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2.2k · Mar 2013
Jay McCurdy Mar 2013
My mom always told me to be myself
I guess she noticed first I was always

Not similar to the rest but
I should be happy about that
That I seen things a little differently

And at the age of six I understand empathy
More that any child, teenager, and some adults
She liked to call me compassion when I was little

I hated so much when I was smaller
But I miss it now since she has left this earth
I miss her yelling compassion
Come clean up

I would pout around as I cleaned
Her helping me
Saying compassion
I know you have some giving to do but please stop pouting
and help you will be done soon

Even though she isn't here anymore
I never lost this compassion
I would give my last dollar to anyone of my friends who need it
Give them the clothes I own just to keep them warm
Lend them my ear when they think the rest of the
world isn't listening

Sometimes it seems the rest world has forgot
The definition of compassion
Everyday I wake up
I remind one person
About this thing called compassion

Then just maybe they can pass it on
And the world in due time
Will never forget compassion ever again
838 · Mar 2013
Jay McCurdy Mar 2013
When he talks about her
a smile creeps onto his face
I know he imagines her there listening to him
As he rants about how creative she is
How beautiful she is
How smart she is

I wish he was there
When I write in my journal
I talk about
How kind he is
How he is such a sweet heart
How he doesn't know I love him

I want to be her
And she wants to be me
She wants to listen to him vent about his dad
And I want to sleep next to him at night
She wants to go hang with the guys
And I want to go on dates just me and him

This grass isn't as green as she thinks
Its not nurtured it has longevity
Because of the memories we share
I wish he could see all the love I care in my
eyes for him

Well maybe one day he will see
That all he needs is me
And I will be waiting on him
If it takes a whole century I will still wait
love, life, relationship, friendship,
654 · Mar 2013
Lover's Comeback
Jay McCurdy Mar 2013
I promise myself every time you treat me ordinary
I'll leave you
And we will no longer be a us
I tell myself I don't deserve your mood swings
They aren't healthy
They control your whole mind
Do they tell you to break my heart
Or do you do it all by yourself and blame them
Truly the answer is irrelevant
The answer can't erase my heart's cracks
But the next time I feel ordinary
Me and my heart is gone
love, life, soul, heart, relationship,
591 · Mar 2013
Jay McCurdy Mar 2013
It seems as if with time I fall a little more out of love with you
Like as the time tics you become a little less adorable
With a toc your touch feels as if my father is touching me

I never meant for this to happened
But it was bound
I decided to evolve myself in a relationship
I wasnt fully committed to anyway

I just need some affection
And there you were my knight in shiny armor
Saving me from my own loneliness

I come to figure I just needed a friend
You see you needed a lover
Some who doesn't mind anything about you

We should part our ways
We are just holding each other back
I need to find a new friend and you need to find a new lover
love, friendship, time, falling out,
516 · Apr 2013
Show Appreciation
Jay McCurdy Apr 2013
It seems that we
And when I say we I mean humans
That we become comfortable with the people that surround us
We stop asking how their day was
We stop telling them good morning
Less effort is given to see the ones we care about
We figure that the memories we once made with them should fill the void
That they should know you care about them because there are memories of you caring
But we seem to forget that others forget sometimes
The person who matters the most may no longer think that they are important
They can't recall so continue to remind them
Express you love everyday if you can
Then they won't have any worry or doubt
No confusion if you still love them
Cause you just showed your love yesterday and will today
Cherish the time because you were blessed with a new day
love, affection, life , memories,
480 · Aug 2013
Something You Don't Know
Jay McCurdy Aug 2013
You tell me you love me and I ask you why
You tell me you don't know but you do and that is all that matters
And one day you will figure it out
But I don't understand you
You were the one to tell me you loved me first not the other way around
I just feel in love with you telling me you love me
I am getting tired of not knowing why
When you are truly in love someone they can give  hundreds of reasons why they love someone
You can't even give me one
I deserve to love someone who knows why they love me
Not someone still trying to figure it out
love, heartbreak, pain, sadness,
401 · Mar 2013
My Prayer
Jay McCurdy Mar 2013
Dear God,
I want to thank you for waking me up this morning
I want to thank you for waking up my family and friends
I would like to thank you for:
the food in my belly
the clothes on my back
and the roof over my head
Can you please help the people
who are too silly not to pray for themselves
In the name of Jesus I pray amen
God, prayer, life, amen,

— The End —