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Jason Chan Jul 2011
Show me - Rays of shining glimmering splendid
Make me feel
light, warm, beautiful
Godlike descent
You do the tango around me …
and with me.
Suicidal please go away
because right now,
Golden is what we are
and what you feel.
Jason Chan Jul 2011
Expect the unexpected
and the dusty faded book from 1983 said:
"not mine. his..."

revisit the past with
a newspaper cutting, black and white photographs
and a rusty paperclip connecting both stories
for one would not be complete without the either

and of what that has been
bliss, excitement , worry - happiness.
interlocked arms
their lives intertwined.

they took to their promises on paper
all in a day on September 1936
no cakes nor fireworks
did the picture held secrets?
Jason Chan Jul 2011
walking down the aisle of the night
where moonbeam shines and the bird takes flight
with your hand in mine
are things alright?

a dare i made to question the fate
of my actions they gladly face
am i here or far away
my heart just takes two steps back.

your smile that i would like to know
that i am the one who made it glow

playground affairs for tiny men
brings us back to simpler days
where love was bright and we steered our ship
against the pirates and wind of seas

this love we both know i would always keep
in the pocket
in the heart
would you do the same if i hadn't told you so?

— The End —