You left me for doing to much, but I should of left you for doing too little.
It was a bad excuse for your "best friend" you have know since you were little.
I can't change the way that you think, but deep back in my mind I will forever think. Was there something else I could of done?
Or was it just fate those girls would have you turn your back on me with just the movement of those bruised up thumbs. It's been a few weeks since you left me stranded in the streets, but your forever on my mind and you won't even take the time to see me through this awful blue, even though your the one putting me through. It's hard to see those new photos pass by. and I don't have the slightest clue as to why, when, where, and how. It's just a soulles picture to me, and I will never get to see the true meanings behind the blank screens. I hope they treat you better, but I doubt they will with stand your weather. my true feelings for you will forever stay true. I am sorry for all I did to you but in the end they will never be able to cure your all of your blues.