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Jay-vee Arh Jan 2013
Late in the dark night,
with the stars a-light,
away from the freights
of everyday life,
I pretend I might
be with you tonight.

F'only you could see
the reason I recede.
Please understand me.
I internally
struggle to out speak.
Know why this must be.

My soul is tortured.
Now as I muster
strength to not falter.
But I much rather
be here together
and love forever.

Late in the dark night,
with the stars a-light,
away from the freights
of everyday life,
I pretend you might
fall for me tonight.
Jay-vee Arh Jan 2013
Those are pretty words
From someone not hurt before.
My heart had turned sour,
Broken hearts occurred.

How can I let myself trust
again, if I feel I must,
When love has done nothing but rust
away my feelings of lust?

You stand before me a blank.
Glass made of sand.
Clearly you come again
asking for my hand.

Those are some pretty words
Coming from someone not hurt before.
Jay-vee Arh Jan 2013
And yet,
when you are,
it is to no avail,
as you will not sail,
as unfar
as I am, I bet.
Jay-vee Arh Dec 2012
Even if I say it,
You wouldn't react.
That's because you're
An apathetic robot.

Even if I say it,
You wouldn't care.
That's because you're
A heartless mannequin.

Even if I say it.
Even if I say that I love you.
Even if I say that I miss you.
You wouldn't react or care.

Because that's just how you are.
Jay-vee Arh Sep 2012
He's gone.

He's quitting.

It's wrong.

It's tormenting.

My heart lurched when I read it.

My heart sank when I read that.

I had to sit.

I arrived at

The conclusion that it was over.

The conclusion that I'd never see you again.

Did I cover,

Did I wane,

my excitement to see you soon?

my knowledge that you wouldn't be back?

This sadness is intense like the moon.

This depression is dark and black.
Jay-vee Arh Jul 2012
The idea of losing you
was not something I fathomed
To be difficult.  I pursue
The task and become regretful.

For the idea became real,
and I found myself all alone.
Time is something I would make still,
and steal from the Father.

All in the hopes of keeping the,
memories of you in my head.
Reliving those days with karma
awaiting me when time starts up.

And because I'm only human,
my grip on time did not last.
And you disappeared.  So I ran
until I realized you've died.
Jay-vee Arh Jul 2012
This heart shaped box of mine,
So warm, so tender, so fragile.

Off it goes, into the fire.

Ash, ash, ash.  Collect them in a heart shaped box.

Off the ashes go, pouring down the cliff.

Into the ocean, ocean, ocean.  Caught in the wind.  Flying away.

Goodbye, my addiction.
Goodbye, my heart.
Goodbye, my love.
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