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Aug 2013 · 781
Your Mirror
Jay Aug 2013
Looking in the mirror she uncaps her marker
She leans forward a bit and begins to draw
Curving her hips into the frame of an hourglass
Pretty at last
Drawing long black hair, soft to the touch
It still isn't enough
She draws a bigger bottom
She's almost got it
She draws thinner legs, with a thigh gap
How about that?
She draws smaller arms, ones that don't jiggle
And a teeny tiny middle
The picture in the mirror is who she wants to be
But it isn't what she sees

She hits the mirror, with all her strength
She regrets it but its too late
Blood is spilling out of her hand
As she does it over and over again
Broken shards lying on her bedroom floor
She hits the mirror just once more
Once last time she gazes at her reflection
Please, pretty girl, see your perfection
Know that the picture you drew
Is not you
And if it was you would be the same
Love yourself, don't be so ashamed
You're beautiful

*Write that on your mirror
Aug 2013 · 643
But I Don't
Jay Aug 2013
2 months ago I said I might love him.
I might love his mind.
The way he evaluates everything,
Logically, as if emotions aren't for making decisions.
I thought I loved the curve of his spine
And the muscles in his back
I thought I loved the way he looked when he played basketball
And how he screams right before he laughs.
I might have thought to love his caring touch,
When holding a baby sister named Chloe,
Or taking care of his geckos.
Or making sure the people he loved were happy,
Buying toaster stroodles when the girl he liked craved them,
Covering and healing broken hearts and old scars,
Saying he was in love.
Just not with me.

But if I loved him then I would miss him right?
I would be lying in bed wondering how I messed up,
Trying to figure out what I did wrong.
Depression would cave in
Obsession would break through
And everyone would be asking
"What the hell happened to you?"
But to me, it just didn't work out.
If I loved you that would make me upset
The secrets, the hiding, I'd be angry.
But I just don't care.

This is new.
I don't know. Boys have always had a really bad effect on me and I haven't taken rejection very well. I used to walk around telling people I loved the guy. Because I was comfortable with him. I don't think it was anything more than me confusing companionship and lust. Now I know I'll be okay, and that makes me happy.
Aug 2013 · 213
Though Of The Day 8-2-13
Jay Aug 2013
I'm so very afraid of the dark
I'll  have to sleep with the light on again tonight
Jul 2013 · 3.4k
Storytime; Sheep and Dragon
Jay Jul 2013
There was once a sheep and a dragon. The dragon loved the sheep very much, more than she loved herself, but the dragon could never express her love because she was afraid she might hurt the sheep. You see, sheep and dragons don't belong together. If the dragon were to breathe fire on the sheep's wool by accident the sheep would die. If the dragon accidentally stepped on her sheep, she would never see his handsome smiling face again, and what good would that be? So the dragon cried and cried.

Then there was the sheep. Sheep loved dragon too, but none of his sheep friends thought that he would be cool if he married a dragon. They would make fun of him, call him names and his parents would shun him. The sheep knew that the dragon could hurt him but he wasn't worried, he would wrap himself in something that wasn't flammable and he would be sure never to walk underneath the beautiful dragon. The problem was, the sheep couldn't figure out if he loved his family or Dragon more.  So he went to seek help from the wise Turtle.

Turtle lived very far from sheep, but sheep thought that the walk was worth it to find out what he should do. When he arrived at Turtle's house, he was invited in for tea and Oreos. After the small snack, Sheep got right to business and he told Turtle his predicament. Turtle laughed and shook his tiny, Turtle head. "My child," Turtle said "If you really loved Dragon, everyone else's thoughts wouldn't be important. Prove to her that she matters." Sheep shook his head. Turtle hadn't solved his problem at all! "You are NO help you crazy old turtle," yelled Sheep. And he stormed out.

A day or so later Dragon went to see wise old Turtle too. She told Turtle about how she felt about sheep. Again, the wise (and now crazy) Turtle laughed. He thought that young kids didn't understand true love. "Let go of your insecurities Dragon. Sheep loves you and he accepts everything about you, he loves the fire that you breathe, even though it can burn him sometimes and he loves your big feet even though they can stomp him sometimes." The Dragon went home thinking about what Turtle had told her.

