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Jasmyn Michelle Aug 2013
If I opened my mouth
in a moment of daring honesty
butterflies would dive
into stuttering, stumbling poetry
I'd tell you that often i'm indecisive
but loving you is the best decision
I've made, that I can be sure of
I want you to know everything
I have locked away
every secret in my marked up mind
written on every brick wall I've built
you're home to me, when I need peace
you're a safe shelter, in an unnerving world
i'm building cement bridges to you
we're a novel waiting for pages
and I don't want to delay another second
putting pen to paper
to write down you and me
Jasmyn Michelle Jul 2013
I want to reach into your veins
And crawl beneath your skin
I want to flow through your bloodstream
And pick apart your brain
Let me see through your eyes
And read the words stuck on your tongue
Find my way into your lungs
So I can help you breathe easier
But if you're smart
You'll keep your heart away
Because I'm unsure even
When it comes to my own
Jasmyn Michelle Jul 2013
I am not in perfect condition
There are scratches on my insides
That leak doubt and worry.
I've gone wandering through dark forests
Made friends with the shadows
And lost sight of the sun I held dear.
The dark was cold and lonely
But I never lost sight of the moon.
When I thought I'd never feel the warmth
I crawled through thorn bushes
And with blood on my hands
I  showed my face to the blue sky
And everything seems different now.
I feel clean and warm
A lot like I was before

— The End —