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Jaye Bennett Feb 2011
One though running through my mind,
One warm beat rushing through my heart,
One soft touch against my hand,
One silent prayer released from my soul,
One gentle voice reminding me I am loved.
Jaye Bennett Feb 2011
Across the valley and hills these eyes roam
Wondering where they can next call home
You come up from behind me to stand by my side
Pointing yonder telling me it will be a wild ride

Hold me tight, don’t think of letting go
Peace has filled this vacancy in your touch
Lead me through this wilderness we roam
With God’s guidance I’ll face the rough

Joy is the song my heart sings,
For the sake of another song ringing.
Hope, love, joy and peace
Only found together in one place.
Within the will of God.
Jaye Bennett Feb 2011
Strength is over-rated,
Weakness seems to be my escape from days of old.
I wish I would just forget sometimes.
But here I am, still learning to forgive and forget-
To love and cherish;
Through the power of one who died for me.

My mind is spinning in a million directions,
I only know I have not been here before.
Avoidance has been my technique,
Then you took me by surprise.
Now I am relearning ways of life…
Yet confidant You'll catch me if I fall down tonight.

You astound me by Your sovereignty and justice,
Balanced with unsought grace and mercy.
They terrify me yet give me peace
Only because You loved me first,
Has this soul learned to love.
Jaye Bennett Feb 2011
Hold me tight,
I’m free falling tonight.
Joy is the song my heart sings,
For the sake of another song ringing.
Hope, love, joy and peace
Only found together in one place.
Within the will of God.

Free falling into arms of love,
Free falling into the will of a Sovereign God.
Terror may chase me,
The past may torment me,
Freedom is all I see in front of me.
Free falling into the arms of God,
Free falling into arms named love.
Jaye Bennett Feb 2011
Learning to hold still till told “Go”
Teaching my heart to surrender before the Thrown
Wishing the plow before me had an easier row
Pressing onward for the harvest has grown

Here is the line, I stand my ground
Here is the alter, where I lay myself down
To love is to stand firm, wielding the sword  
To love is to surrender, before the crown
Only to One, do I pledge my reward
Only to One, One upon Zion’s Thrown
Jaye Bennett Feb 2011
I put my heart in a box,
And locked it with a key.
Placed it in my Master’s hands;
For my true love’s to keep.

Then said to my Maker;
‘Keep my heart for me.
When my true love comes;
Give him my hearts key’

While I wait for that day to come,
Create me into the one I am meant to be.
So that we will be the perfect fit,
The missing piece that You created to go together.

Thus the day You put my hand in his,
We will mirror to the World,
The perfect harmony of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit;
What You intended to be and called “It is Good”.
Jaye Bennett Feb 2011
How awesome must be that day when you come to gather Your people,
To see the world bow at Your feet in homage and fear of your coming wrath
The closeness of this day I fear not,
For it will be a day of great rejoicing among your people.
O, the glory of Your majesty I cannot fathom,
For one can only understand after seeing for themselves.

What power will be shown to this evil earth and your disobedient children,
For we have gone astray by our own doings.
Our minds only plot for the good of evil,
Never for ourselves and the glory of our lord

How much longer will we keep doing this generational sin,
Of rejecting the name of the one who paid for our sins.
The longer it goes the more I wonder about family and friends,
If I were to die would they stand up for me

One by one the saints are martyred by their own families,
Only because they pronounced you as lord.
Yet still we only worship You,
King of the Heavens and Lord of all creation.

For you are the one who gives us air to breath and life to live
The only hope of the nations,
And godspeed to those who are in distress.
You are the one who gives them the strength to go on
And you make the world wonder how they stay alive

The world is awed at your children’s faith
Waiting for them to slide down into the world of sin
Yet they will never cease to speak out about their god the one who sustains them, is with them and always see them through
High School work, spring 2006
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