A week later Sheep and Dragon went together to see Turtle. Sheep apologized for being so rude before and said that he thought about what Turtle said and realized that he was right. Sheep loved Dragon and that was all that mattered. Dragon blushed red, like the fire she breathed. Turtle turned toward Dragon and asked her what she had learned. Dragon said she learned that even though she may be insecure about some things, she shouldn't let that get in the way of being happy with someone that she loves. Turtle laughed for that last time in this story and said, "Love is a funny thing, sometimes we don't always see what is there" with that being said, Dragon and Sheep ran away to live happily ever after.
I wrote this to be more of a children's story but I feel like it can be related to many things. Like Sheep's issue with not being able to tell his family he loves Dragon, it's pretty metaphorical to the real life issue of Homosexuality. And Dragon's lesson with insecurity can be a lesson to all. It's very simple actually. I hope you enjoy(:
Jul 2013 · 786
My God
Jay Jul 2013
Why is it that we believe in unhealthy relationships
We believe we can fix people who are worthless
We think that we can take years of suffering out of someone's life
With something we said one night
And we believe that all a sad person needs is a bottle of pills
Or another man-made substance that ultimately kills
We believe that to be happy we must make it artificial
We gotta smoke ****, drink, get pedicures, manicures and facials
But we've been tampering with how we were created
Messing up our lives, our memories jaded
Because we seem to have forgotten who came to die on the cross
When everyone thought that all hope was lost
A youth pastor once said
"God knew what ****** would do, yet his son still was dead"
For 3 whole days
Until he rose from the grave
But we still rely on a human being to give the love we desire
When only God's love sears hotter than fire
Feels cooler than ice
Jesus paid the price
For forgiveness
Yet we forget how to forgive
It's sick
As believers in Christ we can do better than this
Better than praying to be better Christians
Better than relying on God to do the task we've been given
Because yes God is almighty, Yes, God can do all
But I refuse to pretend God is letting me fall
In fact God lifts me up, to my highest of peaks
And I know to praise God every day of the week
Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to preach
I'm just saying, I work through God because he can do much better than me
Jul 2013 · 608
Grow Up
Jay Jul 2013
Watching cartoons on Saturday Morning.
Go outside to play when it's pouring.
Monsters under the bed, lava on the floor.
Monsters in the closet too! Don't open that door!
Quick! It's a race to see who gets the last swing!
Trying to accomplish everything before the microwave hits zero and dings.
Smiling, laughing, you never had to worry,
But you wanted to grow up in such a hurry,
Now that you're old you wish you were young.
You forgot what it's like to just have fun.
You're all grown up and your imagination is gone,
You're too old for games because you know right from wrong,
Too old for ice cream on a special night,
Too old for everything, that's what it feels like.
It all gets to the point where you just want to run,
Run from growing up because growing up isn't fun
Jul 2013 · 521
Biggest Fears
Jay Jul 2013
For some reason I can't get over this stage fright
Whenever I get up there the words don't take flight
I mean it isn't the fear of being on stage
It she fear of what people think and what people say
It's the look on they're faces and how they'll react
Every time I look at the page my poem seems like crap
And it's the fear that when I finish & walk away no one will clap
And when I look up and see everyone staring at me, I think it's also the fear of that
That someone will take what I say wrong
Or I'll get all choked up and take too long
To say the first word, because of what people might think
Think that I'm stupid because I'm just being me
So I guess it's not really the fear of the stage
It's of what people think and what people say
It's also kind of the fear that I'll be rejected
The fear that if I mess up I'll never be accepted
And right now no matter how hard I try
I can't hold back the tears that fall from my eyes
But why is she crying? That's what everyone will think
She's just scared of a stage that's not a big thing.
But honestly it's not at all about the stage
It's the feeling that I'll always be locked in the cage
The cage isn't ordinary
It's what keeps me from going crazy and it's scary
Because whenever I look through the bars, on the other side
I see a girl with angry, piercing brown eyes
I see the girl with the sad-happy smile
You can tell by the heart she wear on her sleeve she hasn't been loved in a while
And I see love, and I see hate
And I see no peace and I see pain see that her attempts at fixing herself have all been in vain
Because no matter what she will still be the same
So she keeps her good half locked in this cage
And she won't let it out until her dying day
I wrote this in either 6th or 7th grade. I'm not sure if I've improved in writing skill or not but its one of my favorites.
Jul 2013 · 1.3k
Silence Is
Jay Jul 2013
Silence is Golden
Silence is Deadly
Silence is Loud
Making you feel heavy
Silence will not protect you
Because silence withholds truth
Silence is Strength
Silence is Grace
Silence is Powerful
Silence is Pure
Silence sent me running straight out of that door
Silence is me
Silence is you
Silence is courage in the eyes of doom
Silence is pain
Silence is shame
Silence is worthless
In the eyes of the lame
Silence is gripping
Like *******
But you're slipping
Silence is a cliff
You happen to be falling
Silence is the rope
I happen to be holding
Silence is the knife
That decides whether or not you die

And darling,                                              
Silence is Golden
Jul 2013 · 923
Typical Day
Jay Jul 2013
She steps out of bed in the morning. Standing, stretching, rubbing half open eyes. She doesn't even so much as glance in the mirror as she walks softly across the cold, hardwood floor and into the bathroom to shower. She turns on the water and tests it to see if it's too cold or too hot. Jumping in she washes away the filth of sad dreams and her wandering mind. Stepping out she wraps herself in a warm fuzzy towel and shuffles quietly into her room, making sure she doesn't wake the rest of her house, she closes her door and turns on her music. As she stares in the mirror she turns up the volume on her iPod so that it's drowns out the sounds of her thoughts calling her ugly, pale and sickly. She sighs and begins to pile on the makeup. Fixing her face to perfection, pulling and magnifying every eyelash and covering every pimple. Once she is semi-satisfied with her product filled face she starts on her hair. Plowing thought tangled curls, straightening and curling, primping and poking and prodding until every piece of hair from root to tip is burned to a crisp. She smiles to her reflection, at least it's a little prettier than before, she thinks. Yet, she's still unsatisfied, she frowns again. She'd rather have her entire face covered and unseen. She moves on to her wardrobe, not liking anything in her closet she raids her mothers. Finding something suitable and baggy to cover her layers of fat (the whole 150 pounds of it), she looks in the mirror one more time. Unhappy with the finished product she checks her watch and realizes she doesn't have time to change. She trumps out the door to the big, bumpy, smelly, annoying bus and listens to the other kids have fun. When she gets to school she walks to the looming doors alone, then walks alone to her locker. In fact, she spends the entire day alone. Even though her school holds over 500 people at this very moment. After school she walks to the same bus she arrived in. Smelling and feeling the same as earlier in the day. She arrives home to an empty house and makes some ramen noodles and tea. Then she sits and does homework and watches TV until around midnight and goes into her room, brushes her teeth and goes to sleep. Just to wake up and do it all again tomorrow.
Jul 2013 · 564
Jay Jul 2013
In dreams you retreat to the deepest corners of your mind
Things that are hidden in the dark have been put on pedestals in the light
That one day you smoked ****
At the park when you thought no one was looking
Or that time you slept in a mans bed
Thinking someone might see you wasn't in your head
Or maybe like that time you looked up pornagraphic videos on your momma's computer screen
Thinking no one will know if I clear the history
Like that one time you tried to slit your wrists, but fell asleep before you could get to it and
You still thought no one was watching

