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Oct 2013 · 539
That Battle
Jaye Bennett Oct 2013
War has never left your veins  
Infantryman you are born to fight
Yet what is a war without just cause

Determining the course of your life
Wages the battle of God's will and destiny
Against what may seem impossible

This war as already been won, verdict given
Your heart has a home in the hands of God
Let Him join it to the purpose He created it for

Destined for a solo purpose to glorify Yahewh
Show forth His power and unfathomable mercy
And proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus the Christ
Dec 2012 · 648
Art is of Crystal
Jaye Bennett Dec 2012
Stunning art, once a charm to behold, t'was found trashed upon the floor
The viewer wept at the scene for it was a beautiful thing
"None was like it! Such delicate elegance, perfection of craftsmanship!"
The pieces where gathered and left in a heap
To throw them away simply could not be done

The door. Shut.
An unseen visitor slips in to find the piece in a pile of dirt
"Ah ha! Now here is something I can work with and make a new!"
Quickly all shards were sought out and found
Glass replaces the crystal heap while the visitor leaves

Lock. Is turned.
The liquid crystal has gone though fire more pure then before
It bends and flows into stunning a form, cuts like diamonds appear
"Finer then the original!" exclaimed the mysterious Visitor

The room had been left vacant for several days
Doors had been left open to show the newest of arts
The master comes in to find his crystal and stands in shock
For his eyes behold the impossible

In front of the crystal was this note
*"I am the Master Artist who throws out naught
Each piece is original
Each piece is redeemed
Each piece is made new"
Dec 2012 · 906
Diamond in a Rough
Jaye Bennett Dec 2012
I might be a diamond in the rough
Or a panel of shattered glass
Pace yourself from getting gruff  
Or you’ll tare my lace to shreds

I’ve welcomed you into my soul
No earthy being has known me as well
When gentle you healed my wounds
Distance yourself and a knife rips my heart

I had nearly given up dreams once shared
Till new distance caused new ephanitic birth
Now I may know you not
Though able to learn to love you afresh

I beg you look upon me with trust
Remember the past with a learning eye
Do not fall back into boyhood again
I am now able to move on up or out

I have written these words after hours
Attempting to thinking outside this box
It is your call now
Adventure is summoning me to life anew

I might be a diamond in the rough
Or shards of broken glass
You can help me become whole again
If you care to lend a helping hand
Nov 2012 · 557
Back Where I Belonged
Jaye Bennett Nov 2012
Tears have fallen as stars from the sky
Destruction of human self with each meteorite
Truth prods this soul once led by a lie
Dares to question causing pain making it aright

My everything saw my error nearly to late
Suicidal thoughts are no relief nor thought of end
Mighty lies tie and bind to quick a rate yet
Sent me to thy Savior did my lover an' friend

Breaking free from chains that choked life
Running from the beach to Tower upon the Rock
Backlashes come yet I remain unmoved
Rock of Ages has become my Eternal Salvation

Written about a year ago
Published 11/27/2012 During similar emotional circumstances
Oct 2011 · 2.3k
The Rant
Jaye Bennett Oct 2011
Vacant. Empty. Twisted. Lacking.
Chills shoot though my body filling the cracks whatever is left
Let go of the Meaning of LIFE and one is lost

Worried. Angered. Freaked. Spinning.
Words jotted down upon an empty page to show giving proof to rage
Reality is no kind reminder in correction of humanness

Stupidity. Irony. Pathetic. Foolish.
These eyes have absorbed from the outside world all which is meaningless
Vibrant life left behind to retrieve if one is wise

Hope. Love. Joy. Peace.
Never take the God-given gifts taken for granted or hard ways shall teach
Throw them aside as ******* and despair will find what's left

Trash. Pathetic. Waste. Shameful.
Such trash is how I perceive some to view my vehemency
No integrity do they see in what these eyes hold scared

Purity. Integrity. Honesty. Valiancy.
Which spring from the soul and mind diluted from ones first breath in the flesh
Access to God diluted from what cannot be achieved

