To all those in which we place our trust Guide us along this emerald fuss tossing and turning an twirling an churning Drifting us to the further place Never mind your wasted grace ****** upon this time in now Toward the ones we would endow With All of our sorrow all of our lust we gather and form beneath the dust
Awaken us we beg of you we are a shaken race No malice or mercy saves us from our predestined fate Through tides of tears in this fateful hour Tune in to the vibration Do you perceive the method behind the mad owls power?
Rising from the silver lake i find Too many players are at stake Far too much noise an ground to cover Not enough time to heal eachother Find me where we were to avoid Hollow, devoid of energy crashing down Trodden on earth on sacred ground I found myself in a hallowed town
Suddenly and quietly i was wisked away Slowly but surely i will find a place to stay But Stay with me Within this life There is too much to bare without a wife
When you find yourselves among the few Celebrate and begin anew No nostalgia for moments passed But instinct and a memory to last Drawing not but need be When trapsing around his realm Look at them the little ones Falling asleep to the sound of guns Can not give them peace of mind but i will take what has been signed Taken by darkness the void you are mine
Born with a memory Do not forsake this fact Our ancestry is our power Mingling bloodlines attract destiny hopes to provide But without a self in sight Barely a lunatic no sense of right Madness is the lie
Sadness is an old friend systematically erasing the fires spark a particular chemistry coursing in the dark The peculiar feeling that you may bare the mark
Breaking forsaking, bridging the gap Intimidation lost in translation Springing his trap Salvation evasion, eroding my mind Enlightening sedation, a permanent grind Cleanse your spirit, all of my kind and let us clearly see, where once we were Blind.
A small sweet young stone Immovable for love has been shown Ecstatic grins above the rainbow
I knew just where to take her I knew where to go
I wish i dreamt i hoped an i focused The real reason unbeknownst to the locust Unannounced we prime the slow bit Slurring our words an choking on smoke hits We clip an tear but beware the air isnt safe at all in there
It was us it was me gliding across infinite uncertainties Hidden to me but you could see We were probably not meant to be
Blinding but beating my heart takes a shape Not normal nor usual but my body it will make My soul for eternity I envisioned a soul mate But gently an slowly love began to wither Over time i changed my tune and with loves harpoon I shrivelled into a slither