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Nov 2012 · 1.3k
Take My Hand
Jaspher Evans Nov 2012
And unconditional and
Uncontrollable desire for someone
To be happy
For the rest of the world to be happy
If only the world were happy
Our world is short of
Makes the world go round.
Love will set us free because
It see's not colour
It see's not gender
It see's not religion
It see's not sexuality.
Love see's see the heart
Who you really are.
Your soul.
Puts aside the bad qualities
And makes way for the good.

I planted a rose in my heart
And it bloomed from within.
I leave behind the seeds for others.

Why do you frown?
It makes me want to cry
Because your smile is so beautiful.

Here, take my hand and together we'll finish the race
Replace your heart with a rose
And your soul will become the sun
And the world will be your heaven.

— The End —