Out here it is organic
All natural, but fake
This is just a shell
5 parts this, one part you
precise, measured and able
yes that single part
potent and true
which can not be seen
but, only spoken
through honest lips
here is where you are
locked away
wrapped in chain
Behind the flesh and blood
You can feel it, can’t you?
yes this husk
is exquisite
its curves memorizing
it attracts
the buzzing flies
that fester lust
but, yet molded
by towering monopolies
injecting social narcotics
into the minds of society
No, this not...
peel away the physical
fraud that is your cloak
reveal thy self
to me, to the world
lets gaze upon them
from our inner eyes
let them see the glow
and the spectrum of desire
that you only speak of
let them feel
the truth of thorns
pricking the outer shell
mutter the wants, the needs
that have yet to be poisoned
by societies posted order
let them smell blood
of the free and tangible
yes, reveal thy self
let them gaze, smell, hear and feel