That night in your dream you woke up
Startled, feeling a presence and you looked to the left
Sitting in the corner of your sisters bed
Was a demon, face painted red
Long nails, sunken eyes, trying his hardest to hide
But God needed you to see and he shined his light

You spent a while wondering,
What did that dream mean?
Asking questions like why didn't God intervene?
But it was God that was trying to tell you that night
Your timing didn't fit with his but still He tried
Your thoughts screaming out, this is why,
The reason you chose not to end your life

Because you didn't choose
In fact you had no say,
It just wasn't God's will, not that day
It was his plan for you to do greater things
And you were too busy blaming, you couldn't see
You didn't realize that God was the one who woke you up that night
To show you your demons, and later, teach you to fight.
I mean isn't that right?
At church camp you learned you had the gift of discernment
Now go ahead and show everyone you earned it
There is no reason to see your demons and be afraid
Because you have Jesus, you've broken your chains.
Jul 2013 · 467
Jay Jul 2013
I guess I'm sort of jealous of smoke
The way you inhale it, it makes you feel better
The way you hold it in your lungs as if letting it go would make them shatter
Then you exhale and it disappears into a fine mist
And you're left with that feeling of bliss

I might be a little jealous of liquor
The way you read the bottle, inspecting it like expensive wine
I'm wishing the label was my eyes
As you stare deeply into that now empty bottle
Wishing you could feel that comforting burn in the back of your throat

And I realized last night that

*I want to be your addiction
Jul 2013 · 260
Thought Of the Day 7-18-13
Jay Jul 2013
I wish the train would've come
Jul 2013 · 618
Supposed To
Jay Jul 2013
If the train is supposed to come it will
If I happpen to be walking on the tracks then, oh well
If someone was supposed to stop me they would
Hell, push me out of the way if they could

If it's supposed to be real then it is
But I guess I'm not being realistic
But if it's all a fantasized reality
Then no one understands but me

If she's supposed to be a mom then she might
Instead of coming home in the middle of the night
Instead of controlling your life she'd be in it
And she'd stop taking whatever makes you happy away from it

If he's supposed to be my dad he'll be there
Less awkward phone calls, no more stupid fears
Because daddy never protected me from what was under my bed
So they grew up with me and moved into my head

If someone was supposed to stop him, it would've happened
But no one did, I tried, I demanded
Cried for him to please, please stop
But he still ended up on top

My mother and him would never've gotten married
Another child to take my place she would never've carried
If I wasn't supposed to be left out
A family is something I grew up without

If I'm supposed to be sad, fate's doing it's job
All I see is this heavy fog
Clouding my judgement, self-worth, my very being
Controlling how I feel about me

If the train doesn't come then I'm supposed to live another day
But if it does come, I didn't plan on stepping out of the way
So if the train decides to come and hit me
That's the way it's supposed to be
Jul 2013 · 614
A Boy's Eyes
Jay Jul 2013
You've never said you love me
But I've always thought you did
They say you can tell if a boy is in love
By the look in his eyes
But what does it look like

Is it a sparkle when he shows you his favorite things
Or a warmth when he's staring at you
Is it a chilling feeling
As he gazes into your soul
Or is it nothing like that at all
Jul 2013 · 782
Jay Jul 2013
Set me on your shelf
With your jars of brushes and paints
With your discarded wooden body parts and broken strings
An unfinished work of art
Until you decide to pick me up and turn me into something

Paint on my eyes
Dull and impatient as I wait for the rest of me
Paint my mouth
Curve it into the smile you so long to see
Paint my eyebrows
Poised to show an unknown emotion to me
Paint my nose
Like the one you used to kiss when you were happy

Set me back on your shelf
Among your broken pieces and wooden boards
Amongst your carving knives
And sandpaper cards
Still unfinished
Waiting for you to finish me in the perfect image

Recreate me
Shape my hips into your favorite position
Make my body unnaturally proportionate
Like a Barbie doll, unhealthy, but 'beautiful'
Then clothe me *******
As you wait to put on a play
Portray me in your favorite ways

Set me, yet again, on your shelf
Among your other beauties
As we wait our turn
To see who will be your next favorite
And we see what we become
As we shift our personalities to fit what you want

