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Jaye Bennett Oct 2013
War has never left your veins  
Infantryman you are born to fight
Yet what is a war without just cause

Determining the course of your life
Wages the battle of God's will and destiny
Against what may seem impossible

This war as already been won, verdict given
Your heart has a home in the hands of God
Let Him join it to the purpose He created it for

Destined for a solo purpose to glorify Yahewh
Show forth His power and unfathomable mercy
And proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus the Christ
Jaye Bennett Dec 2012
Stunning art, once a charm to behold, t'was found trashed upon the floor
The viewer wept at the scene for it was a beautiful thing
"None was like it! Such delicate elegance, perfection of craftsmanship!"
The pieces where gathered and left in a heap
To throw them away simply could not be done

The door. Shut.
An unseen visitor slips in to find the piece in a pile of dirt
"Ah ha! Now here is something I can work with and make a new!"
Quickly all shards were sought out and found
Glass replaces the crystal heap while the visitor leaves

Lock. Is turned.
The liquid crystal has gone though fire more pure then before
It bends and flows into stunning a form, cuts like diamonds appear
"Finer then the original!" exclaimed the mysterious Visitor

The room had been left vacant for several days
Doors had been left open to show the newest of arts
The master comes in to find his crystal and stands in shock
For his eyes behold the impossible

In front of the crystal was this note
*"I am the Master Artist who throws out naught
Each piece is original
Each piece is redeemed
Each piece is made new"
Jaye Bennett Dec 2012
I might be a diamond in the rough
Or a panel of shattered glass
Pace yourself from getting gruff  
Or you’ll tare my lace to shreds

I’ve welcomed you into my soul
No earthy being has known me as well
When gentle you healed my wounds
Distance yourself and a knife rips my heart

I had nearly given up dreams once shared
Till new distance caused new ephanitic birth
Now I may know you not
Though able to learn to love you afresh

I beg you look upon me with trust
Remember the past with a learning eye
Do not fall back into boyhood again
I am now able to move on up or out

I have written these words after hours
Attempting to thinking outside this box
It is your call now
Adventure is summoning me to life anew

I might be a diamond in the rough
Or shards of broken glass
You can help me become whole again
If you care to lend a helping hand
Jaye Bennett Nov 2012
Tears have fallen as stars from the sky
Destruction of human self with each meteorite
Truth prods this soul once led by a lie
Dares to question causing pain making it aright

My everything saw my error nearly to late
Suicidal thoughts are no relief nor thought of end
Mighty lies tie and bind to quick a rate yet
Sent me to thy Savior did my lover an' friend

Breaking free from chains that choked life
Running from the beach to Tower upon the Rock
Backlashes come yet I remain unmoved
Rock of Ages has become my Eternal Salvation

Written about a year ago
Published 11/27/2012 During similar emotional circumstances
Jaye Bennett Oct 2011
Vacant. Empty. Twisted. Lacking.
Chills shoot though my body filling the cracks whatever is left
Let go of the Meaning of LIFE and one is lost

Worried. Angered. Freaked. Spinning.
Words jotted down upon an empty page to show giving proof to rage
Reality is no kind reminder in correction of humanness

Stupidity. Irony. Pathetic. Foolish.
These eyes have absorbed from the outside world all which is meaningless
Vibrant life left behind to retrieve if one is wise

Hope. Love. Joy. Peace.
Never take the God-given gifts taken for granted or hard ways shall teach
Throw them aside as ******* and despair will find what's left

Trash. Pathetic. Waste. Shameful.
Such trash is how I perceive some to view my vehemency
No integrity do they see in what these eyes hold scared

Purity. Integrity. Honesty. Valiancy.
Which spring from the soul and mind diluted from ones first breath in the flesh
Access to God diluted from what cannot be achieved

Sovereignty. Omniscience. Omnipresent. Agape.
Witness madness for what God has been met first hand is just in righteousness
Full of grace and mercy to those who Seek Him

Loving. Wise. Holy. Eternal.
To those Who serve Him He gives of Himself correcting those He loves
Comfort is naught promised for character is His measure  

Sanctification. Tried. True. Loyalty.
Purifying His people through teaching His ways is the foremost goal
As choice gold refined and proved accordingly
I started this poem while one of my closest friends at the time was in B.T.
Jaye Bennett Apr 2011
Quick pace across the room
Worry spreads angry lines from eye to eye
Jaw tight, eyes intense, hands clenched
Like a lioness about to unleash furry

Heartfelt pain from times before, nonexistent
Swept by the strongest of tides, absorbed by love
Distantly follows via lines on a page, words scattered
Like a grenade, explosive, unheeded yet written

Reasons of physical tenseness are valid
A portion of life is falling to the ground
Yet life finds a strong one, as a Tulip Tree
Roots spreading deep watered by love

Breathe child rest in the unfailing arms
Concerns are known by the Maker of Heaven
For times such as this you were born
Like a flower midst a tramped battle field

Grow unmoving through storms and fear
Changing times and shaken souls you heed not
Like a house build the very foundation of the earth
Shall your soul be upon the Father’s Word
Jaye Bennett Mar 2011
What is a memory?

A touch of love
A run in the rain
While tears freely fall
Giving freedom to burdens hidden from prying eyes

A gentle breeze
A wisp pulling at hair
Pulling as if strings on a kite giving height  
Dreams anew springs hope riding upon eagle wings

A dance under stars
A glowing moon
Worship in adoration
Maker of all giving wind to sails during majestic night

A relationship
An understanding
Between two people or more
Family bound by worship of Yahweh Maker of all
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