.

I have nothing to give to her.

How can I make something out of nothing when it depends on my dear sisters' happiness?
Thank you for saving me from the world Adreishka. I love you.
I shed tears that are the color of blood.

You will never see me.

I will hide behind closed doors.

I will bare my fangs in darkness.

I will creep into your room like every night and sink my teeth in.

I will clean up after myself.

Like I do everyday.

I will retract my fangs and lay down in my bed satisfied.

I cannot believe I held my thirst for this long.

— The End —