Attach my strings
So that you may toy with me
Put me on a stage
For all to see
As you control me
As you hold me
Make me feel things that aren't real
Exhaust my limbs
As they flail across this tiny stage
In accordance with this game we play

I am your puppet
Do with me as you please
This poem is originally about Society and how it controls young women into believing in crazy things. Then I began to think of it as more of a poem about an unhealthy controlling relationship.. I don't know anymore what it is, just thoughts on a page, interpret as you wish(:
Jul 2013 · 510
Jay Jul 2013
People who make art are so interesting
They see the imperfections and quietly fix them
They have the biggest imaginations
Because most of the have spent their lives imagining something better
Better than hushed voices behind closed doors
Better than dead bodies hitting the floor
Better than guns and killers
Louder than the voices in their heads
That say they'd be better off dead
I'll tell you it's the people who make art
Who can take what they feel and turn it into something
That are the most beautiful
They're the ones who aren't worried about themselves
Because they know someone more important needs help
They know that art is fuel for the soul
People who make art are my favorite people
Jul 2013 · 329
7-16-13 Thought of the Day
Jay Jul 2013
I'm with you but you aren't here
Yeah I know, it sounds weird
Physically you're standing right in front of me
But mentally you're thinking of something troubling
Instead of telling me what it is you're making me guess
But I don't want to play this game, so what gives?
I mean, is there a reason you're acting like this?
Jul 2013 · 477
Can I See You Smile?
Jay Jul 2013
I stopped him midway
Covered my exposed ******* and my face
The pain was something I couldn't take
One more thing about myself that I hate
That my past can attack my present in such a way
A sinister hello on a beautiful day

I stopped him mid-thigh
Covered myself for the second time
Pained feelings came to mind
I keep missing the signs
But he was so very kind
Wrapped me up and said you're "mine"
I cried

I stopped him yet again
Frustrated but not showing he asked "when?"
When I'm ready I said
There's something about this bed
That reminds me of the screams I could have let
Come out, the pain I couldn't get
To Stop

He covered me
Said "here,
I fixed it, let me dry your tears"
Don't be mad at me
We can wait until your ready
Then maybe try again,
But only if you'll let me
"I'm sorry
We can sit for a while,
Can I see you smile?"
Jul 2013 · 1.3k
A Beautiful Wife
Jay Jul 2013
A 15 year old girl with 3 ****** partners almost up to 4
Living without essentials because her family lives poor
Feeding in addiction while her body craves more
She's growing up too fast and she's doing it alone
She says she needs the drugs because she won't make it on her own
So she lights up that blunt and snorts some of that coke
As her body sub-misses to the drug she says softly "don't tell my folks"
Deeper and deeper she sinks into her own hellish abyss
As a child she never thought life could be like this
But she also thought daddies weren't supposed to hit mommies
And little girls were supposed to just play with their dollies
Instead of hiding from step-brothers with lust in their eyes
Just to be found in her room at night, awaiting a not so pleasant surprise
Her life has been nothing but bad days with dark skies

A 15 year old girl with 4 ****** partners almost up to 5
Married to ***, pain and drugs
She makes a beautiful wife
Married to the death of love
She makes a beautiful wife
Jul 2013 · 590
Jay Jul 2013
Being lonely doesn't always mean you're alone
Surrounded by crowds but you might as well be at home
Sitting on your bed and thinking about all the things you've done wrong
The people who "care" are begging you to stay strong and stay calm
But you're the only one who knows that that calm comes before the storm
Just before you realize these suicidal thoughts are out of the norm
And you start to discuss in your head
All the things you could've said
But they all lead to the same outcome
As you stare down the barrel of the gun
And you're sick, physically, mentally and emotionally
Life's roller coaster is done quietly coasting
It's climbing up the ladder as you anticipate the downward fall
Wondering if you can stomach it at all
Or if you'll up chuck all the **** ups and spill them onto the person in front
Wondering if they'll enjoy what you've had for lunch.
I was helped in writing this by a friend whose name is Charlene(:
Jul 2013 · 783
Do you know me?
Jay Jul 2013
After two weeks and a few days he says he loves you
He says he loves the way your eyes light up when you smile
And the way your hips curve, as if ready to bear a child
He says he loves your legs, soft to the touch
He craves your lips, so perfectly plump,

After two weeks and a few days he says he needs you
He needs your love
He needs your touch
He needs you to call out his name
Give him what he needs, he'll give you fame

But does he need you?
Does he love you?
Does he know you?

Does he know that you paint
Pictures of your past, so faint
Does he know that you write
Or that you stay up all night
Does he know you love tea
And buying new books to read
Does he know you love carnivals
Or that you aren't really a carnivore
Does he know your favorite color is gold
Or that you're excited to grow old

Because if he doesn't need to know the most important things
About the one he plans to keep
The he doesn't plan to keep you, but darling don't weep,
But the next time he says he loves you, ask him,
Do you know me?
Jul 2013 · 386
7-15-13 Thought of the Day
Jay Jul 2013
You're too easily manipulated by the myth that love can be born from lust

