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Jason Trinh Jul 2024
We've known each other
For quite some time,
Have we now?

For what it was,--
For who we were,--
Entangled in strings of red
Forced by an image worth while...

Unbeknownst to the universe
We'd seek--
We'd love--
We'd rehearse,--

The very words,
Reflected by an inner child

We've known each other
For quite some time,
Have we now?
"I was right all along. Of course! Ah...of course."
Jason Trinh Mar 2024
Elysium as I'd see,
Mantle in the fictitious sanity,
Oh--the "could've been's",--
The "shouldn't we's"...

As if sake and cigarettes,
Were butterflies and flowerbeds,--
Consuming it not by what it was.
Lavishly lost before...because...
"I too can paint perfect pictures with poison..."
Jason Trinh Mar 2024
Rhapsodies written in hues--marmalade, violet, the blues,--
Everything everywhere...
No less of an impression that's
Adorned with the innocence you so choose.

Mimicked by your favorite wine, a deep red, magically,--
You masterfully rose from the canvases, beautifully composed...

Loose cotton like rules forgotten,--
Openly confessing as if conclusions were foregone, yet--
Vocalized through your turquoise, lies an
Eighth of life at large, unmistaken.
"Not a place but rather a feeling we've poeticized..."
Jason Trinh Feb 2024
I felt it in me to give her
the moon
and stars

Yet all she truly wanted
"Inadequate was the love I thought was more than enough."
Jason Trinh Feb 2024
Be it not,
What I thought it was,
For who I felt,
In that instance,--
Notional of a fantasy,
Musical with their alchemy,
Painted pictures turned fictive--
In a frame,
Not fitted for the frame of my insanity...

Be it not,
What I hoped it became,
For who I felt,
In that instance,--
Conditional against my reality,
Principle with the duality,
Asked me to look afar--
In a space,
Not shaped to the space of my serenity...
"'Now is not the time', she said. 'But when will I see you again?', he asked."
Jason Trinh Feb 2024
I'd like to think,
We'll choose to forget one another,
For reasons left unspoken,--
As if we were too afraid,
To make our souls familiar...

Equal is the distance,
Between perfection and flaw,
Between imagination and wherewithal,--
Yet we were too afraid,
To think at all...
"And so we chose to leave things as they were. Like catacombs, the bones we knew existed, discovered by a curious two, laid untouched...forgotten."
Jason Trinh Feb 2024
I had written what I felt,
Noticed to each end,--
There was no error...
No misinterpretation...
No ploy in intention...

Just a slant rhythm.

In which, words, spare,
Devoting to its extremest clause,--
Explored the abstract...
The metaphysical...
The classical...
"How do I feel? Who knows..."
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