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Jun 2014 · 675
Jay Jun 2014
Is life too short to have regrets?
What if your life is a series of regrets?
Potential unfulfilled.
Dreams unrealized.
A meaningless existence.
Many a man has expressed his regret on his deathbed but
what if you realize long before you reach your final resting place
that your life has been full of regrets?
How stark the revelation that your life meant virtually nothing
in the grand scheme of our universe.
Jun 2014 · 281
Friend or Foe
Jay Jun 2014
Time is a cruel friend.  
Each moment, each second, each memory takes us closer to the end.
Time is a priceless gift.
Upon it no value can be placed.    
Time adds to our wisdom yet steals our youth.  
It is God’s greatest irony and a painful truth.
Time will not leave a soul behind.
Jun 2014 · 361
When I'm Gone
Jay Jun 2014
When I’m gone do not weep, it will not bring me home.
I am not asleep, I am not waiting, I have moved on.
Know my life was full of laughs and tears,
know I loved through all the years.
Rest easy as I move on, as I am going to a better place.
Please smile and wipe the tears from your face.
The pain of your world I no longer suffer,
the heart aches I no longer endure.
I am at peace now, my soul has been made pure.
Jun 2014 · 296
Jay Jun 2014
What does it mean to be normal?
Is this a way we are born?
Do extraordinary men burst forth from the womb,
filled with the traits that will make them rise?
For oh so many years many have wondered aloud,
are great men born or do ordinary men learn to be great?
Are leaders taught or is it an inborn trait?
We are all unique in our own way,
we all surely desire to be better each day.
Some men rise to heights never seen,
some men go to places beyond their dreams.
For most though a life full of average is all they shall see,
a life filled with but day dreams of what they hoped they would be.
When you are done and your name is on the roll,
what will your life have been but a lackadaisical stroll?
Will time ever remember that you were even on this earth,
or will the memories of you fade as if into a dark, abysmal dearth?
So many questions and so few answers to each.
Ask yourself this, is there time left to grasp the goals you hope to reach?
You will never stop the sands of time as they flow,
But will your life ever be any more than a faint glow?
In the end maybe fate has already made the choice for you,
maybe average and ordinary is the most you will do.
What is normal, I must wonder once more,
what is extraordinary and who is it for?
Answers still left to each of us to find,
as we desperately fight back the sands of time.
Jun 2014 · 302
Jay Jun 2014
You can’t turn back the hands of time they say,
there is no going back to another day.
Yesterday is a memory that will fade in the past,
live life for today and make the memories last.
All such novel and quant sounding thoughts,
all so wonderful and full of hope.
But what if yesterday is filled with regret,
what if days gone been by have not fulfilled you yet?
How should one cope when they have not reached their dreams,
how do you continue on when you haven’t the means?
What is a life with potential unfulfilled?
There is no way to go back and do it over again,
To do what you’ve not you must go where you’ve never been.
Dec 2012 · 586
Full Circle
Jay Dec 2012
As a child we move through each day in bright and blissful haze,
until we move on to our formative years in a whirlwind of a daze.
The world is ours to have and hold,
time is something to be bought and sold.
Many years go by before we realize the truth,
and see what we wasted in our youth.
What a sad revelation when you see what you have become.
Surely, this is not what you dreamed of when you were young.
Oh you had such visions of grandeur, how you would light the world on fire,
but how agonizing to realize it shall just end in a faint funeral pyre.  
You will have left not even a fingerprint on the annals of time,
not even a mark that can be remotely defined.
It will be as if you never existed in this cruel place,
as if your life was spent just taking up space.  
You will come full circle from whence you were born,
and a heart full of hope will end in a life forlorn.  
Wide eyed and innocent we came forth from the womb,
Dim eyed and worn we will go to our tomb.
Dec 2012 · 401
Jay Dec 2012
Where were you when you realized you were but an ordinary soul?
Where will you be when you finally know?
How long will it take for you to see the light?
Oh, trust me when I say, it is not worth putting up a fight.
For some they go to their grave,
believing they were more than just a slave.
Reality is painful when it is not as thought,
truth is torturous when harmony is all that is sought.
It is said that ignorance is bliss and I see this to be true.  
Enlightenment will only reveal the ordinary, real you.
Dec 2012 · 493
Death Came Knocking
Jay Dec 2012
Death came knocking today, but I did not answer.
It will come again tomorrow, but I will not answer.
I am tired but not ready to sleep. My heart is in pain
my soul longing to weep.  
Day after day, death will come to my door.
She will try to take me forever more.
Night after night death will stand by my bedside.
I’m too tired to run and too tired to hide.
One day I will answer the call and go on my peaceful way,
but not today, not today.

— The End —