- Jay
Jul 2013 · 1.0k
The Barber Shop
Jay Jul 2013
I miss those old-fashioned barber shops
The ones where everyone was welcome
You could hear stories about people who made it to the top
Never just a place to get your haircut, but a place to have fun,
filled with conversation and good memories
I spent most of my childhood in one.
And through everything in my life that went terribly wrong
The barber shop was a place that made me feel strong
Surrounded by people who loved and who cared
A place where every ounce of happiness was shared
Places like these I love the most
But I haven't seen a shop in a while, They sort of dissappeared, Like ghosts
Jul 2013 · 740
Jay Jul 2013
I have this perfect idea of a person in my head
Who loves the things I love
Who writes with me, draws with me, paints with me.
Someone with soft hair I can run my fingers through.
Who thinks it's cool I want a million tattoos,
Who doesn't mind doing illegal things
Like tagging, drinking and "burning trees"
Who doesn't care that sometimes I just don't have the energy to do my hair
And sometimes I like to walk around in my underwear,
Someone who knows I can't always be perfect
But still believes I am,
Who will tell me when I'm wrong but behind me they'll stand
Who will hold me when I cry
Wipe the tears from my eyes
Someone who will help me when I feel incomplete
Someone to take me farther than his bed sheets
Someone who loves carnivals, And can only Tolerate clowns
Who will be there through the ups and downs.
When I get angry they'll calm my mind
With a kiss and Love I don't have to search for to find.
I'm so afraid that when this person comes I won't notice
I'll be too busy chasing these other fools, I just know it.
He'll knock me right of my feet
And say something clever like "I know you've been waiting for me"
Then he'll go sweet
And make me weak in the knees
He'll apologize for being late
Then he'll fall in love with me
Jul 2013 · 1.4k
To The Kids
Jay Jul 2013
I have a message for the kid sitting in the back of the classroom
You know, the one with the bruises, ask him what's wrong he'll give you the dumbest excuses
"I fell down the stairs, and ran into the door"
But stairs and doors don't give black eyes and broken bones so what are you lying for?

I have a message for the prettiest girl in school
You know, The one hiding behind all that make-up and hairspray
Pretending she couldn't be having  a better day
Yet she's afraid to go back to her broken home
Because her step-dad hurts her mom and her brother won't leave her alone
School is her sanctuary
What you don't know can be scary.

I have a message for the boy on his skateboard
Sellings drugs and liquor to make a quick buck
Then he got caught for possession and now he's stuck
In that cell all by himself remembering what his friends said
"We're bros, forever" But they left him for dead.

I got a message for that wierd girl in the lunchroom
The one that eats alone,
She has no place to call home
She smells bad because she doesn't own a shower
Living in shelters, her life is out of her power
Because her parents messed up she has to hurt
But she wants to do better so she does her school work

I have a message for the boy blogging
Those cuts on his wrists are not cat scratches
They're more like past mistakes left on his arms in patches
He can't help how sad he always feels
But he refuses to be that kid "on pills"

I have a message for that girl with the strict parents
Wishing she could bring her girlfriend to meet the family
But she knows if she did they wouldn't be happy
Because being gay is a sin
And if you're gay you're not kin

****, what a world we live in.

I have a message for all the messed up kids
Who struggle in the daily lives they live.
You will be okay
Things will get better someday.
So put away that blade and pick up that paint brush
Don't end your life before you've felt the rush
Wait until you've had your first kiss
I promise you there will be so many moments of bliss
Put down that bottle of pills
You of all people deserve life's thrills
I know sometimes it's hard to catch the curveballs life throws your way,
Just get low and get ready to play