Sovereignty. Omniscience. Omnipresent. Agape.
Witness madness for what God has been met first hand is just in righteousness
Full of grace and mercy to those who Seek Him

Loving. Wise. Holy. Eternal.
To those Who serve Him He gives of Himself correcting those He loves
Comfort is naught promised for character is His measure  

Sanctification. Tried. True. Loyalty.
Purifying His people through teaching His ways is the foremost goal
As choice gold refined and proved accordingly
I started this poem while one of my closest friends at the time was in B.T.
Apr 2011 · 953
Jaye Bennett Apr 2011
Quick pace across the room
Worry spreads angry lines from eye to eye
Jaw tight, eyes intense, hands clenched
Like a lioness about to unleash furry

Heartfelt pain from times before, nonexistent
Swept by the strongest of tides, absorbed by love
Distantly follows via lines on a page, words scattered
Like a grenade, explosive, unheeded yet written

Reasons of physical tenseness are valid
A portion of life is falling to the ground
Yet life finds a strong one, as a Tulip Tree
Roots spreading deep watered by love

Breathe child rest in the unfailing arms
Concerns are known by the Maker of Heaven
For times such as this you were born
Like a flower midst a tramped battle field

Grow unmoving through storms and fear
Changing times and shaken souls you heed not
Like a house build the very foundation of the earth
Shall your soul be upon the Father’s Word
Mar 2011 · 892
What is a Memory?
Jaye Bennett Mar 2011
What is a memory?

A touch of love
A run in the rain
While tears freely fall
Giving freedom to burdens hidden from prying eyes

A gentle breeze
A wisp pulling at hair
Pulling as if strings on a kite giving height  
Dreams anew springs hope riding upon eagle wings

A dance under stars
A glowing moon
Worship in adoration
Maker of all giving wind to sails during majestic night

A relationship
An understanding
Between two people or more
Family bound by worship of Yahweh Maker of all
Jaye Bennett Feb 2011
The hiding of something from more than his eye
The parent’s dismay another is gaining her heart
The grievance would be theirs to find it soon taken
The difficulty being in sorrow & to be free as a lark

The parent’s suspicions of his adoration for another
The ample words of warning she hears while he’s away
The testing of dedication as if they've done this before
The strength from God His will presiding casing out fear

The first time she has given of herself to another
The prayer is for it to be his last God’s will be done
The hearts of all are centered on the calling of the Father
The desire of the lovers is to serve Him by the other’s side

The one she loves the one whose side she has walked by
The only human his heart has seen in such a way
The scales are off their eyes faults fully known
The perfectly imperfect one whose heart calls home
Feb 2011 · 496
Who Knows?
Jaye Bennett Feb 2011
Who knows God's weird and beautiful ways?
I love the suspense of His journey's that lie ahead!
I have learned to be ready to let go at all costs..
Strive to strengthen the inner man of the spirit,
And love God first above all else.
For If God is the one I love,
Then it is through His unconditional love I love others,
And this heart of flesh will not get torn.
I have hurt others hearts before,
Have no intentions on doing so again.
But I can't help it when God calls me one way,
And the other refuses to let go.
Because it was not through God's love,
That they cared for me.
Written in letter form 11-2010
Made as is, 2-19-2011
Feb 2011 · 827
I knew A Boy
Jaye Bennett Feb 2011
I knew a boy, who became a man
Overnight it seemed, so unreal and surreal
The face became strong, actions honest and true
Words became wise, strength in his vanes
One of honor respect, integrity truth and charity

I knew a boy, who is now a man
Learned to love in purity, with God in his soul
Set sail on the harshest sea, knowing not the tide
To find a place in the world, is now his desire
Steps of surety towards a goal, a man of men

I knew a boy, who became a man
Helpful hand in times of need, a listening ear
Not taking for granted the wind, nor following its whim
Eye’s set on God, the eternal reward of His Own
Ay a man worth knowing, a man worth loving

I knew a boy, who is now a man
Dedicated to Brother, Brad J. March
Feb 2011 · 1.2k
Blind Love Voided
Jaye Bennett Feb 2011
Results of blind love some may speak
Scales falling from the lovers tired eyes
To behold the glaring reality before them
An equally imperfect person which they wed

