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649 · Aug 2017
Bombs fall
jay cleeve Aug 2017
Bombs fall, bombs fall
I fear this is a future for us all
For not much particular reason at all
For the time it takes for us to grow
For it all to end in seconds with a blow
Bombs fall, bombs fall
So another tyrant can rise and fall
He doesn't care of the blood spilt at all
Sitting on throne with propaganda pictures on his wall
Bombs fall, bombs fall
This wasn't meant to be the will of men at all
Pawns in chess and nothing less or more
Waiting for the bomb to fall
Bombs fall, bombs fall.
493 · Aug 2017
Was she ever mine to love
jay cleeve Aug 2017
I stare all day at a picture of you broken by me
In more ways than one it claims to be
She looks beautiful and happy now with Sc filter flowers in her hair
But here comes her quick repair
A trip to Thorpe park will heal her heart
While mine lays torn apart  
A ride so exciting she forgot she was ever sat beside him
Strange boys of dull drugged description
Will fill her life's future  ambition
These times help me write but don't right my ruin
Only create a broken heart from what she is doing
It doenst matter she took me for a fool I claim no innocence at all
Just wish I'd had one last chance to show her a future in preview past tence in advance
Before she threw away it all and wrote the unwritten rule that true love doenst say
You are not in my day or night
your no longer my shining light
I never want you to hold me tight
id rather a life without the plight
Your not even worth half a fight
I'll never forget her gorgeous ways and how she brightened and made my days
I'm sorry beautiful princess forever true
I'm sorry I couldn't be the one for you for loving you is all I do
317 · Jul 2017
Worlds within worlds
jay cleeve Jul 2017
Tainted worlds within the grass
A river forms from a fallen glass
A mountain grows from a moles quick gaze of light
An ice lolly falls to the ants delight
****** flows from the cigarettes thrown alight
Spilt beer for a honey bee to drunk to find his tree
A foot to the floor destroys a woodlouse city
But no hairless apes care or pity
Giants in a world that isn't ours
Driving our nature killing cars
Fumes that **** a thousand trees
That didn't get to grow their leaves
But to die and return to earth
That's what all that live and breath deserve
Lay me on the cold dark earth
Let me fertilize the turf
Recycle new rebirth
308 · Jun 2016
The view of man
jay cleeve Jun 2016
The view of man.
By jay Cleeve.

So many unanswered questions
Not many care for
Many don't dare for
The answers of our ancestors
We've been taught by a deceptive perspective
But my mind pesters
I'm not gods son
Although it sounds fun
I know the answers
We're natures natural disasters
I evolved from the untold
Yeah Darwin he spoke bold
But his stories lay unsold
For a long time he left them in his own mind
Because he was gods child
Then he lost his child
What kind if a deceiver gives a ten year old child Scarlett fever
Then you question
Christ's deception
Our reception in a dead world

So i self taught as a last resort
made my mind restored
there the sort of facts you'll never find on a black board
i wish for a simple life
One of sacrifice
For our lovers and family's
Where we'd live happily
I'm not saying there's no pain
But we're all the same
Our position on earth for all we're worth
We where natures natural birth
No different from the other brother next to you
Whether we're black or blue
Please release let go and beat the religion outta you
As Charles theories where so true
The origin of species and the decent of man our my bibles
Hell I'm an atheist disciple
I'm happy knowing the truth
Fossils and DNA being my proof
Why are most of you all blind to see
The past of mankind i long to be
The one that belongs to you and me
I don't think you care to know even though it's all on show
It's nice to believe in the tease i guess that a man in robes can impress
Really you'll never know where we all go
But I am a man of science and natures natural defiance
I know what i am and that makes me a man
I'm a hominid
And your the followers of some unholy profiteers
That can't compete with the fact I meet
We've got a whole world of history right at our feet
How can a simple man like me
Understand the simple things that be
When you all share the same history as me
Maybe it's something you evolved to be
286 · Oct 2017
Innocence of lock and key
jay cleeve Oct 2017
Fearing four walls
three months of good behaviour doom
hoping it won't take my heart forever to consume for a crime I didnt commit only half of it I'll ever admit
for a lighter sentence
I'll go along with her inventions
the most spiteful unnecessary  intentions
I didn't want trouble I didn't want time
now I'll find all that inside
It's not for sure but I've done the interview
Spoken by words of true
I didn't need a solicitor as did nothing illicit to her
now I wait for a call for caution
failing that a fateful letter through the door
and to court I will crawl
hopefully I can swerve this as I definitely didn't deserve this
judge me
put me under lock and key
It will be the end of innocence and me
you will see
239 · Jan 2018
Reflection and deflection
jay cleeve Jan 2018
Infected with stare
As my eyes glare upon the reflection of the sun kissed river on the underside of the bridge
paterns and rainbows form on the 1888 cut stone like from a world unknown
Only in a certain hour and sun will the  gaze beam reflect it's beauty deep underneath the masons masterpiece
Much unlike the underside of my own dark inside
Where rainbows neither grow or reside  
But still I come in search of my own reflection
As yet I've found deflection under my bridge and in the water
but the water follows as said with my worry and fears flow with water under the bridge
229 · May 2017
Snow white rose
jay cleeve May 2017
The love I have for the snow white rose no man alive truly knows
For her roots grow only in my bones
A soulmate lost in time forever froze
A love so strong frost  dare not oppose
For the further apart we may be
The more I feel her inside of me
Cream pink pettle cheeks against my rough
Her perfection against my thorn
My heart on sleeve
For her to adore
I wait for her knock at my door
Loves everlasting gaze of  the last time I woke to your face
Now I wake up in a lonely space with a pillow holding my embrace
I long for the beautiful white rose as my heart she truly owns
Until my body turns to bones  
Her beauty untold and innocent soul unsold
The one true girl the world truly owes
As she's been to hell but no one knows
There's much to hide through baby blue eyes
I want you to know I'll save your life
You'll never have to struggle and strife
I'll always be apart of your life beautiful snow white rose who no one knows
227 · Jun 2017
For i am blind
jay cleeve Jun 2017
For I am blind but I can feel
The sunlight beaming down on me

