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 Jul 2015 jay may

A sleepy Sunday morning
the sun awakes the dawn
I slip from neath the covers
a smile and a yawn

You're lying there beside me
peacefully asleep
So beautiful the image
my mind it loves to keep

I make a *** of coffee,
pour a cup for you
Then wait for you to join me
a table set for two

I peek in at you sleeping,
you open up your eyes
and giggle when you see me,
I breathe a happy sigh

This sleepy Sunday morning,
now blue skies up above
Is always so much better,
*when shared with one you love
Good morning beautiful
 Jul 2015 jay may

Blueberry mornings,
a sweet syrup kiss
Mocha cream whispers
and cinnamon bliss
Latte affections
with warm honey glaze
You in my arms
*there are no better days
Good morning Beautiful
 Jul 2015 jay may

Pillow talk whispers,
a good morning kiss
Coffee for two
on a day such a this

Watching the sun
glowing soft in your eyes
Waking the dawn
with the bluest of skies

Hearing the birds
as they sing in the trees
Rose petal fragrance
afloat on the breeze

Butterflies flutter
so free on the air
Flower to flower
with nary a care

Gazing at you
and that beautiful smile
Feeling your love
as we sit here a while

Living each day
as if it were brand new
Because they are
*when I start them with you
Good morning beautiful
 Jul 2015 jay may
Lonely Beach
 Jul 2015 jay may

I walk along
this lonely beach
dodging seashells
washed ashore

The sand is wet
upon my feet
another day
I must endure

I glance around
the darkened dunes
with wind so cold
against my skin

The tide retreats
I wish I could
I long to feel
your kiss again

A rising sun
atop the waves
I’m sure will paint
a wondrous view

But I don’t care
what I may see
I just wish I was
there with you
Good morning Beautiful. I miss you so much.
 Jul 2015 jay may
Steven Gosling
The sweetest sound that touch the ear,
can lift the soul and calm your fear.
A soft guitar or soulful scale,
the lilting song of nightingales.

A sad love song or baby’s cry,
can bring you joy or tear the eye.
The beat of drum, a shriek of glee,
or grand and stirring symphony.

But the sweetest sound that I can hear,
the one that sounds most true,
is when I say I love you,
and you say I love you too.
love sweetest sound
 May 2015 jay may

Goodbye moon, hello sun
a brand new day has just begun
I am here, you are there,
still this morning we can share

Take a look, you will see
a perfect day where we can be
Hand in hand, just we two
so in love this whole day through
Good morning
 Apr 2015 jay may
As I live
 Apr 2015 jay may

As I live, I dream
As I dream, I view
What I view is love
And this love is you

As I wake, I think
As I think, I know
What I know is this
That I love you so

As I sit, I write
As I write, I send
Verses filled with love
That will never end

As I stand, I reach
As I reach, I fall
Deep within my dreams
Which aren’t dreams after all

As I look, I find
As I find, I feel
Nothing is a dream
Everything is real

As I live, I love
Who I love is you
Once you were a dream
Now you have come true
 Apr 2015 jay may
A B Perales
When I hugged
her I'd always hold
on for a second
too long.

When I made love
to her
I'd take my time,
slowly moving over
every inch of her body,
taking in all she
had to give.

Every kiss and
every smile.
Each time she
made me laugh
or made me sigh with
pleasure was
carefully stowed away
deep within the
of my memory.

Hidden like
buried treasure
are the
memories I run
to when the
sets in.

She always did her
hair while still *******
in the morning.
We'd part ways
on the porch,
her off to work
and I back onto
the streets.

 I was sure to create good
memories everyday
and to forget the bad
every night.
All this in preparation
for the day when all of the
bad I've done caught up to
me and I'd never be able
to be with her again.

Everything I did
with her I did a little
When she would sleep
I'd stay up a
little longer,
I'd get high in
the other room
and come back
in and watch her.

That's how life
is lived once
they've reached into
that space that are the
years of a young
mans life.
And ****** them
out like weeds
by the year.

There were good

Sharing all we had
on a hotel bed,
the taste of her lipstick
as we drank warm
Schnapps straight from
the bottle.

I remember
watching her
watching me,
and my not
feeling the need
to flee.
my not feeling
so Dam alone.
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