To the kids who feel lost and alone
I will be the one to welcome you home
Jul 2013 · 789
Jay Jul 2013
What can I say? We're just a couple of kids.
Who wanna get so ****** up we don't remember what we did,
And it can't be that bad right?
We're just tryna have a good night.
So roll up that blunt and pour some of that lean
Someone has to have a whip, we're gonna make a scene,
Go rob a couple grocery stores for some good *** snacks!
The girls down there have some real nice racks.
Living our lives like every rap song
Find ourselves asking what could go wrong?
Jul 2013 · 391
Happy 4th of July
Jay Jul 2013
Happy 4th everybody
It's too bad I couldn't see the beautiful blasts of light
That put that pretty glow in the night
I couldn't even see the sky
Past the tears in my eyes
Because I'm only here to spend time with my father
But he's at work and I don't want to be a bother
I think I'm just gonna go home
After today, I'll leave you alone.
My dad is having me stay at his house for about a week while he does nothing but work and watch TV. I'm outta here.
Jul 2013 · 297
Jay Jul 2013
Usually you're the one that leaves,
but now I'm leaving,
Either way it hurts.
Jul 2013 · 649
A Poem About Dads
Jay Jul 2013
Times like these I wish I could call my dad
To describe to him in detail all the problems I have
You know, hear him say everythings going to be okay,
reminding me that I should relax and have some good days,
But I honestly can't
It's not because he's tired or asleep,
It's just that, I stress him out when he talks to me.
I don't mean to, but he asks me how I'm doing and all the problems spill out
Sometimes I wish i could just shut my big mouth.
The last time we talked about troublesome things
He had an almost stroke and blamed it on me,
And out of all the people I've hurt,
It's my pops that haunts me the worst.
But even if I could just call him and say hello it'd be nice,
But he'd pick up and say, "Have you checked the time? It's the middle if the night!"
Then promise to call back first thing in the morning
And no call would come, but the tears would come pouring
Because I just want my dad, to hold me like when I was little
Keep me from becoming bitter
Protecting me and shooing away danger
But his little girl is past hurt, there's no way he can save her,
Not like he tries
Just seeing him brings tears to my eyes
Because I don't know how long he'll be gone again
Times like these I think I should call my dad while I'm laying in bed
But I'll just write this poem scream into My teddy bear instead.
Jul 2013 · 4.0k
Jay Jul 2013
This feeling is so abnormal for me
I'm used to 3 main emotions
Happy, Sad and Angry
This new one is frightnening
I'm not happy with you but
I'm not angry or sad either
And it's a bit scary but
I want to talk to you about it
Without screaming
or using the words "we need to talk"
Definitly not the words "I'm done"
I just want to tell you what's going on in my brain
I think your doing something wrong,
Or we are
But it isn't something I can put my finger on
Or maybe I can,
But I don't know baby
I guess I'm just upset.
Jul 2013 · 738
Jay Jul 2013
I'm never sure if I have the right to upset with you.
Because society has sort of thrown clingyness into my face
By telling me I need to learn how to stay in my place
For example if you aren't replying as quickly as me
I guess I'm supposed to take the hint and leave
Just so I'm not known as that needy girl
Who isn't complete without you in her world
And if I happen to actually tell you what's wrong
You'll throw me excuses so I'll feel like you were in the right all along
I'm supposed to display this big show of confidence when ignored
Like I don't need you to have fun when in reality I'm bored
Right now I'm just stuck at this spot and I'm not sure what to do
Should I hide my anger or should I just tell you
Jul 2013 · 1.0k
Jay Jul 2013
Honest Cruelty**
I talked to this kid earlier today.
He was walking down the street and I asked him where he was going, he said to Blaine, me and this kid both live about 2 cities away from Blaine, so I asked him why he was going all the way there. He said his dad ****** him off, so he was going to see his mom.
Now, I've known this kid for at least 4 years and when we first met he told me his mom died in Columbia when he was yound and he moved to America with his step-dad around age 5. Today I found out that he was lying.
His father sold him for 3 grand when he was a baby. "My pops doesn't even want me" he said. His mom left him with his step-father for years, which led him to think she was dead when she just couldn't handle the pressures of a child. "My mom doesn't either" he said. "And this ******* that has me now is pretty much a stranger who always yells and fusses and doesn't want me either"
What do you say to something like that? I don't know.. But he looked so down and so I forced him to look at me and I said "Josh, I love you. And I want you." I know it's something he needed to hear and I meant every word. He lives a few doors down from me and I know he beeded something besides a basketball. So I gave him that. It was all I could think to give him.
I just hope I did the right thing.
And I pray to God he's okay.
Jul 2013 · 1.1k
Jay Jul 2013
I'm so hell bent on fixing him
When I haven't even fixed myself
Fixated on a boy who wants to get inside me
It hurts because he doesn't even seem to like me
He's pretty much my Novacaine
I mean the way he affects my brain
I'm all doped up on his ******* lies
Bet I couldn't get away from him even if I tried
But it's not like I've made an attempt
Some other girl owns his heart and I'm paying that ***** rent
At the same time it could be a hallucination
After all, he is my drug and I'm not to keen on imagination
He's gotta have a good enough reason
For why his feelings change with the seasons
Maybe I'm just driving myself crazy,
But as soon as we got close enough he left me and maybe,
That just means he's afraid and needs someone to save him
Or I'm making up ****** excuses so I can have a reason to crave him
Without feeling like a little kid running after someone like her dad
Someone who leaves me alone wondering and wanting what we had
The only peace I recieve is hiding beneath these tears and sheets
Because finding peace in a person just means it hurts more when they inevitably leave
But why do I care so much
I've always given too many *****
And a while back I promised myself I'd stop
Because I'm afraid of falling and life has too many unseen drops
Kind of like a rollercoaster but you can't see it when you get to the highest point
And on the way down you scream so loud you lose your voice
Then you don't know how or who to ask if you have the right to be ornary
Because he ignores you all day, then night comes and he's *****
Well ****, I guess since I live down the street
I'm supposed to come easy like a nicely cooked piece of meat
In a restaurant for guys like you
But rather than take me on a date you'd have me shoo
I mean I guess I could leave you alone and go away
But then I'd just think about you all day
And wonder why you haven't called or texted
When I know for **** sure you have your phone but everyone says don't stress it
I dont know man
I've fallen so hard it's a struggle to stand
I guess I just refuse to see him for who he really is
A sheltered cold-hearted killer of girls who happen to like him
I'm not sure where this came from, it was originally supposed to be about something else but turned into this.. I guess it feels good to finally let it all out.
Jun 2013 · 391
The 15th Summer
Jay Jun 2013
This summer I turn 15.
In a couple of days actually,
The 15th summer,
I've always dreamt about this summer
How fun it would be
All the things I could do,
Like allow myself to fall in love
And allow myself to begin to trust
And allow someone else to care for me
But I've been presented with and issue,
You see,
I'm stressed.
Beyond stressed,
I'm nervous,
I cannot feel peace,
It's summer. What is there to worry about?
Well let me think, There's talking to people,
Because words hurt
There's letting people in,
Because actions hurt
There's falling for someone who doesn't care
Because hitting the ground hurts.
And I'd rather be numb
Then pretend to be happy, when I'm really sad
And Afraid.
So much for the 15th summer.
Jun 2013 · 595
This Moment
Jay Jun 2013
At this very moment my close friend is sitting on the couch
Next to my brother
Arms wrapped around each other
Not even trying to hide it.