For I am blind but I can smell the sea
The waves come crashing over me

For I am blind but I can hear
All that my eyes long to fear

For I am blind but I can taste
All my tongue can embrace

For I am blind but I can see
That this world's just not for me

Jay cleeve.
jay cleeve Oct 2017
I'm never more at home then in the wild
and I struggle to see how it's just me that this comes to
the trees at my side the soil at my feet
while you all worry how to make ends meet
the rain on my face the Sun on my toes
while the government plots wars with friends and foes
open your eyes
See what is there for what it is
the more i see the less I wanna know
The less I see the more I long to learn
stuck in a world I don't understand
and I'm sure I'm not the first man
Most of you move on politely
forming part of modern society
well I'm sorry it's just not for me
It's not that I haven't tried to be
I just can't find that common familiarity
It's just not for me
stuck in a world that I shouldn't see
Take me back to the times of simplicity
I'm talking 10 to 20,000 BC
Where I'd survive just for family
Be a hunter gatherer
flint tool maker
no profit business or faker
no boss chasing to castrate ya
living free
clothed in deer hide taking just what I need to survive
pride that humans lost long ago
natures hurt but we won't let it go
**** and ruin until no waters flow
Trees and flowers don't  grow
Not even a mouse or lion to show
to the unwillingly born children who don't know
Its us who did this.
Never belonged to this age. Stone age. Animal never born into it's habitat.
224 · Aug 2017
Metal heart
jay cleeve Aug 2017
As loudly as the metal lord roars
The sweat from my skin escapes and pours
Rushing back and fourth the circle pit calls
Knee deep in mud covered in another metal heads blood
As you knock one down you bring another up
It's metal common courtesy in this ****** up love
The pounding in the heart is the smashing of the drums
The shredding of the guitar is the racing in my head
The kind I'll feel like 3 days from now trainwrecked in my bed
The darkness is raging inside my head
Dying to dual with another metal bred
Adrenaline burst releases the demon  I'd pick that over a boring angel without any given reason
It is my passion
it is my choice now leave me alone with this howling voice
218 · Oct 2017
Lost in the frost
jay cleeve Oct 2017
Winters bloom
the dark ground snowdrops soon consume
It's like a different time zone  
how I can lost in the frost on a pine cone
a beauty not bought and not often thought
the glistening on the braken
I'm hoping the fateful thaw will never happen
even if the frost takes the life of every sapling
this white is my paradise my heart and soul were born in ice
Nothing consumes my heart more than getting lost in the frost on a pine cone
172 · Mar 2018
Haunted by myself
jay cleeve Mar 2018
I wish I could put all my wrongs to right
Then I might get a little wink at night
But that would take twenty thousand lives
I've only one to live and no desire to take more
just existing for the people that believe in me
Breathing for the little girl that see's and receives what's true in me
Call me selfish
Call me a shame
I wouldn't take one single word your saying in vain
I know what I've done and I know what can't be undone
I'm not bad
I'm not evil
I'm an unstoppable force of the "people"
And if I'm not im unique so not equal
Not purposely but natural selection
That I can look in a mirror and not see a human reflection
I've longed to see
I've longed to be
Well just normality
But only to temporally stay a part of me
For I'll never feel whole or content or have an easy taken breath
Always on edge never to rest
Thinking of how to live this world best
170 · Jan 2018
Fear the fucked
jay cleeve Jan 2018
Why am i even here
living my life in *******  fear
Looking for a better life
One with one less struggle and strife
How'd it all slip away
As i swear It was
only us yesterday
You where lying there with me
Dreaming of a future **** past symphony
Singing our praises
And how to set the stages
It was Blazes in hazes
of natural green fragrance
I gave you all to me
killed all the jealousy
I was afraid of me
Those pretty dreams just wernt to last
Love confused for control slipping through my grasp
And Something, somethings not right
I'm turning into something I don't really like
I've got to find myself whole
I've been searching for my soul
But it's so ******* hard when im the person I least know
The world's what we make it
Unfortunately I've made it **** for me and that's the kind of future I will always see
148 · Jun 2019
Swirly cheek
jay cleeve Jun 2019
Oh ****** hair on one side of my face why does thou grow in such an unusual place
For one side is swirly
The other is straight
I've never heard of a bisexual face
Yes fate decides I must look like a ****
who rolled in shaved ***** covered in pritt stick
So again I ask why is one cheek swirly and the other is straight
I look like something a blind kid tried to create
I needed to laugh

— The End —