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Jay23 Oct 2016
I loved you in silence for too long.
When you thought it started to make some noise, you tried to shut it up.
But my heart still sings for you.
Like the buzzing ringing sound of an obliterating machine.
Jay23 Oct 2016
Look at me.
Back to square one.
Filling the void.
Heaving sighs.
Seeing you everywhere.
In the book.
In the mirror.
Among the crowds.
The sky, the crowd, the beach, the sand, the stars,
The moon, the dark of space,
The dead fallen petals in the green of the earth.
In the water I drink.
The food I eat.
In the words, I try to gobble up.
In the words, I give my pen to.
In the long journey, when I look out of the window.
I'm so mad about you.
But you don't even think about me at all, of course.

— The End —