Let us not deny our humanness to the other
Faults bind two humans in oneness of mind
From each weakness one finds a new strength
To move forward as one body not two ashamed

Ay many things you are not my dearest one
And many more virtuous things you are
Do not call me a liar and mock my adoration
This heart is set in the warmth of your chest

These glowing eyes are set on your worth
Honestly aware of your mundane faults
Ask you not to be perfect in person alone
Only to be perfectly imperfect together
Feb 2011 · 787
The Promise of Agape
Jaye Bennett Feb 2011
Rain pounding on the roof wakes one in slumber
A toss in the bed to grasp for warmth from the covers
Fire in the chest of longing fueled by memories strong
A ring hangs on the bedstead in reminder of a song

Memories of warmth sooth the fire give aid to sleep
A smile spreads across the face breathed by peace
Vacant place still in waiting to be filled by a touch
A simple remedy for the lover who is near not far

Letter’s lying on the floor from the previous day
A pen with paper waiting eagerly to send care far away
One more day with promises  for the famished heart
A love so strong with busy hands for ones kept apart

Lover across the sea or land fighting for thy country
A hand is waiting a God is guiding for desire is of His making
One in waiting for the homeward message stand by proudly
A strength unknown is aiding the wait for one cared for fondly
Feb 2011 · 503
Breaking Heart
Jaye Bennett Feb 2011
I know I've been wrong...
I know I've been forgiven.
I just don't wanna do the same all over.

This is no first criminal offense,
but I'm not getting locked up.
The law I broke is against the heart,
here I am confess'en.

Alot to ponder... alot to question.
I know one thing, I am on my knees
and peace is what I am gettin.
Feb 2011 · 531
Jaye Bennett Feb 2011
Thoughts run through my mind
like sun dances on the leaves
If they could only give me peace
like the whisper of the trees
Sometimes I need a reminder
of Who owns my heart
That He predestined me
to light this world so torn apart
He gives me oil for my lamp
which light is growing dim
For this soul has run dry
in a thirsty land so dreary and grim
Feb 2011 · 743
Jaye Bennett Feb 2011
One though running through my mind,
One warm beat rushing through my heart,
One soft touch against my hand,
One silent prayer released from my soul,
One gentle voice reminding me I am loved.
Feb 2011 · 653
Yonder over
Jaye Bennett Feb 2011
Across the valley and hills these eyes roam
Wondering where they can next call home
You come up from behind me to stand by my side
Pointing yonder telling me it will be a wild ride

Hold me tight, don’t think of letting go
Peace has filled this vacancy in your touch
Lead me through this wilderness we roam
With God’s guidance I’ll face the rough

Joy is the song my heart sings,
For the sake of another song ringing.
Hope, love, joy and peace
Only found together in one place.
Within the will of God.
Feb 2011 · 602
Jaye Bennett Feb 2011
Strength is over-rated,
Weakness seems to be my escape from days of old.
I wish I would just forget sometimes.
But here I am, still learning to forgive and forget-
To love and cherish;
Through the power of one who died for me.

My mind is spinning in a million directions,
I only know I have not been here before.
Avoidance has been my technique,
Then you took me by surprise.
Now I am relearning ways of life…
Yet confidant You'll catch me if I fall down tonight.

You astound me by Your sovereignty and justice,
Balanced with unsought grace and mercy.
They terrify me yet give me peace
Only because You loved me first,
Has this soul learned to love.
Feb 2011 · 1.0k
Free Falling <3
Jaye Bennett Feb 2011
Hold me tight,
I’m free falling tonight.
Joy is the song my heart sings,
For the sake of another song ringing.
Hope, love, joy and peace
Only found together in one place.
Within the will of God.