At this very moment I am up in my room
Talking to my brother's 17 year old friend
Living in a nightmare that never ends
And I'm lost

Lost in my head
Lost in love
With a boy who just wants ***
It's a long story
Someday I'll tell you the rest
Jun 2013 · 605
Jay Jun 2013
You and I are like minnesota weather.
Well at least I am,
I'm the storm, that comes around 2 o'clock or so,
Screaming in agony,
Making things fall,
Pounding on the walls,
Because something I onced loved is now gone.
But you are the sun,
That shows up around 4 o'clock or so,
Warming the ground,
Drying my tears
Calming me.
But as soon as you leave
The feelings overwhelm me,
And with no sun to warm my heart
We're back to square one

Sometimes your Sun doesn't even work,
And I still rain, even in your presence,
And I'm Lost
Lost in feeling, lost in the thunder and the lightning,
While you struggle to save me, I just run.
I believe I'm insane darling,
But you just happen to hold my sanity in the palm of your hand.
Jun 2013 · 342
A Kiss
Jay Jun 2013
We sat on my step
For at least an hour,
talking about nothing.
Both of us were waiting for something.
Perhaps a kiss?
Promises to never say goodbye
But leave with just a kiss
Until next time.
Jun 2013 · 365
Waiting for Forever
Jay Jun 2013
I guess I'm that girl
The one you see sitting on your doorstep after work everyday
The one looking for you during every storm out of fear that you might be blown away
The girl that can't seem to get her mind away from you for more than a few moments
The one who holds you when you start to feel broken

You see, I'm THAT girl
The one who is searching for perfect in all the wrong places
The one who thinks love is when your gone but your thinking of her making silly faces
The one who thinks that just because you throw her a kiss every now and then your supposed to care
But for some reason, your never there
And I'm the girl who thinks thats fair

First comes work
Then family
Then basketball
Then rest
And I'm still that girl
Who thinks maybe we can last past this summer
Hoping the kiss you gave means more and I wonder, if every day I'm just getting dumber and dumber

Because I am still THAT girl
Waiting for forever.
Jun 2013 · 411
I'm Right Here
Jay Jun 2013
You have a new family
A new wife
New kids
A new house
A new car
A new job
Its like I'm at a party I wasn't invited to
Being stared at as if I'm foreign
Like I don't even belong
I feel like the odd one out
Like you dont even want me here
You keep making up excuses as to why you cant see me
Even though you promised you'd always be there
Well I'm right here Dad
Alone and crying
And needing you
To teach me about boys
And to help me grow up
To teach me what it means to fall in love
I'm right here Dad
And guess what
I need new shoes
But your New Kids do too
And they need them more than me
It's hard to call you
You're always working to keep the rent at your New Home
And I'm screaming that I need you now
This is the one promise you should actually keep
After all, I'm the only kid that still loves you.
Jun 2013 · 557
Jay Jun 2013
Whats the difference between me and a celebrity?
Why is his signature worth more than mine?
Are we not a created equally?
Then why does he deserve a Shrine,
In a teenage girls bedroom.
As if his name is something worth screaming over,
Making all the girls swoon.
Did he get lucky from a four leaf clover?
Because in my eyes he is the same,
Just with more fake friends
That he doesnt even know by name,
Teaching kids they need to get big or its a dead end,
As if being famous is the only thing that matters
Destroying kids dreams, leaving hearts shattered.
So whats the big deal about being a celebrity?
If money replaces family
If public drunkeness is more important than sobriety,
If the only love I could ever recieve
Was someone looking at me through a television screen.
Jun 2013 · 535
Anonymous Man
Jay Jun 2013
It's hard to think an anonymous person is more reliable than the one you care for.
An anonymous source, someone to spill your secrets to,
They can't judge because they're here for the same reasons as you.
And yes it's a hard thing to admit,
But the best poems come from the times you feel like ****.
And sometimes that anonymous source is all you got,
Willing to listen to every twisted, ****** up thought.
When the real person's not...
When the real ones gone
So anon is the only thing that keeps you strong
And some might say the fact he's anonymous is creepy.
But I say, all the more reason to express yourself freely.
There is no emotional tie to him
Just the thoughts he allows you to spill onto him.
No pressure because his sole purpose is to listen.
And he's always around
Ready to lift you up when your feeling down
With simple words like "Your writing is neat"
Or saying he thinks your sweet.
there isnt anything wrong with being anonymous,
As long as you don't look too far into it.
Jun 2013 · 611
Jay Jun 2013
I used to think people did the things they loved
Like writing
And Drawing
And Painting
And building
And making
And Discovering
And creating
But I soon learned, that people forget about the things they love
Because they're worried about losing the people they love
And that doesnt seem quite fair
Jun 2013 · 598
Simon Says
Jay Jun 2013
Simon Says
Do not treat your yourself as an object
But do not object when others treat you as one

Simon Says
Do not hurt yourself
But do not react when someone else does

Simon Says
Do not listen to those who say you cannot
But do not show them you can