Free falling into arms of love,
Free falling into the will of a Sovereign God.
Terror may chase me,
The past may torment me,
Freedom is all I see in front of me.
Free falling into the arms of God,
Free falling into arms named love.
Feb 2011 · 585
Jaye Bennett Feb 2011
Learning to hold still till told “Go”
Teaching my heart to surrender before the Thrown
Wishing the plow before me had an easier row
Pressing onward for the harvest has grown

Here is the line, I stand my ground
Here is the alter, where I lay myself down
To love is to stand firm, wielding the sword  
To love is to surrender, before the crown
Only to One, do I pledge my reward
Only to One, One upon Zion’s Thrown
Feb 2011 · 676
Help Meet
Jaye Bennett Feb 2011
I put my heart in a box,
And locked it with a key.
Placed it in my Master’s hands;
For my true love’s to keep.

Then said to my Maker;
‘Keep my heart for me.
When my true love comes;
Give him my hearts key’

While I wait for that day to come,
Create me into the one I am meant to be.
So that we will be the perfect fit,
The missing piece that You created to go together.

Thus the day You put my hand in his,
We will mirror to the World,
The perfect harmony of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit;
What You intended to be and called “It is Good”.
Feb 2011 · 527
That Coming Day
Jaye Bennett Feb 2011
How awesome must be that day when you come to gather Your people,
To see the world bow at Your feet in homage and fear of your coming wrath
The closeness of this day I fear not,
For it will be a day of great rejoicing among your people.
O, the glory of Your majesty I cannot fathom,
For one can only understand after seeing for themselves.

What power will be shown to this evil earth and your disobedient children,
For we have gone astray by our own doings.
Our minds only plot for the good of evil,
Never for ourselves and the glory of our lord

How much longer will we keep doing this generational sin,
Of rejecting the name of the one who paid for our sins.
The longer it goes the more I wonder about family and friends,
If I were to die would they stand up for me

One by one the saints are martyred by their own families,
Only because they pronounced you as lord.
Yet still we only worship You,
King of the Heavens and Lord of all creation.

For you are the one who gives us air to breath and life to live
The only hope of the nations,
And godspeed to those who are in distress.
You are the one who gives them the strength to go on
And you make the world wonder how they stay alive

The world is awed at your children’s faith
Waiting for them to slide down into the world of sin
Yet they will never cease to speak out about their god the one who sustains them, is with them and always see them through
High School work, spring 2006
Feb 2011 · 604
Jaye Bennett Feb 2011
Who I am that one would choose to love
To die for my life so that I may not live in vain
Yet alas for me a mortal man
To live in vain is a born destiny
Teach me live a life that the next generation will follow
Feb 2011 · 635
Snowy Day
Jaye Bennett Feb 2011
A snowy day
To my dismay
Till out the frosty window I glance
What I saw brought a smile to this face
A cross outlined by trees
Highlighted by snow
Beckoning me to enter in
Give thanks to the Maker of heaven and earth
Winter 2010
Feb 2011 · 573
In Memberance
Jaye Bennett Feb 2011
Everywhere one looks, our Creator’s brush has touched
A beautiful painting for the eye, a Master’s piece for the mind
If one lessens their hast, to see the wonders anew

Out a frosty window these eyes wonder
To rest upon natures own cross created in His memory
Tall and straight, brown and ruddy it stands
Outline in white of freshly fallen snow

For a moment such as this, it was meant for
To bring this heart into surrender, and awe
Reminder of Him who died for me, upon a cross such as this
Winter 2010
Feb 2011 · 635
Time Spent
Jaye Bennett Feb 2011
Where is my time spent?
I wish I spent more time alone with you
Here I am thirsty and hungry
Denying the open table you offer me

When did I choose to move away?
I don’t recall a time nor place
In your arms I found the meaning of life
Now to wither like grass in wind

How did I become so distracted?
I lived only for you and your unending love
The things that are in my way block my gaze
Your face still before me almost a memory

How could I leave my first love?
I learned to love because you loved me first
Openly given and openly shared
Now lust fills the cracks of a stone heart

Why have I depraved myself from the waters of life?
The life you give is unending forever satisfying
My soul aches to be refreshed in your springs
In you alone my mind finds strength for fulfillment  

Take me, make me, mold me I pray
To become more like you each day
Willing to be made willing
To submit to your hands
For you are the truth, the life, and the way
Written Fall of 2010

— The End —