Simon Says
Be yourself
But only under the cover of being alone

Simon Says
Hold your ground
But bow down when those above you walk by

Simon Says
Your Morals are important
Unless they contradict mine

So remain original
But fit in with the crowd

Society Says
Jun 2013 · 421
Jay Jun 2013
We each take a hit
1, 2, 3,
How do you feel?
Yeah, better.
Another hit
3, 2, 1,
How do you feel?
Nothing to worry about.
At the smallest things
Life feels like a dream
Across my legs
Sweet tastes in my mouth
Heightened sense
One more hit
1, 2, 3
How do you feel?
How do I look?
Jun 2013 · 365
Money = Love
Jay Jun 2013
Let me buy you everything you need
Then let me buy you what you want
Then let me buy you what's left on the shelves
Because I love you
So I'm gonna buy you the world

I'm sorry I'm always gone
Let me buy you this camera
So we can talk while I'm at my job
I'm sorry I didn't answer
I'm working so hard so I can buy your love

I'm sorry I left you waiting
Let me buy you this car
You see then you dont have to wait
For me to drive where you are
Because I'm so busy working
So I can buy your love

Why would you think I don't care?
I'm working 3 jobs to give you everything
Here, take these precious pearls
And have this diamond ring
Please, stay with me
I can give you what you need

Let me buy your love
Jun 2013 · 983
Old Enough
Jay Jun 2013
At 18 he is an Adult
His eighteen years on earth have made him that
His eighteen years of growing, show offing, caring, becoming
Have made him become a man

At 15 she is still a child
Though enduring the same kind of struggle as him she is a child
Because he has endured it longer
Her fifteen years of being alive have taught her nothing compared to the three years left before adulthood

At 3 years apart they are friends
Maybe more, close enough
But darling, three years is a bit too much

Our society has an odd obsession with numbers
It also has an odd obssesion of deciding when one has been alive enough years to give consent
Shoving the idea of age down our throats as if it is the most important thing

She doesnt know what it means to love because she is far too young
I dont mean to be rude
But as a 32 year old single mother raising 3 children
do you?
Does your age define your maturity?
Because I'm not supposed to know how to say no to ***
But I do.

At 18 he is an adult
At 15 she is a child
But at what age are we allowed to fall in love?
Inspired by Rose
Jun 2013 · 615
These Nights
Jay Jun 2013
These are the nights
These are the nights that I try to avoid
By entertaining guests that are far from appealing
By watching television as to fill my mind with nonense
By consuming large amounts of food so that I can think about how bad my stomach hurts rather than my thoughts
These are the nights that force me to keep the lights on
Because my demons come out in the dark
The lights still seem 20 times dimmer and yet 80 times lighter
These are the nights that I write
Because I must display my thoughts
Anywhere but inside my head
Because in my head it's all real,
But on paper, or a screen
It's more serene
Like morphine it numbs me
We say we would rather feel pain than numbness
But numbness is what we crave when we have stomach pains or headaches
I despise these nights
Jun 2013 · 702
Lips Are Made For Kissing
Jay Jun 2013
Lips are made for kissing, she said.
But these lips have never been kissed with the love of a savior on these dark nights
Hands are made for holding, she said.
But these hands have never been held aside from the afraid little girl sitting next to her
Hearts are made for missing, she said.
But no heart has so much as missed a beat looking for her love
Promises are made to be broken
And all of the unspoken promises hurt the most when they come shattering down like broken mirrors

So I asked her
If lips were made for kissing
And hands were made for holding
And hearts were made for missing
And promises were made to be broken

Then why do harsh words spill from my lips like scalding soup onto the feet of unexpecting victims
And why do my hands make these cuts on my very own skin as if im cutting a cake that bleeds blood as red as my sins
And why does my heart lock itself into a cage as if its a prisoner in its own mind, chain itself to my soul in an inexcapable cell
Please, tell me why the promise of pure anger, pain and suffering is left inside of me with no escape. can you tell me that.

She looked at the ground and smiled
Your lips, Your hands, Your heart and Your promises
Are those of a survivor
Cherish them, for they hold beauty unbeknownst to those who have not felt pain
But still, you were made for the purposes stated above and you must believe it.
Jun 2013 · 478
Jay Jun 2013
Following you up the stairs now
Yelling behind, in your ear
He's nobody, Nothing
You are never to see him again
But thats not fair
You don't see him like I do
You don't see his dreams
His ambition for doing things
He loves

Standing in your door now
I'll **** him
He only wants one thing and you won't be the one to let him have it
But have you seen his smile
The way he looks at me
I don't see Lust, which is all too familiar
But instead love

Fists raised now
Guess I'll have a chat with him then
Already gone
But he did nothing wrong
A simple date turned into much more
Where did we go wrong
What did we do wrong

I'm sorry for tearing everyone apart.
Jun 2013 · 340
Hate Being in Love
Jay Jun 2013
I hate being in love
Because it means constant fear
They can leave
They can lie
They can get hurt
They could die
They could hate you
They can break you
Love is cruel
Its a painful fall into something inevitably soul consuming
But love is incredible
Complete and utter trust that someone can hold
A knowing, that another person NEEDS and WANTS you
So love goes both ways
But still
I Hate being in Love
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